Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 408 I Can't Remember How Long I Lived

Chapter 408 I Can't Remember How Long I Lived

Hua Jiujiu was in a trance, stuck in a sad dead end and couldn't extricate herself from it. She didn't want to end up like Baili Ji Yue, so did she do nothing?
Master Gao Yuan said several words to her, but she didn't hear them.

Until a loud noise pulled her back to reality.

It was only then that Hua Jiujiu realized that he was actually in Lou Sijin's arms, and his whole body exuded a cold murderous aura, and he directed a burst of crazy output at Master Gao Yuan.

Master Gao Yuan escaped easily.

Hua Jiujiu didn't understand how these two people got into a fight.

"What did you do to her?" Lou Sijin's tone was full of murderous intent.

"The benefactor's murderous intent is too strong." Master Gao Yuan frowned, this is a rare expression he showed, but he was indifferent before, as if nothing could affect his emotions.

Hua Jiujiu felt that Lou Sijin must have misunderstood something, so he quickly said, "A Jin, I'm fine."

Lou Sijin's tyrannical aura finally subsided. He looked down at Huajiu with a normal face, and asked softly, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

When he came out of the phantom array just now, he saw Hua Jiujiu sitting there motionless with a pale face.

She just thought that this demon monk had done something to her, so she raised her sword and slashed at him without saying a word.

"A Jin, I'm really fine." Hua Jiujiu grabbed Lou Sijin's arm, "He is Master Gao Yuan."

Lou Sijin snorted coldly.

He doesn't care whether the other party is high or low, as long as he makes his little girl feel bad, then he won't make it easy for the other party!

"What did he do?" Lou Sijin lowered his head and asked.

"It's nothing, we just chatted for a while." Hua Jiujiu's eyes flickered slightly.

Lou Sijin narrowed her eyes slightly, they must have talked a lot and the content was not very good, otherwise Hua Jiujiu would not have hidden anything from her.

This made Lou Sijin's impression of Master Gao Yuan even worse, and he cast his cold gaze on Master Gao Yuan.

"Who are you?"

Master Gao Yuan couldn't be so young.

"Didn't the little girl say that?" Master Gao Yuan looked innocent.

Lou Sijin sneered.

Since he doesn't want to talk about it, then he will reveal it himself!

Lou Sijin let go of the flower wine and came up to him in a flash, trying to tear off the human skin mask on his face.

However, he was easily avoided by Master Gao Yuan.

Lou Sijin's eyes darkened.

This man's martial arts are unfathomable!
"I'm not wearing a human skin mask." Master Gao Yuan clearly saw Lou Sijin's intentions.

Lou Sijin obviously didn't believe it, and the movements of his hands didn't stop.

"Monks don't tell lies." Master Gao Yuan defended himself.

Hua Jiujiu also stared at Master Gao Yuan's face.

There seems to be no trace of disguise.

So, what he said is probably true.

However, people really have to wonder how Master Gao Yuan could be so young.

I don't know how long it took, Master Gao Yuan didn't want to go on like this anymore, so he simply let Lou Sijin meet him.

He still wanted to sit down and drink tea.

The moment Lou Sijin touched his face, she suddenly felt suspicious of life.

This face turned out to be real!
Therefore, he did not disguise himself!

However, he looked like he was only in his twenties.

The last time his mother and concubine saw him was more than [-] years ago, so he couldn't understand how to solve people's doubts when he was still a baby.

Of course, there is another situation, that is, this title is passed down.

Master Gao Yuan sipped tea comfortably.

After taking a sip, he put down and sighed: "It's a pity that there is no spiritual spring water, otherwise this tea will be even more delicious."

These words attracted Hua Jiujiu's attention, "What spiritual spring water?"

"I don't know if you can give me some?" Master Gao Yuan didn't answer Huajiujiu's words, but asked for it cheekily.

Hua Jiujiu took a deep look at him, finally accepted a certain fact, and asked, "How old are you?"

This spiritual spring water is unique to the space.

Master Gao Yuan drank the spiritual spring water, so he must not have gotten it from her, then he could only have gotten it from Baili Ji Yue.

However, Baili Ji Yue had passed away for a hundred years.

Even if someone really kept the Lingquan water until now, it is definitely not like him, who used to drink it often.

"I can't remember." Master Gao Yuan's eyes were a little dazed.

I can't even remember my own age, so hasn't it been a long time?
Millennium old demon?

In this world, is there really a medicine for immortality? !
"Human life is limited, even if it is maintained by external objects, it will definitely not last long." Master Gao Yuan seems to be able to see through the hearts of others at any time, and can always give an answer.

"How old were you when you met Baili Ji Yue?" Hua Jiujiu could only ask in another way.

"Childhood." Master Gao Yuan replied.

Hua Jiujiu was horrified, her guess was right!

This person has lived since Baili Ji Yue's time.

Calculating the time, wouldn't it be more than 200 years old?
How exactly is this done?

Lou Sijin on the side is also a little unbelievable, he never thought that this person is so old, this face is really deceptive.

"It's Baili Ji Yue who makes you look young?" Hua Jiujiu asked.

"She's also a human being." So, she can't be so powerful, "But, it's not necessarily so." Master Gao Yuan's gaze fell on Hua Jiujiu's right hand.

The lotus flower on it is still so familiar.

"Even so, it is impossible for the medicine of immortality to exist." At the end, he added a sentence that was neither sad nor happy, "My time is coming."

Hua Jiujiu's mind moved slightly.

The deadline is approaching...

She couldn't tell whether she was happy for him or sad for him.

Sometimes, living a long time does not mean happiness.

Because the longer you live, the more lonely you are.

People close to him were getting old and dying one by one. He had no use but to watch. In the end, he was left alone to face this increasingly lonely world.

"That's why you told me everything?"

Otherwise, how could you say such secret words to someone you just met?

"Yes and no." Master Gao Yuan smiled again, "Everything depends on fate."


Hua Jiujiu chose to ignore his two words.

Lou Sijin looked at the two people who were playing charades.

What is it that he doesn't know?

He always felt that it was not a very good thing, and he always felt a little flustered in his heart, as if he would lose something.

Master Gao Yuan looked at Lou Sijin, "The benefactor's murder is too serious."

Lou Sijin snorted disdainfully.

so what?

In this world, except Huajiujiu, no one else is cared about by him, so if someone prevents them from being together, even if the world is destroyed, so what?

(End of this chapter)

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