Chapter 363

On the day of opening, Yuyan Hall was very lively, much more exaggerated than in Fangyuan Town, but Hua Jiujiu had expected this long ago.

After all, many people from Wanju County came to Fangyuan Town before, and now it finally opened here in Wanju County, naturally more people will come, after all, there are more rich people in Wanju County than Fangyuan Town, and the nearby counties There are more, and the traffic is more convenient.

Looking at the number now, it is estimated that there are some women with small money nearby, all of whom have come.

Of course, this situation is also because she launched the scar removal cream this time, no matter whether there is a scar on her face or not, she will rush to buy a bottle.

After all, this kind of thing is too precious, maybe only Mr. Miao Ai can get it out.

However, this man may not necessarily sell ten bottles in a year, how could so many of them share it.

Fortunately, the store bought in Wanju County is bigger than Fangyuan Town, otherwise it might attract complaints from these women.

Huajiujiu's attire at the moment is that of Mr. Qianzui, and the stop at the door has attracted many women's consumption psychology.

She said that she really didn't do it on purpose, she was standing here just to support the facade, of course, also to deal with the future.

If there is no mistake in her prediction, someone will come to make trouble today, and she is not sure how many people from different forces there will be.

However, no matter how many people came, she didn't panic. She believed in herself and the people she trained.

After staying at the door for a while, Hua Jiujiu was called to treat someone. Thinking that Su Mo could handle all kinds of accidents by himself, he went upstairs to the box to see a doctor.

The person who came to see her was the magistrate's wife. As the county magistrate's wife, she had heard of Mr. Qianzui.

However, because of his special status, he never went to Fang Yuan Town alone to find him, probably because he felt that he was out of class.

This society finally opened a store in Wanju County, and Mr. Qianzui sent her an invitation so sensible.

Of course she wanted to come, after all, she really needed it.

not to mention……

The county magistrate's wife touched her face which was getting older and older, her eyes were full of gloom.

More and more newcomers are coming to the master's backyard. If she doesn't pay attention, she may fall from this position one day. She will never let such a thing happen!

As soon as she thought of this, she thought of the woman who was loved by the master recently.

She is so spoiled that he doesn't even pay attention to her!

Heh, she's just a country woman, why would she dare to be so arrogant.

Just wait and see if she doesn't kill this vile woman by then!
When Hua Jiujiu came in, the county magistrate's wife was thinking about how to kill that woman, so that her face was so hideous and distorted that anyone watching felt like she was going to have a nightmare at night.


This is not a good stubble!

"Hi Ma'am." Hua Jiujiu said hello lightly.

When the county magistrate's wife heard the voice, she immediately suppressed the disgusted expression on her face, and changed into an arrogant and sarcastic expression.


This face-changing speed is really fast.

Moreover, it has become like this, no wonder he is not favored by the county magistrate.

However, not pampering her would not affect her status. After all, the reason why Magistrate Zhang was able to climb the line of the Third Prince was because of this woman, and Magistrate Zhang did not dare to offend her easily.

"You are Mr. Qianzui?" The county magistrate's wife looked up and down Huajiujiu.

Hua Jiujiu didn't like being scrutinized like this, but she still didn't make a fuss.

"What disease does Madam want to see?"

Hua Jiujiu intends to make a quick decision, and then serve whoever he loves.

The county magistrate's wife was very dissatisfied with Hua Jiujiu's indifferent attitude, but she couldn't find any fault, so she had to shift to what she originally wanted to ask.

"Mrs. Ben wants to have another child."

Very nice and direct!

But, isn't this person a little unclear?
To have a baby is to find her own man to have a baby!
Oh, well, looking at her angry look, you can tell how long it has been since her man touched her, no wonder she can't have children.

But, with her virtue, who would want to touch it?
"Ma'am, if you want to have a baby, you shouldn't come to me, but your man." Hua Jiujiu said lightly.

The county magistrate's wife was a little annoyed, "Why doesn't this lady know!"

Hua Jiujiu didn't reply.

"My lady came to you for some medicine." The county magistrate's wife continued.

"What medicine?" Hua Jiujiu continued to ask expressionlessly.

The county magistrate's wife became even more annoyed. This person is too unintelligent. Shouldn't she figure it out by herself? Does she have to make it so clear?

But looking at Huajiujiu still acting like he doesn't know anything, he just feels angry.

After a while, he lowered his voice and said, "Naturally, it's a medicine that makes men interested."

"Ma'am, I don't have this kind of medicine here." Of course, it is impossible for Hua Jiujiu to be without it.

"How could it not be?" How did those women who were not favored before all become pregnant?

Didn't she give some medicine for tigers and wolves?

Otherwise, how could a man who has not touched those women for a long time suddenly touch them again?
This lady didn't find any reason from herself at all, she was obviously a conceited woman.

Hua Jiujiu, who originally wanted to get news from her, suddenly lost his mind.

It is absolutely impossible for a person as smart as magistrate Zhang to give such an important matter to this woman.

Therefore, Hua Jiujiu didn't even bother to greet her, and when he was thinking about how to leave, someone suddenly reported, "My lord, the lady next door shows signs of miscarriage."

Hua Jiujiu was about to leave, but the county magistrate's wife had someone stop her, "You haven't solved my lady's problem yet."

"Sorry, I can't solve it, maybe it's more appropriate for you to go to the brothel to ask." Hua Jiujiu replied with a cold face.

Then, regardless of the county magistrate's wife's distorted face, he passed her and left the room.

Human life is at stake, how could she allow this person to mess around here, it's enough to save face by not forking him out directly.

"Presumptuous, do you know who this lady is? Ah! This lady will not let you go!" The magistrate's wife's hysterical voice sounded from behind.

Hua Jiujiu didn't even give her a look, and went straight to that room.

He also asked as he walked, "What happened?"

"My lord, it was they themselves who had a dispute, and the woman didn't stand firm, that's why this happened."

Hua Jiujiu nodded.

Although it has nothing to do with them, if something happens on their territory, it won't really have nothing to do with it.

Therefore, it is better to be able to keep the child.

Of course, she didn't want a little life to die here just after her shop opened.


When he opened the private room and heard the voice coming from inside, the expressions of Hua Jiujiu and the county magistrate's wife changed slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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