Chapter 402 Doubtful Points
"Whose host is this?" Hua Jiujiu really didn't believe that he was so active in finding a substitute for someone else and saying it wasn't someone's.

"It might be someone from the Third Prince." Lou Sijin was not very sure about this.

Hua Jiujiu rubbed his chin, pondered for a moment and said: "If it is said that the first assassination of the Empress Dowager was related to the Third Prince, then it would make sense for the host to find a scapegoat for him."

The first assassination of the Empress Dowager was probably to leave the Ningshencao behind.

There is no reason to assassinate the queen mother for the second time. After all, the third prince and the queen mother don't have any major enmity, and there is no benefit in assassinating her. There is no need to put people to death.

As for the person who assassinated her, whether he had anything to do with the third prince is still not certain, but there is reason to suspect that the third prince may have found out that the disappearance of Ningshencao was related to her.

And the other person who assassinated her probably had the same reason as the second assassination of the Queen Mother.

However, who it is, I have no clue at all.

Lou Sijin also thought of Huajiujiu's analysis, but there is no clue now.

"What are you going to do?" Hua Jiujiu asked.

"Lead the snake out of the hole." Lou Sijin spat out four words.

Hua Jiujiu raised his eyebrows, he was planning to use his tricks.

Just as he was talking, there was a knock on the door.

Lou Sijin let people in directly.

A man in black came in carrying a dead body, "My lord, the person who assassinated the mistress has been caught, and he bit his tongue and killed himself."

Lou Sijin's face immediately sank.

He looked down at the corpse lying on the ground, exuding a cold breath.

Trash, even the individual is not good.

The subordinate trembled slightly, "Master, this was found from him."

Lou Sijin took a look and couldn't help narrowing her eyes.

"You know him?" Hua Jiujiu asked.

"The symbol of Huanhua Palace." Lou Sijin pursed her lips slightly, and she didn't know what she was thinking about in those dark eyes.

Magic Flower Palace?
Hua Jiujiu felt that the name was familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it.

"The remnants of the previous dynasty." As soon as Lou Sijin explained, Hua Jiujiu immediately remembered something, and asked, "Haven't they been wiped out long ago?"

She heard that many years ago, the Huanhua Palace was large enough to affect the existence of the Dongfeng Kingdom, and might even launch an operation to restore the country at any time. The Dongfeng Emperor was worried every day. For the safety of the throne, he had to send people to exterminate them. However, Huanhua Palace's strength is really too strong, so it took a long time and paid a huge price to finally wipe them out.

However, now it is said that the people in Huanhua Palace are not dead yet, this has to make people think too much.

Lou Sijin's slender fingers tapped on the table again and again, obviously thinking about the problem.

"However, it doesn't seem to be of much benefit to assassinate the queen mother." Hua Jiujiu put forward his conjecture.

After hiding for so long, what benefit can I gain by suddenly revealing my whereabouts?

After all, the loss of a queen mother is nothing more than the loss of something that will add to the icing on the cake for Dongfeng country, and it will not have any impact at all.

"Dongfeng Kingdom's treasury has been empty recently." Lou Sijin gave a reason why he had to assassinate.

Well, there are some reasons for that.

After all, the treasury is empty, and there will be some turmoil in all aspects of the country, especially the inability to fight wars.

"However, the Huanhua Palace was wiped out once. Even after several years of recuperation, it will not become a big threat. Therefore, if they have the courage to appear suddenly, someone must be secretly helping them." Hua Jiujiu supported himself jaw guessed.

Lou Sijin couldn't help looking at Huajiujiu.

My little girl doesn't look like she grew up in the countryside. This kind of political sensitivity is not something ordinary people have.

He can guarantee that if Hua Jiujiu is a man, he must be the one who summons wind and rain in the court.

"What's wrong?" Hua Jiujiu looked a little strange.

"Ajiu is so smart." Lou Sijin looked away and rubbed her hair.

"Then I'm just kidding you." Hua Jiujiu raised her chin triumphantly.

But isn't that actually a routine operation?
"Okay, don't think about these things anymore, you'll grow old if you think too much." Lou Sijin pinched Hua Jiujiu's little face.

"I haven't reached Ji yet." Hua Jiujiu snorted softly.

How did you hook up with the old man?
After being reminded by Hua Jiujiu, Lou Sijin remembered it.

That's right, my little girl is not as good as Ji, but her head is so smart.

So much so that he didn't treat her as an unqualified woman.

Ah, time flies so slowly, he can't bring the little girl home before it's too late.

Lou Sijin's inner emotions changed very quickly.

After that, Hua Jiujiu was coaxed to rest, while Lou Sijin continued to investigate the matter.

Not long after, it was reported that Hua Jiujiu had been assassinated and was lying unconscious on the bed, and that the queen mother's condition had suddenly deteriorated, and Mr. Miao Ai's rescue was ineffective several times, and news that she might be buried at any time.

For a while, everyone in Guangyuan Temple was worried.

Most people don't know who that noble old lady is, but it must not be a simple person who can attract the attention of the Lord of War. I am afraid that if something happens to that person, they will all be buried with her.

Everyone is worried about their own lives, but there is nothing they can do.

This kind of feeling surrounded them, making them unable to do anything, and the whole person was in despair. The atmosphere made people have to believe that these two news were true.

This news naturally attracted the host's attention, and he immediately brought people to visit the Queen Mother, saying that he wanted to personally pray for the Queen Mother.

Lou Sijin asked him to go in and take a look at the queen mother, and then asked him to bring someone to pray for the queen mother.

I have prayed for blessings, but can't it prove that the Queen Mother is dead?

Everyone's mood became more depressed, and the breath of death and despair enveloped them.

The person in the dark had some hesitation.

However, they didn't dare to act rashly, for fear that this was a trap set up by Lou Sijin to attract them to show up.

Therefore, they must be careful not to be more careful.

Until the end, Lou Sijin's face was so gloomy that he had already made preparations to return to Beijing. It was obvious that the Queen Mother had passed away and needed to return to Beijing for the funeral.

These talents finally moved.

However, they have to confirm it again.

"Stop." At the door of the Empress Dowager's meditation room, a guard stopped someone.

"It's me." Mammy raised her head.

The guard immediately gave way, this is the nanny who has been serving the Queen Mother, and has been serving in front of the Queen Mother for the past two days.

Mammy walked in carrying the washing basin.

She put the basin aside, wrung out the towel, walked to the Empress Dowager's bed, lifted the bed curtain, and planned to wash her body for the Empress Dowager.

(End of this chapter)

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