Chapter 409 Passed away?
Master Gao Yuan sighed, and said: "The benefactor is the fate of the lone star of Tiansha. If there are more murders, even the fate of the noble man of heaven will not be able to suppress it."

Lou Sijin narrowed those dangerous eyes.

It's the lone star of the devil again!

Hua Jiujiu originally thought that this so-called fate was casually said in order to frame Lou Sijin, but he didn't expect that it really existed.

"Twenty years ago, a pregnant woman knelt in front of the Buddha for three days and three nights, praying to God that the child in her belly would grow up safely. She was willing to pay any price for it."

Master Gao Yuan spoke on his own again.

Hua Jiujiu immediately understood that he was talking about Lou Sijin's mother and concubine.

"Amitabha, God has the virtue of loving life, so the Buddha will not turn a blind eye to her request."

Master Gao Yuan bowed in a certain direction.

"Oh, so one life for another?" Lou Sijin sneered, his indifferent face made it impossible to see how much his emotions fluctuated.

Master Gao Yuan didn't respond to this sentence, but said: "That woman is the destiny of a noble person in heaven, and she could have been a mother to the world, but she gave all her blessings to the fetus in her womb, so she lost her mother's honor." Opportunities in the world."

Therefore, it's not that one life is exchanged for another, but that one becomes an ordinary person.

And whether ordinary people can bear this nobility, even if they are not mothers and concubines in the harem, that is hard to say.

Lou Sijin's expression was still indifferent, he never believed in such a fate!
"The benefactor is the fate of the lone star of Tiansha, but he committed such a big murder, and the evil spirit can no longer be suppressed."

Master Gao Yuan looked at Huajiujiu with a tense face, "You are blessed by God, you are a shining star who turns disasters into good fortunes, disasters into fortunes, avert disasters, and turn dangers into safety, not only to yourself, but also to those around you If the person you love is lucky, it can only be because you suppress the evil spirit brought by his fate."

Therefore, she still has to do more good deeds, and she will definitely have great fortune in the future.

Master Gao Yuan looked at the two of them with a hint of respect.

There is a definite number in the dark, but I hope they can turn bad luck into good luck and survive many disasters.

Lou Sijin pursed her lips and said nothing. Although he didn't believe it, he had to believe it. His experience from childhood told him that it was all true.

"Thank you, Master." Hua Jiujiu respectfully saluted Master Gao Yuan.

"You don't have to thank me." Master Gao Yuan shook his head. He couldn't bear this person's thanks, just like Baili Jiyue.

Hua Jiujiu wanted to ask something about Baili Ji Yue, but Master Gao Yuan suddenly sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and fell into meditation.

She knew that for today, that's all for now.

She opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't ask any more questions.

Until Jinyue and Jinxue walked out of the phantom array.

Hua Jiujiu glanced at the bamboo forest, the phantom array inside had been withdrawn.

It seems that Master Gao Yuan is going to see off the guests.

"Let's go." Hua Jiujiu said without stopping.

When several people turned around and were about to leave, there was an ethereal voice behind them, as if it came from the horizon.

"Let's go to the capital."

Hua Jiujiu's eyes moved slightly, is there anything waiting for her in the capital?

Hua Jiujiu turned around, glanced at Master Gao Yuan who was still in samadhi, then turned and left.

It wasn't until they walked out of the bamboo forest that Lou Sijin said solemnly: "When he finished speaking, I couldn't detect his breath anymore."

Hua Jiujiu paused slightly.

She thought of what Master Gao Yuan said just now that her time was approaching, and then thought of him telling them so many things at once, as if he was giving a mission, which was enough to prove that he should have passed away.

Hua Jiujiu's heart felt a little sad, and he didn't know if it was for him or for the unknown future.

Anyway, she was in a bad mood right now, and she didn't have the mood to go shopping, or to say more, so she ate and went back to her room.

Lou Sijin looked worriedly at the Huajiu with the closed door. He was sure that before he appeared, they must have talked about some bad topic, and this topic was probably about the two of them.

However, it was obvious that Hua Jiujiu would not say much, so he could only silently stay by her side.

The investigation of Guangyuan Temple is still going on.

Lou Sijin also temporarily put this question aside.

That Aunt Huang is also a hard-headed person. After being tortured several times, she still doesn't want to say anything.

However, her condition is obviously not that good, and if she continues to torture, she can be handed over to Huajiujiu.

Lou Sijin was not in a hurry, but continued to wait.

Waiting like this, until the queen mother wakes up.

After the queen mother woke up, she heard what happened during this time from Mammy Ying, and immediately called someone to call Lou Sijin over.

Lou Sijin looked at the weak queen mother on the bed expressionlessly.

In my impression, she has always been aloof and extremely powerful, but now it seems that she is just an ordinary old man.

"Jin'er, are you blaming Aijia?" The queen mother stared at him for a long time before asking.

"I dare not." Lou Sijin's tone was very stiff.

The Empress Dowager sighed slightly, she has already proclaimed herself a minister, what else is there not to dare?
"Thank you for protecting Aijia this time." The queen mother knew that he didn't want to bring up the past, so she changed the subject.

"This is what I should do." Lou Sijin replied flatly.

"Jin'er, the Ai family is getting old, and there are not many years left to live." The queen mother couldn't stand Lou Sijin's indifference.

"The queen mother is thousands of years old." It was still a very general reply.

"Thousands of years and long lives, it's just a nice way to say it." The queen mother has long looked down on these things.

Moreover, even if she could really live for such a long time, she didn't want to.

I've been tired for most of my life, should I be tired for so long?
"If the Queen Mother has nothing to do, I won't bother the Queen Mother to rest." Lou Sijin obviously didn't want to stay any longer.

"Jin'er..." the queen mother stopped him.

Lou Sijin paused slightly.

"Can you find out who is going to kill Ai's family?" The queen mother can only talk about this, otherwise Lou Sijin will definitely leave her sight immediately.

"The minister will investigate as soon as possible."

"Leave it to your Ai family to rest assured."

A mocking smile appeared on the corner of Lou Sijin's mouth.

Don't worry again.

Since he was a child, he has paid a great price for the word "relief"!

The queen mother seemed to have noticed something, she pursed her lips and did not speak any more.

Lou Sijin left without saying anything.

After he left, Mammy Ying came in, helped the Queen Mother up, and made her lean against the edge of the bed.

"Aying, do you think he is complaining about his family?"

"Ma'am, he didn't blame you."

"How is it possible, he obviously hates Aijia so much." The queen mother sighed.

"If he hated your mother, he wouldn't come here. He has been investigating seriously these days." Nanny Ying said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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