Chapter 374 Admitted?
Everyone present looked at each other in blank dismay.

"So, Mr. Qianzui admits that the Beauty Hall belongs to him?"

"It seems to mean that?"

"Hey, we can talk now."

"Great, I'm going to get out of here, it's horrible."

"But I'm curious as to what's going on."

"Shall we go and have a look?"

"it is good."

The reason why they are so bold and want to watch the excitement is because Mr. Qianzui didn't hurt them just now, which made them feel that Mr. Qianzui is a good person. Obviously, they completely forgot how they cursed Mr. Qianzui just now, and how scared they were.

Of course, they care more about the truth.

After all, it's a beauty salon, their paradise, so they can't really just get cold.

Although they have been skeptical all the time, they can't offset their beauty-loving hearts.

This kind of person is a typical cheap!

Not long after Hua Jiujiu left, the master brought someone to Yuyantang, apparently to arrest them.

However, they came a step late.

After hearing that Huajiujiu had gone to the Beauty Hall, the master inexplicably had a feeling of uneasiness.

He hurriedly took people to the Beauty Hall, praying in his heart that nothing would happen, otherwise the county magistrate would definitely beat him to death!
Because of what happened recently, there are not many people in the Beauty Hall, and some of them are outsiders who don't know what's going on.

When they heard that Mr. Qianzui was coming, they were immediately excited.

Sure enough, it was not wrong for me to come here, this place was opened by Mr. Qianzui.

Everyone ran out to chase after Young Master Qianzui.

Hua Jiujiu ignored these people, went straight to the shopkeeper, and said directly: "Submit the account book."

The shopkeeper was dumbfounded.

What kind of operation is this, why can't he understand it at all?
"Don't tell me, there is no account book." Hua Jiujiu said coldly.

"How could it not be, but why should I give you the account book?" The shopkeeper quickly recovered and asked.

"Since I am the owner of this shop, why don't I even have the right to read a ledger?" Hua Jiujiu chuckled.

She will let that master know what it feels like to pick up a stone and hit her own foot.

Everyone looked at the shopkeeper suspiciously.

That's right, the boss wants to see the account book, why not give it?
And so righteous.

Could it be that Mr. Qianzui is not the owner of this shop, he was wronged before?

The more I think about it, the more I think it's possible.

Otherwise, why can't even a small shopkeeper be able to handle it.

The shopkeeper was shocked.

Is this the way the master thinks?

His scalp tingled for a while, what a way to do it.

Doesn't he know that their account books are very problematic?
Although he has dealt with it, ordinary people can't see it, and people are not in the mood to read it now, but it is not very good to take out his own account book.

But, if they don't give it, wouldn't it be a disguised admission that Mr. Qianzui is not their boss?

The shopkeeper doesn't know what to do now, so he can only scold the master thousands of times in his heart.


There was a loud sneeze.

I saw that the master was coming with several yamen servants.

The way the shopkeeper looked at the master suddenly became complicated.

Some look at the savior, and some look at the enemy.

"Master, you are here." The shopkeeper rushed up to greet him, and kept winking at him.

The master also felt a little uneasy when he heard that Mr. Qianzui asked for the account book.

But for his original plan, he had to grit his teeth and say, "You asked me what to do. He is your boss, so naturally you should give it to him."

The shopkeeper has a disheveled look on his face.

This idiot!

However, he took out the ledger with a sense of luck after all.

Seeing this, everyone's suspicions changed again.

He actually took out the ledger, there is no doubt that Mr. Qianzui is the owner of the Beauty Hall.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were full of disappointment.

Hua Jiujiu is too lazy to talk to these idiots.

Instead, he took the ledger confidently, and then threw it into the hands of Su Mo who was at the side.

"Take a good look." This sentence can represent many meanings.

Su Mo understood immediately, and immediately used his extraordinary skills.

Hua Jiujiu pulled a chair, and sat there leisurely, with a frightening smile on his lips.

The master suddenly felt restless, why did he have an ominous premonition in his heart?

I have to say that Hua Jiujiu's face is really pretty, and her temperament is unparalleled.

Even though everyone knew that she was sorry for them, they still couldn't help being fascinated by her.

Even they were ready to forgive him.

Who can do nothing?
If Hua Jiujiu knew what these people were thinking, he would definitely say that I really thank you eighteen generations of ancestors.

The more Master thought about it, the more he felt that he had to take the initiative to attack, otherwise he would definitely fall into the abyss.

So, he waved his hand to let those yamen servants follow, otherwise he would be a little cowardly by himself.

"Young Master Thousand Drunk, someone reported that you poisoned their skin and caused their skin to fester. You didn't know how to repent afterwards and threatened them. Not only did you poison them dumb, but you also refused to let them leave Yuyantang. I will arrest you and bring you to justice now."

Hua Jiujiu looked at the master lightly, "Poison? Don't let them leave?"

As he spoke, he looked at the group of jumping people outside, "Is Master deaf, or blind?"

"What do you mean?" Master asked angrily.

"Aren't the people you mentioned here all here?" Hua Jiujiu laughed mockingly.


"Tell me, did Mr. Qianzui treat you that way just now?" The master immediately looked at the group of people who were eating melons.

Hua Jiujiu lowered his head slightly, finishing the ring in his hand.

Just when someone was about to speak, a silver needle so small that no one could see it was shot out.

The man was immediately speechless.

For a moment, his eyes were full of fear.

It was drugged so unknowingly again!

If you really want to kill them... Everyone feels cold hands and feet.

The master waited for a long time, but did not get an answer.

It wasn't until those who said nothing and shook their heads with their mouths closed that their expressions changed slightly.

Why not!
Obviously his eyeliner said yes!
The most important thing is that there is also his eyeliner, who even shook his head, what kind of joke is this!
How dare this eyeliner not shake his head?

When he was about to speak just now, he was suddenly speechless, and a warning sounded next to his ear, the next time, it will be the real dumb medicine, and he was so frightened that he could only shake his head vigorously.

Master looked at Huajiujiu.

I always feel like it's her fault, but I have no proof.

Damn it, why is this person so difficult!
No, he has to grasp the sovereignty, otherwise, I'm afraid...

(End of this chapter)

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