Chapter 401 Assassination
Lou Sijin nodded to Huajiu.

Not to mention Hua Jiujiu was suspicious, even he was a little suspicious.

Whether it was the fact that they were stopped when they were about to leave that day, or the fact that they suddenly encountered a suspicious person this time.

You know, he has never seen this so-called host until now.

As a host, he must not be ignorant of the identity of the queen mother, let alone have an accident with the queen mother, and he has never shown his face when he came here.

Lou Sijin originally wanted to send Huajiu back first, because Huajiu did not bring anyone with her when she came out this time.

However, Hua Jiujiu felt that with such a short distance, nothing would happen.

What's more, Lou Sijin's people are also nearby, if anything happens, they can protect her in time.

Of course, the main reason is that Lou Sijin sent her back in person, which is completely inconsistent with his personality, which makes people have to think about it.

Hua Jiujiu gave a relieved expression.

The current self is not a troublesome existence.

Lou Sijin hesitated for a while, and then left with the little monk.

Hua Jiujiu didn't want to cause any trouble, the atmosphere here has always been weird, so he went back to his room directly.

Just as Hua Jiujiu was about to arrive at his meditation room, suddenly a scalp-numbing chill hit.

Hua Jiujiu seemed to have noticed something, and subconsciously avoided it.

A short arrow brushed past his face.

Huajiujiu could even feel the heat on his cheeks.

Suddenly feel frightened.

How fast this short arrow is, if it weren't for the fact that I have improved my five senses a lot after I had the space, I'm afraid I would have to explain it here today!
Because it was very close to their room, Jin Yue and Jin Xue sensed something was wrong and came out immediately, only to see the scene that almost made their hearts go into cardiac arrest.

The two immediately protected Huajiujiu behind them, and looked around vigilantly.

The people in the dark also immediately went to the man who was secretly shooting arrows.

In the end, no one was found, and it was obvious that they had already left when they failed.

Jin Yue and the others did not relax because of this, since they wanted to assassinate, it would definitely not end so easily.

Sure enough, several men in black jumped out in the next second.

Each one has a clear goal, heading straight for Huajiujiu.

The martial arts of these men in black were not very good, Jin Yue and Jin Xue took care of them in a short while.

Hua Jiujiu looked at the corpse on the ground thoughtfully.

These people came to kill her, but they also seemed to come to test her.

It seems that he blocked some people's way.

It's just that that person wasn't sure how capable he was, that's why there were only a few people who weren't very capable.

It stands to reason that he was not the only one blocking that person's way, but also Yu Miao'ai.

However, that person must know Yu Miao'ai's abilities, so he didn't dare to attack him easily, so he first attacked and tested her.

Hua Jiujiu touched her cheek, only feeling a little tingling.

The feeling that she was only a step away from the gate of hell just now made her feel a little lingering.

Obviously, these two waves of people are not the same wave.

Who on earth wanted the queen mother to die so much that he didn't hesitate to show up here when Lou Sijin appeared, and even tried to kill her.

There are always more and more mysteries.

Before Hua Jiujiu could think of anything, he felt the temperature around him plummet, and a biting cold breath hit him.

Looking up, I saw a black figure approaching at an extremely fast speed.

He stood in front of Huajiujiu and looked her up and down. When he saw the subtle red marks on her cheeks, her aura became a bit cold and terrifying, like countless ghosts, grabbing your ankles with cold hands, Like dragging you to hell.

Even Hua Jiujiu, who was not swept by this aura, felt fear, let alone those who were enveloped by this aura.

All of them were pale, wishing they could faint on the spot.

It's too scary, this man is worthy of being the bloodthirsty prince who slaughtered the city!

It's just that they couldn't figure it out, why did this man suddenly behave like this?

Could it be because someone killed people under his nose, and then felt that he, the god of war, was offended?

Or the person who thought he could save the Empress Dowager almost died right in front of his eyes, worrying about the Empress Dowager's safety?
Although this reason is unlikely, it is better than the reason why he cares about this wild girl.

Anyway, Lord God of War will never care about a woman, let alone like a woman!
This point, they pat their chests to guarantee!


Lou Sijin uttered a word that could annihilate everything.

Everyone shuddered.

They knew that they had to give an explanation, otherwise, this man would sacrifice them to heaven!
Hua Jiujiu knew that the killing intent in Lou Sijin's heart was completely out of control at the moment.

She quickly said: "My lord, I have made a major discovery, you come in with me."

The two entered the room immediately.

The surrounding air pressure suddenly felt a lot more normal.

Everyone exhaled a sigh of relief, which can be regarded as normal.

If they survived this time, they must show it off to others. They survived under such a terrible pressure as the Lord of War.

However, isn't that wild girl a little too unbelievable?

He is not afraid of the God of War prince like this at all, and still takes the initiative to get along with him alone?
I really don't know whether to say that those who don't know are innocent, or should I say that they are bold.

As soon as Hua Jiujiu closed the door, Lou Sijin hugged her tightly.

"It's okay, I'm amazing." Hua Jiujiu reassured.

In fact, she was a little flustered just now.

How could Lou Sijin not feel a trace of fear in Hua Jiujiu's heart.

"I will find that person." No matter what, he will not let that person go, and death by death is not an exaggeration!

"Ajin, I suspect that there are two groups of people who wanted to kill me just now." Hua Jiujiu explained what happened just now in detail.

When Lou Sijin heard the person who shot the cold arrow, his whole breath became cold.

That was not giving Hua Jiujiu a chance to survive.

No matter how Hua Jiujiu thinks about it, she doesn't think anyone has to die by herself, even if she can't treat the queen mother, there is still Yu Miao, how can anyone take such a big risk when they know that Lou Sijin is there? The risk of killing her is simply unthinkable.

"What does the host say?" Hua Jiujiu could only think from this aspect.

"That's just a replacement for the dead ghost." However, it's a good job for the dead ghost, and it's reasonable.

It's just that this is even more suspicious, isn't it?
"It's a former emperor's concubine who had some grudges with the queen mother back then." Lou Sijin continued.

Huajiu raised his eyebrows.

This is really for the dead.

(End of this chapter)

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