Chapter 336 Slap in the face!
Hua Jiujiu and Jin Yue quickly evacuated, just when they thought they were about to evacuate, a strong smell of blood came over them.

Damn it, the hunted person actually came towards them!

Originally, if Hua Jiujiu and the others evacuated in time, there would be no problem. However, if the hunted person came towards them, that would not be necessarily the case.

A visible figure galloped towards them, as if they had found their own.

Hua Jiujiu's face immediately darkened.

It's not such a scam!
Didn't see they were just women?
What was this hunted person thinking, that he wanted to drag them into the water, but didn't he think that they might really be unarmed women who would be dragged down to death by him?
It can only be said that this person is definitely not a good person!

The hunted man had already landed not far from them, and Hua Jiujiu had no time to look at him, because those killers' cold long swords had already stabbed towards him.

Half of them went towards that person, and the other half towards her and Jin Yue.

Hua Jiujiu and the others were forced to fight.

These killers are obviously not ordinary killers, and the two of them are still struggling to deal with them.

It is conceivable how unusual the identity of this hunted person is.

Huajiujiu just felt heartbroken, as expected, a true portrayal of people sitting at home, disasters coming from heaven.

Jinyue protected Huajiujiu behind her with a serious face.

The moment she met these people, Jin Yue knew that these people were not killers, but dead soldiers, so when they were involved, they had to be killed.

As for the man who was hunted down
Jin Yue's eyes clearly recognized her.

"Miss, please don't leave my side." Only in this way can Jin Yue protect Hua Jiujiu.

Hua Jiujiu nodded.

In fact, she can also help, although her martial arts are not very good.

Hua Jiujiu touched the hidden weapon on his body, and fired at the dead soldiers from behind Jinyue.

Maybe it was unexpected that there would be such a powerful hidden weapon, and there was still time to launch it, so the shot soldier was caught off guard and shot to death.

Huajiujiu was overjoyed, the hidden weapon was indeed very lethal, and she immediately shot at the others.

However, no one was shot again, at most they were stabbed by Jinyue while dodging.

This is not surprising, after all, they are well-trained soldiers, so they can't upload one thing twice.

Those dead soldiers also knew that allowing this person to shoot hidden weapons would greatly affect their actions.

So, three or four people rushed towards Hua Jiujiu, intending to kill her directly.

From the way she was being protected, it was clear that this person had no other skills other than being able to shoot hidden weapons, so they naturally had to solve this problem first.

Hua Jiujiu felt his scalp go numb when he saw the dead soldiers who were about to strike at him with their swords. Sure enough, he was still not able to deal with this kind of situation.

"Jinyue!" Hua Jiujiu yelled at Jinyue, leaped up, trying to grab Jinyue's hand, and use her to perform an extremely fast spin.

However, when Jinyue was about to grab Huajiu, she was stopped by other dead soldiers.

Hua Jiujiu flew into the air and was almost struck by the dead soldiers. Fortunately, she rolled on the spot and managed to avoid those people.

After rolling, he rolled to the person who was being hunted down. He stretched out his big hand, picked up the flower wine, and brought it into his arms, as if to protect her.

Such a catch allowed Hua Jiujiu to face the killer head-on, and the speed of the rotation was fast enough.

She immediately raised her hand and pressed the mechanism on the bracelet.

Countless tiny needles shot towards the group of rushing killers, like a goddess scattering flowers, no one in one direction could avoid it.

That person only thought of what she was going to do when Hua Jiujiu shot the hidden weapon.

The hand that was supposed to be in his arms turned around a bit and took Huajiu around in a circle.

The Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle was shot out in all directions.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Countless figures fell from midair.

Their eyes were full of disbelief.

It turned out to be the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle on the list of hidden weapons!
Why didn't they know that that person had made a new Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle hidden weapon!
These people are dead men after all, so when the rainstorm pear blossom needle was shot out, most of them reacted and did not let the needle hit their vitals, but it was of no use.

Because, the silver needle is poisonous!

Just shoot one or two, and they will die!

Originally, as dead soldiers, they were not afraid of poison, but who knew that the poison was so powerful that even their invulnerable bodies could not be carried, so they fell down one by one.

The person holding the flowers and wine was overjoyed.

Even if five or six people were dealt with at once, then the remaining four or five people would not be afraid.

Of course, he didn't dare to expect the hidden weapon to hurt the rest of the people, after all, they were already prepared.

Therefore, he raised his sword and killed the remaining dead soldiers.

Hua Jiujiu looked disheveled, "Put me down!"

Something is wrong, what are you doing with her, do you think she can kill a few people for him?
"Dangerous." The man replied in a low voice, but did not put down the wine.

The smell of flower and wine is not good.

There must be something wrong with this man!

I don't know him at all, I don't need his protection at all, and I don't want to help him!
Just now, Hua Jiujiu had seen the appearance of this man clearly.

I don't know myself at all.

He looks good, but his brain is not working well.

"Why is there no danger staying by your side?" Hua Jiujiu rolled his eyes.

But don't forget, her danger today was brought by this man.

Moreover, even if she couldn't protect herself well, how could she be able to protect her when she was hunted down and seriously injured?
The man looked down at Hua Jiujiu, taking in all the disdain on her face.

It is as unique as ever!

Is it dangerous to be around him?

He can't protect her well?


A bloodthirsty murderous aura flashed across the man's coquettish eyes, and his aura suddenly changed, like the evil spirit of hell, capable of dragging everyone into hell.

This made Huajiujiu, who was staying in the man's arms, tremble uncontrollably.

Moreover, she looked at the man with some surprise.

I always feel that this man is somewhat familiar.

Obviously, I have never seen this man.

Hua Jiujiu didn't have time to think about it, but was quickly dodged by the man, making her a little dizzy.

too fast!

It was the sound of the long sword cutting through the throat and blood spurting out.

Blood splashed out, but the man didn't avoid it, but enjoyed the blood very much.

This is bitter Huajiujiu.

A few drops of that blood sprayed onto her face, and coquettish flowers bloomed on that white face.

(End of this chapter)

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