Chapter 405 Strange Monk
However, Lou Sijin continued to walk forward as if he didn't hear it.

Hua Jiujiu frowned, did he also fall into an illusion?

"Miss, we will protect you there." Jin Yue knew that it was safest to stay by Lou Sijin's side at this time.

The three of them walked towards Lou Sijin.

But, no matter how they go, they just can't reach Lou Sijin.

Obviously it was this formation that made a mess again.

If it's just like this, it's fine, who knows who touched the mechanism again, the surrounding environment has changed again, and it's extremely dangerous, so dangerous that the three of them are scattered, and they can't reach each other at all.

Apparently, this formation was intended to disperse them.

Hua Jiujiu didn't expect this formation to be so powerful.

She took out the dressing thing from the space, and bandaged her slightly injured arm.

After walking for so long, Hua Jiujiu is tired and hungry now.

I am like this, and I am afraid that others are also like this.

However, she has space, so she doesn't have to worry about it at all, but the others have nothing.

Sure enough, I still have to go out as soon as possible.

Hua Jiujiu intends to enter the space to recharge his batteries for a while.

After entering the space, she took a bath in the spiritual spring, and she immediately relaxed a lot.

After taking a bath, I ate something.

When she was about to go out, Hua Jiujiu stopped.

She looked at the surrounding environment outside the space, and had a faint guess in her heart.

When I came in just now, the surrounding environment was not like this, but what I saw in the space turned out to be another environment.

This environment is the bamboo forest environment she saw before entering the phantom array!

Huajiujiu was immediately pleasantly surprised.

In other words, the phantom array has no effect on space!
Hua Jiujiu quickly took out a pen and paper, and drew the road he saw so far.

Then I went out of the space again and drew the environment I saw now.

Putting the two pieces of paper together, Hua Jiujiu immediately knew how to go.

Ignoring the dangers and obstacles in the current environment, Hua Jiu Jiu followed the path he saw in the space.

Later, because the gaze was too deceptive, Hua Jiujiu walked away a little frightened, so she simply closed her eyes and left, opening her eyes once in a while almost made her faint from fright.

I don't know how long it took, but Hua Jiujiu felt that the surrounding environment had changed.

She felt the atmosphere of singing birds and flowers.

Hua Jiujiu opened his eyes, and what imprinted in his eyes was the pleasant scene of the small bridge and flowing water.

There are people living here, and I don't know who lives here.

Hua Jiujiu wanted to go up and check. She was a little worried about other people, and she didn't know if she could get out or if she would encounter any danger, so she wanted to see if the people inside could help open the phantom array.

She approached the bamboo house cautiously, and after confirming that there was no danger, she knocked on the door.

No one answered, so Huajiujiu had no choice but to keep knocking.

Now that she has confirmed that there are people here, she can't just break in blindly.

After a long while, there was finally a reply from inside: "Benefactor, please come in."

Hua Jiujiu raised his eyebrows, it turned out to be a monk who lived there, he was still young by the voice.

However, how could the monk set up such a lethal formation? It really doesn't fit this personality at all.

Hua Jiujiu pushed open the door, and saw a monk kneeling in front of the Buddhist hall, chanting sutras and chanting Buddha.

"Excuse me." Hua Jiujiu said.

The monk did not stop, and continued to chant scriptures and chant Buddha.

"My friend is still inside the phantom array." Hua Jiujiu said tentatively.

After waiting for a while, the monk still didn't answer, Hua Jiujiu knew that he was unwilling to make a move.

Helpless, she had no choice but to go out by herself to see if she could help Lou Sijin and the others.

"The benefactor is the first one to come out so quickly." The monk continued.

Hua Jiujiu paused slightly, "Coincidentally." It can't be said that she has room to cheat.

"That's also fate." The monk finally finished chanting, and turned to face Huajiujiu.

When Hua Jiujiu saw the monk's face clearly, he couldn't help secretly marveling.

What a handsome monk!

What does a monk look so good-looking?

It doesn't matter if it looks good.

Also too coquettish.

There is a red mark like a phoenix tail on his forehead.

It makes his overall appearance look coquettish and abnormal.

If the concentration is almost weak, I am afraid that I will sink into it.

A word flashed through Hua Jiujiu's mind.


Hua Jiujiu felt his offense, coughed in embarrassment, and looked away.

The monk obviously saw something, but he didn't say anything.

"I wonder if the benefactor has heard the rumors about the back mountain?" the monk asked.

"I heard."


Everything is real, and he made a fool of it?
"Does the benefactor want anything?" The monk looked at Huajiu with a smile on his face.

Huajiujiu's goosebumps rose slightly, and there was an inexplicable feeling that what would happen if he agreed.

"No." Hua Jiujiu didn't know this monk, so he didn't dare to say anything casually, what if he dug a hole for her to dance?

"The benefactor asked me to save your friend just now." The monk continued to smile, it was obvious that you were lying with your eyes open.

"I trust them." Hua Jiujiu said firmly.

Therefore, if you don't believe this monk, Huajiujiu is almost as good as saying it.

I don't know why, but I always feel that this monk is duplicity, very boring.

However, the monk was not angry, but said calmly: "The donor is a blessed person, and the people around him will also be blessed."

The implication is that they will be fine.

Hua Jiujiu also thought it was true, but that phantom formation was really too weird.

"Since the benefactor believes in them, why don't you sit down and drink tea while waiting?" The monk walked to the tea table in the courtyard and made a gesture of invitation to Huajiujiu.

Hua Jiujiu thought for a while, and sat opposite the monk. Although the monk seemed a little unreliable, what else could he do to her?

While making tea, the monk asked softly, "How does the benefactor view the eight sufferings in this world?"


Why did you suddenly start discussing Buddhism?

There's something wrong with this open chat method.

She doesn't look like a person who worships and believes in Buddha.

"You can't even see through, so how can you expect me, a worldly person, to see through?" Hua Jiujiu replied flatly.

"People of the world may not be able to see through, just like people who worship Buddha, they may not see through all of them." The monk poured a cup of tea for Huajiu.

Huajiu took a look, and saw that the monk had picked it up to drink, so he picked it up too.

After taking a sip, she felt that the bitterness was unbearable, but before she could react, it became extraordinarily sweet again.

The quality of this tea is not very good, but she still likes the taste.

The monk glanced at Huajiu appreciatively.

Few people can like this tea, but this little girl is pretty good.

No wonder it is so blessed.

(End of this chapter)

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