Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 406 The Mysterious Master Gao Yuan

Chapter 406 The Mysterious Master Gao Yuan

Hua Jiujiu put down his teacup, "Since master understands this truth, why bother to ask?"

"I thought that where the benefactor is, the Dharma will be different. After all, I was thinking too much." The monk smiled lightly.

Hua Jiujiu's expression moved slightly, she picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, trying to hide her inner shock.

This person actually knew that she was not from here!
How could it be possible to know? !

Should not be!

Could it be that in this world, is there really someone who can spy on the secrets of heaven?
"The master must be Master Gao Yuan." Hua Jiujiu tried to calm himself down.

Gao Yuan's expression didn't change at all, and there was still a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, which looked weird and mysterious.

Seeing this, Hua Jiujiu knew that his guess was correct, this person was Master Guangyuan.

Unexpectedly, he actually lived in the back mountain, not in the temple of Guangyuan Temple.

What puzzled her the most was, isn't Master Gao Yuan's age a bit out of line?

Since he had met Lou Sijin's mother and concubine more than twenty years ago, he couldn't still be in his twenties.

In this world, it is impossible to really have immortality, or the existence of elixir!

Hua Jiujiu is now full of doubts.

"Donor, do you have any doubts in your mind now?" Master Gao Yuan seemed to have seen through Huajiujiu.

After finishing the sentence, I added another sentence, "I only solve doubts for those who are destined."

This made Hua Jiujiu couldn't help but think of his rhetoric a few days ago.

Why is there always a feeling that this monk is revenge for what she said?

There is a feeling that I invited you to come, but you didn't come.

I didn't invite you here now, so you ran here by yourself.

Saying that there are no doubts, isn't this full of doubts?
Seeing that you still ask questions obediently, so as to satisfy his unpredictable personality.

"No." Hua Jiujiu replied with a sullen face.

She doesn't like the feeling of being seen through by others. Why does the other party think that he understands her completely.

Master Gao Yuan obviously sensed Hua Jiujiu's displeasure.

"The benefactor doesn't need to think too much, you just need to understand that the Buddha saves a destined person." Master Gao Yuan had to explain.

"You also know that you are a predestined person who is saved by the Buddha, who can't even see through the eight sufferings, so what qualifications do you think you can solve people's doubts?"

Hua Jiujiu's face was a little cold, "Don't use the so-called Buddha's Day to solve the world's doubts in the end."

Master Gao Yuan still looked at Hua Jiujiu calmly, "It's great for a benefactor to have faith, but sometimes, one should also believe in Buddha's fate." This is really a little wild cat, it explodes at every turn, it's still the same as before.

"I don't believe it, I just don't like people who pretend to be aggressive." Hua Jiujiu glanced at the obviously sullen but serious Master Gao Yuan.

Master Gao Yuan coughed lightly, and couldn't pretend anymore, "Little girl is worthy of being a person of that era."

This person really knew something.

But so what?What effect does it have on her?

Hua Jiujiu gradually calmed down, and sat there drinking the tea leisurely.

Now, this monk can speak properly.

Obviously you can say it directly, but if you have to pretend to be so mysterious, you really think you are a god and Buddha.

"You really don't recognize me?" Master Gao Yuan asked uncertainly.

"Should I know you?"

It's a bit strange to ask this question.

Moreover, even if the question was true, how could he not remember such a recognizable monk?
Or, did the original owner have any memories that she didn't receive?

It seems that there is no bar.

Master Gao Yuan stared at Huajiujiu for a long time before uttering a mysterious sentence, "Buddha said, don't say it."

So, why she didn't want to see this person that day.

"Since you can't say it, then don't say it." Hua Jiujiu gave him a blank look.

"When you were five years old, did you have a serious illness, and then you completely forgot all your memories?" Master Gao Yuan continued to ask as if he hadn't heard it.

When I was five years old...

Whether it's me or the original owner, it seems that they have suffered from a serious illness, and almost died of that serious illness.

As for how good it is...

She remembered that the dean took her to a temple, and the mother of the original owner also took her to a temple.

She couldn't remember what temple it was, but it always felt very similar.

Hua Jiujiu thought it was too much of a coincidence.

"Depending on origin and extinction, in the dark, there is God's will." These things should not be remembered by them.



"Is the little girl curious about her arrival?" Master Gao Yuan tried to kill him again.

Hua Jiujiu pursed her lips and said nothing, anyway, she couldn't give this monk a chance to act aggressive.

Master Gao Yuan waited for quite a while, but did not wait for Hua Jiujiu to ask questions, so he could only say to himself: "Because the little girl has a great fate with this place, or rather with the people here, This fate cannot be broken by anyone, even Buddha."

This feeling of talking to myself is a bit bleak.

Hua Jiujiu couldn't help but think of Lou Sijin, so, is it because she has a great relationship with Lou Sijin that she came here?
"Your fate is not limited to him." Master Gao Yuan took a deep look at Huajiu.

Hua Jiujiu looked at him puzzled, what does this mean?
"Everyone here has a great fate with you." Master Gao Yuan seemed to answer Hua Jiujiu's doubts, but he didn't seem to answer her doubts.

Huajiujiu thinks of mothers, younger brothers and sisters, friends, everyone has a deep or shallow fate.

Master Gao Yuan smiled and said nothing, obviously there was someone Hua Jiujiu hadn't thought of.

He didn't say anything, and Hua Jiu Jiu didn't ask.

Of course, the main reason was that she didn't know what to ask at all.

"Little girl, can you stretch out your hand?" Master Gao Yuan looked at Hua Jiujiu's right hand.

"Palm reading?" Hua Jiujiu didn't refuse, and stretched out his hand to Master Gao Yuan.

The lotus flower in the palm of his hand was exposed to Master Gao Yuan's eyes, and his eyes immediately became devout.

Hua Jiujiu didn't notice his abnormality, "What can you see?"

"This imprint belongs to you, but it doesn't belong to you either." Master Gao Yuan replied.

Huajiujiu's heart tightened.

Did this monk even see her space?

Master Gao Yuan smiled slightly, "However, all blessings belong to you."

Hua Jiujiu looked at him pretending to be calm.

"Such a profound blessing can resolve any situation, but it is far from enough to resolve the disasters of the people around us." Master Gao Yuan said Amitabha to the lotus.

Hua Jiujiu's eyes moved slightly, and he asked in a rare way: "Then how do I resolve it?"

What she cares most about is the people around her.

How can they be allowed to have any disasters?

(End of this chapter)

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