Chapter 373
Hua Jiujiu came out shaking a fan.

That silver noble clothes, handsome face, the whole person is like the bright moon in the sky, making people feel noble and cold.

Everyone subconsciously shut up, and they even felt guilty, how could they swear such nasty words to such a son.

Then the next second, everyone shivered suddenly.

Because Hua Jiujiu showed a sinister smile, and his tone was full of disdain.

"My son is cruel and merciless?"

"My son is insidious and cunning?"

"Is this young master a playwright?"

Hua Jiujiu raised his chin slightly, and the smile on his face became a little more real.

Everyone took a step back subconsciously.

"You...what do you want?"

"We...we have so many people!"

"That's right, we're not afraid of you."

"This incident was originally your fault."

"Yes! We are not afraid!"


Hua Jiujiu showed a weird smile, and his unhurried voice rang out in everyone's ears, "How can I live up to your expectations, sir?"

In the next second, the scene was completely silent.

Everyone opened their mouths wide in horror, pointing at their own throats while looking at the people around them.

At the same time, the door of the shop was closed.

The people present panicked even more.

What is this man trying to do?
"Sure enough, it's much quieter." Hua Jiujiu's voice exploded in everyone's hearts like thunder.

Everyone looked at Huajiu in disbelief.

It turned out to be her fault!
How dare she!How can it be!

There are many noble people among them!

Therefore, Mr. Qianzui is really insidious, cunning, and cruel!

They were terrified and wanted to escape, but they couldn't escape at all.

In other words, it's okay to kill Mr. Qianzui, but suddenly there are many people with high martial arts skills around him.

They can't do anything at all, and they can't send any news.

What's more, Mr. Qianzui poisoned them invisibly, which shows how terrifying his skills are!

Hua Jiujiu ignored the expressions of the people present, and asked someone to move a chair, sit on a high place, and look down at the crowd.

The fan in her hand was closed, and she patted her palm repeatedly, "Now, I want to know what happened, who can explain to me?"

All shook their heads.

"If the answer is good, I will give her the antidote and let her go." Hua Jiujiu gave another tempting condition.

For a moment, everyone was scrambling to answer.

Hua Jiujiu scanned everyone, and then pointed at a random person with the fan.

The man opened his mouth excitedly, and a medicine was shot into her mouth.

"I... ah, I can talk, great, I can really talk."

People around looked envious.

"I don't listen to nonsense." Hua Jiujiu didn't give her too much time to get excited.

The man nodded immediately, "I... I don't really know what's going on, but I've heard a lot of people affirm that the Beauty Hall belongs to you, Mr. Qianzui, so I came here to take a look."

If he had known that he would not have come to join in the fun, he had actually seen such a cold and heartless scene of Young Master Qianzui.

Hua Jiujiu glanced at her, so she was just a fool.

She waved her hand, and the man was taken out.

Seeing that Mr. Qianzui really kept his word, the people around expressed their willingness to speak.

However, none of them could make a sound, so they could only worry there.

Huajiujiu ordered slowly one by one.

"I don't know exactly what happened, I just came with everyone."

"Me too, I just see everyone coming here, so I'll follow along to see what's going on."

"Ah, I know something. I heard that in order not to waste things, Mr. Qianzui sold failed products in the Beauty Hall, and said that as long as there is an effect, it will be fine if you don't die."

"I also know something. I heard that the reason why Mr. Qianzui did this is to increase his popularity and get more people to buy his products. After he succeeds, he will abandon the Beauty Hall. There will be no stains."

"Yes, yes, the reason why we are so sure that this is a scheme set up by Mr. Qianzui himself is because someone confirmed that the beauty shop is related to Mr. Qianzui."

"That's right, the person who confirmed it was the county magistrate's eighteenth concubine. She personally admitted that the real shopkeeper of the Beauty Hall is her, and the real boss behind it is Mr. Qianzui."

"I heard that Mr. Qianzui didn't agree to open another shop, but I can't bear the relationship that Mrs. Eighteenth has dragged on. It's the relationship with my own niece. Her niece is Mr. Qianzui's closest junior sister. , how could Young Master Qianzui disagree."

"That's right, how could the magistrate's aunt lie to us?"

One word for you, one word for me.

Clear and clear.

Let Huajiu grasp the key point at once.

She couldn't help raising the corners of her crimson lips.

This master, it is really a good idea.

However, he seems to have miscalculated a bit.

That is, she doesn't take Hua Meili seriously at all, even if she dies in front of her, she won't blink, so the master thinks that he may be embarrassed if he knows the truth, or he will pretend that it didn't happen. That's something that doesn't exist at all.

Of course, perhaps it was also because Hua Meili did not tell the truth to the master, so the master miscalculated this point.

After all, if Hua Meili wants to survive in that huge backyard, she must have some confidence.

Hua Jiujiu and Young Master Qianzui are her biggest "backstage".

After all, the blood relationship is there.

But no one cares about whether the relationship is broken or not, they only think that the broken bones are still connected.

Although Hua Meili was forced to stand up and say this.

However, if she hadn't used her as the background from the beginning, then this situation would not have happened.

Therefore, Hua Jiujiu did not intend to let her go easily.

When she got the Concentrating Grass, she was going to have a good time.

Hua Jiujiu looked down at the group of idiots below, took out two things, and threw them on the ground.

The crisp voice made the hearts of those present jump.

Almost thought that Mr. Qianzui was going to kill someone to silence him.

In the end, she said: "But for all my products, there will be my exclusive logo inside the bottle."

Sure enough, inside the bottle of Yuyantang, there was a delicate logo on the bottom, but inside the bottle of Meiyantang, there was nothing, not to mention that the packaging looked different.

"As for the fact that someone said that the Beauty Hall is my son's property..."

Hua Jiujiu glanced at everyone.

"I'm going to collect the account book now. I think this shop has made a lot of money during this period of time."

With that said, she got up and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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