Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 360 The Situation in Wanju County

Chapter 360 The Situation in Wanju County

Looking at Tao Zi, who was obviously unable to complain, Hua Jiujiu said: "I forgot to introduce, my name is Hua Jiujiu, and I am a doctor."

Taozi felt that the name was a little familiar, and finally remembered it after a while.

Isn't it the woman who has a relationship with the all-fashioned Young Master Thousand Drunk?

It seems to be the junior sister of Young Master Qianzui!
I didn't expect such an elegant son to have such a sinister and cunning junior sister.

It really is unfair!

Tao Zi's facial expressions changed a lot, and Hua Jiu Jiu miraculously understood.

Are you disgusted by yourself?

So what if you dislike him, you still have to work for her for three years.

Hua Jiujiu snorted coldly.

"I'll give you three days to arrange your own affairs properly, and then come here to find me. I don't want someone who is constantly in trouble." Hua Jiujiu then reported a place name.

Tao Zi glanced at Hua Jiu Jiu, and even gave her three days, isn't she afraid of her running away?
Well, she still has poison on her!

How come I almost forgot?

Hua Jiujiu asked Jinyue to unlock the acupuncture points for her, and Taozi left without looking back.

She really is a little girl who lacks training.

But fortunately, she has some skills and reasons for being willful, but this does not mean that she needs to be tolerant.

Hua Jiujiu leaned lazily on the chair, said while eating the fruit after dinner, "I don't know if the opening of Nangong Yu Restaurant will go well." With Wanjialou here, I'm afraid it won't be that easy.

"His ability is not bad." Lou Sijin affirmed.

Hua Jiujiu raised her eyebrows, if Lou Sijin affirmed it, it must be good.

"Then I'll just wait to collect the money." Thinking about how my wealth is getting thicker and thicker, Huajiujiu is a joy.

Only when you are strong can you be fearless.

"Let's go, we should go back too." She still wanted to ask Su Mo to find out what happened during this time.

Everyone is working so hard, I can't help but work hard.

After Hua Jiujiu returned, he and Su Mo talked about things in the study.

Lou Sijin asked Jinyue to find out the identity of that Taozi, always feeling that this person should not be that simple.

That way of stealing not common.

Hua Jiujiu doesn't care, but I can't help but care, after all, it's about her safety.

Lou Sijin checked the safety factor of the yard, and after confirming that it was correct, she left here and went to work on her own affairs.

Although he has changed places, it doesn't mean that there is no problem with his whereabouts.

In order to prevent those people from finding any clues, he had to do more things to confuse the public.

Of course, he doesn't just do this. The court has been too turbulent recently.

He was thinking, should he increase the fire?
Lou Sijin's eyes are full of strange light, it seems that everything in the world is just a plaything to him and can be easily controlled by him!


Hua Jiujiu and Su Mo discussed in the study for a long time, and finally got to know the situation of Wanju County clearly.

Unexpectedly, someone in Wanju County has already opened a store like Yuyantang, and there are more rouge and gouache stores than can be counted on one finger.

It seems that the competitiveness is still quite large, and it will only take more energy to spend.

"What's the specific situation in that house?" Hua Jiujiu asked casually.

She is not afraid that someone will surpass her.

"Meiyantang intends to confuse everyone's attention. For the rumors that everyone speculates that they have a relationship with Mr. Qianzui, they will not admit or deny the principle." Su Mo's face was extremely cold.

This man is downright brazen.

If something happens after this, I'm afraid Yuyantang will be affected.

"How is the rumor clarified?"

"Very little."

Hua Jiujiu pursed her lips, lowered her eyes slightly, and didn't know what she was thinking.

However, it was obviously kept in mind.

After a while, I asked again: "How is the decoration of Yuyan Hall?"

"It's not going very well, someone has been obstructing it." Su Mo's face was solemn.


It's too much to obstruct it just after the renovation.

"It's my lack of consideration. I should ask you to bring more people." When Su Mo left, not many people were taken away, so it was so difficult.

"It has nothing to do with Miss, it's my incompetence." Su Mo's face was full of guilt.

"Su Mo, you've done a good job." It's really amazing for a fifteen or sixteen-year-old kid to be able to do this.

Hua Jiujiu even felt a little unbearable, his immature shoulders shouldn't be carrying so many things.

However, she was helpless, whether she wanted to become stronger or he himself wanted to become stronger, it was up to them whether they wanted to or not.

"Calculating the time, Leng Chi and the others should be back." Hua Jiujiu touched his chin, with a cold breath bursting out of his eyes.

At that time, she will be like a tiger with wings added, a small Wanju County will be nothing to worry about.

The reason why he is so confident is because Hua Jiujiu believes in his own vision, and of course, he believes in Lou Sijin's vision even more.

Lou Sijin said that this group of people is even better than the group he raised.

Then what reason do you have to be afraid?

Thinking of those people, Su Mo's face became a little dignified. He was afraid that he would be left behind for several blocks.

It seems that I should work harder.

Hua Jiujiu looked at Su Mo with a tense expression, and frowned slightly, "Su Mo, haste makes waste. Everyone has their own areas of expertise. After all, a person's energy is limited."

It feels like Su Mo has lost a lot of weight during this time, it must be due to overwork.

This period of time is an important time for growing your body, how can you abuse yourself like this?
Thinking of this, Hua Jiujiu took out a bottle of medicine from the space and handed it to Su Mo, "One a day."

If Su Mo continued to toss like this, his body would definitely be useless.

Originally, he could live to his seventies and eighties, but don't live to his thirty or forties because of this, thanks ah.

Su Mo looked at Huajiu gratefully, "Miss Xie."

"Su Mo, I need you now, so you can't get sick and tired." Don't think that the medicine she gave is a magic elixir. If you don't pay attention, you will still fall down, so what should be reminded is still to be reminded.

"I see, Miss." Su Mo smiled.

This is the time when I get a little release from my tense nerves during this period.

Hua Jiujiu discussed with Su Mo for a while, and then ended the conversation.

She is really hungry too.

To celebrate their coming to a new place, hot pot is arranged tonight.

What a group of people eat is full of greasy food, especially An Qingyan, that's an exaggeration.

People say that the next thing is to work hard, and there is no time to enjoy delicious food, so this meeting should not be enjoyed.

Looking at it like this, An Qingyan also knew that the development here was not so good.

(End of this chapter)

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