Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 410 The Queen Mother's Temptation

Chapter 410 The Queen Mother's Temptation

The queen mother did not speak any more, she pursed her lips, indicating that she was still in a bad mood.

Mammy Ying continued to comfort her: "If the prince really hates someone, he wouldn't say a word, why would he talk so much with the empress, let alone be so concerned about your case?"

A look of hope flashed across the Queen Mother's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a flash of sternness flashed in her eyes, "Talk about what happened during this period with Aijia in detail."

He even put his mind on her head.

Do you really think that she has turned into a paper tiger after not caring about the world for so long?

Mammy Ying carefully talked about the events since the Queen Mother was assassinated.

After listening, the Empress Dowager thought for a moment, and then said: "The Ai family wants to see this girl."

This girl and Lou Sijin...

I don't know if it is a woman's sixth sense, or she has experienced a lot, the Queen Mother has a little guess in her heart.

"It just so happened that Doctor Hua said that when you wake up, let her know that she needs to give you a good checkup." After saying that, Aunt Ying went to buy Huajiu.

When Hua Jiujiu heard that the Queen Mother had woken up, she didn't think it was strange, and calculated that it was almost time.

Then I went to the Queen Mother's meditation room with Nanny Ying.

Hua Jiujiu checked the Queen Mother seriously.

After all, she is the queen mother.

However, she didn't pay much attention to this. The most important thing was that Lou Sijin's feelings for the Queen Mother were complicated.

Although he has always shown that he doesn't care about the Queen Mother, she feels that it is not that simple.

So, I still have to find a chance to learn about Lou Sijin's past.

Naturally, I can't understand it from Lou Sijin's mouth, this person can only generalize in one sentence.

Hua Jiujiu always felt that the people in front of her kept looking at her, but she didn't know why.

"The old lady's health is fine, and if she takes good care of her, there will be no problem." Hua Jiujiu said, and went to prescribe a new prescription.

"How old are you?" asked the Queen Mother.

Hua Jiujiu's writing hand paused, the question was a bit inexplicable, but she still replied: "Fourteen."

The queen mother nodded, fourteen is not too young.

"Why do you want to become a doctor?" The queen mother was curious about this.

After all, she is a woman, how could her mother be willing to show her face like this?

"I like being a doctor." Healing the wounded and saving lives.

It's because I like it, because I'm a person with more personality.

"If it was the same as the person you like, which one would you choose?" the Queen Mother asked again.

If this woman was with Lou Sijin, she would definitely not be able to show her face like this again.

It would be fine if it was just treating a woman, but if it was a man, I'm afraid Lou Sijin would become the laughing stock of the world.

Yes, the Empress Dowager guessed that these two people might be secretly in love.

So, I wanted to meet Hua Jiujiu and try it out.

"Why should I choose? I don't think there is any conflict between the two." Hua Jiujiu smiled softly, "If he likes me, he will also like my hobbies. It doesn't matter if you don't want a man."

The queen mother took a deep look at Huajiu.

It's no wonder that this woman can make Lou Sijin care about her.

However, she is not suitable to survive in a place like the harem.

If she and Lou Sijin wanted to be together, they would have to go through a lot of hardships.

The Queen Mother didn't want to interfere, so let everything take its course.

It's really Lou Sijin's business, it's not so easy to intervene.

What's more, everything is just her guess.

The Queen Mother smiled, and did not continue the topic, "I wonder why you rejected Master Gao Yuan's invitation that day?"

"I gave the answer that day." Hua Jiujiu replied.

"I thought you were joking." The queen mother smiled slightly.

Hua Jiujiu had finished writing the prescription, handed it to Madam Ying, and taught her how to decoct the medicine.

The Empress Dowager raised her head just in time to catch a glimpse of the prescription, "Show me the prescription."

Hua Jiujiu thought that the queen mother didn't trust him, so while the queen mother was watching, he explained the reason why he prescribed the medicine like this.

The queen mother didn't understand much, her attention was all on the words written in this prescription.

This word... has traces of Lou Sijin.

So, is the relationship between the two of them really that simple?

"Your handwriting is excellent." The queen mother said after Hua Jiujiu explained.

Hua Jiujiu glanced at her own handwriting, thinking that Nangong Yu said that her handwriting had the unique traces of Lou Sijin. At first, there was a flash of speculation in her heart, but she felt that it was absolutely impossible. Didn't take it seriously.

She thought that the Queen Mother and Lou Sijin must have a good relationship, so it was not surprising that she would think of Lou Sijin when she saw her words.

Thinking of the tentative meaning in the Queen Mother's words just now, Hua Jiujiu had to think more.

It's just that she felt a little unbelievable.

She and Lou Sijin haven't shown any familiar emotions in the past few days. As a result, the queen mother who just woke up heard what happened recently, so she guessed. What kind of insight and sensitivity does this have? He is the winner of the palace fight!

"I've been practicing for a while." Hua Jiujiu said calmly.

The queen mother handed the prescription back to Madam Ying, and then continued the topic just now.

"Are you satisfied with your current situation?"


"After seeing Master Gao Yuan, your situation may be even better."

"But it can also add to the annoyance."

The queen mother was slightly taken aback, this is to solve the confusion, how can it only increase troubles?

Hua Jiujiu smiled faintly, "The old lady is injured, so you can't think too much, you should rest more." Obviously she didn't want to say any more.

What happened yesterday made her sleepless all night.

She kept wondering whether she would return there in the end like Baili Jiyue.

She was afraid it would be so.

However, she didn't know what to do.

The only hope is already the capital.

Therefore, she must prepare everything to go to the capital as soon as possible!

The queen mother felt that Hua Jiujiu's mood was a little low, and she didn't understand what was wrong, but she didn't ask any more questions, and she lay down to rest cooperatively.

As soon as Hua Jiujiu went out, he ran into Lou Sijin, who was striding over, as if he was afraid that she would be bullied.

After confirming that she was fine, he asked, "Did she make things difficult for you?"

"Why is she making things difficult for me?" Hua Jiujiu asked suspiciously.

It seemed that there was no embarrassment, and Lou Sijin no longer struggled, "Do you want to go see Aunt Huang with me?"

Now she is in a trance, and she should have achieved the desired effect of Huajiujiu.

"it is good."

Because he was afraid that the execution place would make Huajiujiu uncomfortable, Lou Sijin had already moved the person out.

The place where it was moved was still the meditation room of the temple.

Hua Jiujiu went in and saw a woman who had been tortured. Then, smelling the incense here, she felt a little guilty for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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