Chapter 362
Is such a thin person really one of the top four?

Soon, Hua Jiujiu no longer had any suspicions.

Because since he stood up, no one around has objected.

It shows that he is standing here by strength.

"How old are you this year?" Hua Jiujiu was a little curious.

"Eighteen." Leng Yao's voice was slightly milky, and the voice was too pleasant to be heard.

Of course, it wasn't Lou Sijin's magnetic voice.

If you want to call me sister, it will be very nice.

This is a little milk dog!

However, he was eighteen, and he looked like he was fifteen or sixteen years old.

Lou Sijin saw Huajiujiu's slight agitation, and looked at Leng Yao so coldly that it could freeze to death.

Leng Yao is just lying innocently like this.

"Not bad." Hua Jiujiu praised.

To be able to stand out from so many people and convince so many people, the strength must be very strong.

"Miss Xie praised." Leng Yao's eyes flashed with joy.

Who would have imagined that he was such an inconspicuous existence, the bottom of that group of people.

However, he wanted to be the one that the lady paid attention to, so why was he willing to be at the bottom like this.

Therefore, he worked very hard to become stronger, advancing step by step.

Later, knowing that I might die if I went to the training, I still went without hesitation.

Because only in this way can he become stronger and get Miss's attention.

Finally, he did it.

No matter how hard and cruel the process is, everything is worth it for this moment.

Hua Jiujiu didn't know this, she gave Leng Xu a reward as usual, and asked him to keep it.

Leng Yao took it excitedly, and firmly stated that he would always work hard.

Hua Jiujiu patted him on the shoulder and told him to go back to the team. Then, looking at the neat rows of people, he asked Jinyue to hand out their rewards.

After finishing these things, Hua Jiujiu said some inspiring words, in order to better win people's hearts.

Lou Sijin agreed with this, her little girl is getting better and better.

After they were almost gathered, Hua Jiujiu asked them to go back and wait for orders, and then they would arrange tasks for them.

After these people left, Hua Jiujiu couldn't wait to hug Lou Sijin, "Ajin, you are so kind to me."

But when she was in his arms, Lou Sijin only felt blissful. When he was about to hold Huajiujiu tightly, she jumped out of his embrace and ran back to the room excitedly.

While running, he said: "The progress of this meeting can be accelerated, I have to arrange it quickly.


So the reward is only a hug, not even a kiss?

Lou Sijin was extremely dissatisfied, followed Hua Jiujiu into the room, and was about to ask for a kiss, but was interrupted by Hua Jiujiu, "Hey, don't make trouble, I'm busy with business."

This is very frustrating.

Then, Lou Sijin sat silently and waited for Hua Jiujiu to finish her work.

Hua Jiujiu originally wanted to work in the space. If she was busy here, she would have to stay up all night. With such a cheating artifact, she didn't want to abuse her body like this again. However, with Lou Sijin here, she didn't There is a way to get in.

Helpless, I had no choice but to coax my man first.

In the end, he coaxed his man to take a cold shower, and finally he was coaxed. Hua Jiujiu went into the space with a blushing face and continued to work. This time was very reasonable.

The next day, Hua Jiujiu summoned Su Mo with great energy and gave him the plan he wrote last night.

Knowing that those people had returned from training, Su Mo looked a little dignified.

Because he remembered that Hua Jiujiu said that ghosts and ghosts are ranked according to their rankings, and he might not be able to beat them.

It's not that he is not confident, but that he has no special training after all, and he has other things to be busy every day.

Hua Jiujiu noticed his strangeness and asked a question. After hearing his thoughts, she pondered for a moment and said: "The position of the monster will not change."

Su Mo looked at her in surprise.

"I don't just want people with strong martial arts. Their martial arts may be better than you, but their business skills are not better than yours." Hua Jiujiu explained.

She will not be eccentric, she should be what she should be.

Su Mo knew that this was Hua Jiujiu's affirmation to him, so he immediately said firmly, "I will not let you down."

Hua Jiujiu nodded, "I believe in you." Regardless of his young age, he handles many things better than her.

From the opening of Yuyantang in Fangyuan Town until now, no major incidents have happened.

With the addition of these people, Hua Jiujiu's progress was much faster, at least no one dared to obstruct their progress.

Want to obstruct?I don't even look at their fists to answer or not. It's not bad that I can't take care of myself if I don't beat someone up.

So, everyone is working in an orderly manner.

On this day, Hua Jiujiu was going to see the renovated Yuyan Hall to confirm when it would open, and Jinyue came over in a hurry, "Miss, County Magistrate Zhang sent someone to bring Ningshencao to the capital."

Hua Jiujiu's face immediately sank, "Didn't you stop it?" This is one of the antidote for the Gu worm on Lou Sijin's body, and he must not just let it go.

Hua Jiujiu knew how important this thing was to Lou Sijin, so people kept staring at it, even Lou Sijin's people watched it, but unexpectedly he sent it out.

This county magistrate is indeed a wily fellow.

"Magistrate Zhang knew that this item was very precious, and the people above wanted it, so he was very cautious. The troops were divided into several groups, and our people were all lost." Jinyue's face was heavy.

Huajiujiu didn't expect it to be empty.

How heavy the county magistrate's mind must be.

They didn't know where he was hiding before, but now they sent it out and they didn't catch him.

Hua Jiujiu said that she was in a bad mood.

"However, the lord still has another guess. Those before were just a cover." Jinyue said again.

Otherwise, it's impossible to lose all of them.

Huajiujiu immediately understood.

This is indeed very possible, otherwise their people can't all be wiped out.

Moreover, since it is so important, it cannot be sent out so hastily.

It seems that she needs to meet magistrate Zhang for a while. As for how, she already has an idea.

"Keep an eye on everyone in the county magistrate's mansion at all times." If the item was really not sent out, then with his vigilance, he would definitely not take it out himself, but might let others take it out.

Jin Yue nodded solemnly.

After Huajiujiu explained, he went to Yuyantang.

Regardless of whether the decoration of Yuyantang is good or not, she will definitely open in the next two days.

A faint light flickered in Huajiujiu's eyes.

Because the publicity was done from the beginning, after Huajiujiu went to Yuyantang, it decided to open the day after tomorrow, and spread the invitations that had been prepared a long time ago, so the county magistrate's office was naturally not left behind.

(End of this chapter)

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