Chapter 359 The Thief
Hua Jiujiu's face was full of contempt, he thought it was a guy with such a strong bone, but he didn't expect to be a coward.

However, the age of this voice is still somewhat unexpected, because it is too young, and it is estimated that it is a girl who has just reached the age of Ji.

Huajiujiu signaled Jinyue to go up and tear off Taozi's human skin mask, but Taozi yelled, "It hurts!"

Jin Yue was a little puzzled, how could it be real skin?

Hua Jiujiu approached the teary-eyed Taozi, and finally came to a conclusion, "You are good at makeup." It turned out to be more vivid than her original transformation.

Tao Zi proudly said: "I'm just kidding, there is absolutely no one in this world who can do makeup better than me." My own makeup skills can be compared with Mr. Miao Lu's human skin mask.

She is confident enough, but she is quite suitable to help her. Doesn't she just lack a makeup blogger?

It looks very suitable for people.

"Have you figured out what price to pay?" Hua Jiujiu directly poured cold water on Tao Zi.

Taozi let out an "ah", obviously not reacting.

Why do you suddenly have to pay the price?Didn't you mention this before?

"Beauty, I was really wrong, please let me go, there is an eighty-year-old mother" before Taozi could finish her sentence, she was interrupted coldly by Hua Jiujiu, "Is there a three-year-old child waiting to be fed? "

"Hey, how do you know?" Tao Zi was speechless.

Is it possible that they are fellows?

Hua Jiujiu just wants to roll her eyes, so can you make another excuse?

Taozi looked at Huajiu with teary eyes.

"Either work for me for three years." Before finishing speaking, Tao Zi interrupted excitedly, "Three years?! You are dreaming!"

Hua Jiujiu gave her a cool look, "Or die now." How dare he interrupt her!

"." Tao Zi immediately shut up.

With her many years of experience, the woman in front of her will never really kill her, but the people behind this woman may not be sure!
They can definitely attack this woman secretly behind her back.

Take your own life to gamble?

That's no good, she can't afford to bet, she still has some unfinished business
After a while, he asked timidly, "Is it really only three years?"

"Why, do you still want it longer?" Hua Jiujiu raised his eyebrows, his face full of expressions that I don't mind.

"No." Taozi shook her head again and again.

Fortunately, it's only been three years, so it shouldn't have much impact.

Melancholy flashed across Taozi's eyes.

Hua Jiujiu handed Jinyue another pill, and Jinyue stuffed it directly into Taozi's mouth, making it too late for Taozi to react.

"This is poison, and you need an antidote every month, otherwise you will die with a broken liver and intestines."

Taozi's face was ugly.

She originally wanted to find a chance to escape after she was free, but she was found out by this woman, so she would never be able to escape!

Tao Zi slandered countless times in her heart, but soon because of Lou Sijin's eyes, she was so frightened that she immediately put away all her thoughts.

"You can tell me your name now." Hua Jiujiu asked Jinyue to unlock Taozi's acupuncture points.

Taozi finally regained her freedom, taking a big breath of fresh air.

I was really nervous just now.

Not only the body is suffocated, but the heart is also suffocated.

Tao Zi glanced resentfully at the people in the room, hum, they are all bad guys.

After a while, Taozi opened her mouth and said, "My name is Taozi, and I'm a thief." After speaking, she raised her chin proudly.

"God, what a thief, isn't he a thief." Hua Jiujiu attacked mercilessly.

Taozi felt [-] points of damage.

"Who gave you your name?" Hua Jiujiu looked disgusted.

"I made it up myself, how about it? It sounds good." Tao Zi looked smug again.

"It's quite appropriate, isn't the monkey stealing the peach?" Hua Jiujiu nodded in approval.


Tao Zi felt that she was about to explode, this woman must have come to beat her!

Hua Jiujiu looked at Tao Zi who seemed to be smoldering with anger, and was in an extremely happy mood.

It seems that her future life will be very interesting.

Taozi jumped angrily, Hua Jiujiu's attention was already on the dishes served by Xiao Er.

"The color and smell are good."

"How good have you seen it? This dish has only received a good evaluation from you. I heard that the emperors of all generations have praised Wanjialou's dishes endlessly. The imperial chefs in the palace are all selected from here. He even gave a plaque with a delicacy in the world, which is hung in the Wanjia Building in the capital." Tao Zi sarcastically said.

Hua Jiujiu didn't even look at Tao Zi, she had heard of this before.

It's so famous that it's hard not to hear about it.

But so what?
As long as it doesn't suit her taste, she has a reason to say it.

Hua Jiujiu picked up the chopsticks, picked up a dish, and slowly tasted it.

The taste is actually good, even if there is not much seasoning added, but the original taste of the food is preserved, allowing people to truly feel the charm of the food itself.

It is extremely difficult to achieve this point, and there is a reason why Wanjia Building can stand upright.

Huajiujiu tried the food with a strong taste.

It even surprised her.

The peach on the side, seeing how delicious Huajiu is, I'm hungry.

"That...can you give me some too?" Taozi rubbed her stomach, indicating that she was also hungry.

Hua Jiujiu ignored her.

Think you can be okay like this?

The punishment hasn't even started yet.

The more Taozi smelled it, the hungrier she became, and her eyes kept glancing at the table full of dishes.

Finally, she couldn't take it anymore and turned around to leave.

Can't eat her, why can't I order a table by myself?

Why suffer this wronged?
As a result, as soon as he turned around, Jinyue pressed his acupuncture points, and he couldn't move or say a word.

Jin Yue adjusted her direction so that she could watch them eat better.


A soldier can be killed, but not humiliated!

Huajiujiu continued to eat with relish.

By the end of the meal, the peaches were numb.

Hua Jiujiu put down his chopsticks and enjoyed Lou Sijin's hand-wiping service.

After he was done, his eyes slowly moved to Tao Zi, and he said with a surprised face: "Oh, why are you still standing here and not sitting down to eat together? I am a person who is very tolerant to my own people. What is the rule that masters and servants cannot eat at the same table?"


You are so fake!
Taozi really wanted to roll her eyes, but unfortunately she couldn't.

This is definitely for the hungry.

How could Huajiujiu fail to notice Taozi's desire to scold her mother, but she still had a smile on her face, and the kind one couldn't be more kind.

(End of this chapter)

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