Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 420 Peach's Unconstrained Style

Chapter 420 Peach's Unconstrained Style

Sister is so kind, she found a junior for her, she is not the youngest, someone can bully her, moreover, she is also a very pretty junior.

Jin Qiyao looked at the bright girl in front of him, lowered his head shyly, "Hello, my name is Jin Qiyao."

They seem to get along pretty well.

So, the two children who were about the same age went to the side to play alone, while Hua Jiujiu continued to chat with Mu Rouqing.

Hua Youyou took Jin Qiyao for a stroll around the shop.

"I will be your senior sister from now on, don't worry, I will protect you!" Hua Youyou patted his thin shoulder and said.

She felt that the junior brother in front of her was so thin, she had to protect him well in the future!
"Senior sister, I'm a boy, and I should be the one who protects you. Don't worry, senior sister, I will protect you well." Jin Qiyao retorted.

So thin and want to protect her?
Hua Youyou just smiled lightly, and didn't hurt his thin heart.

Jin Qiyao curled his lips, always feeling looked down upon by his senior sister.

"Senior sister, where is our master?" Since there is a senior sister, there must be a master, and he should also pay a visit.

"Well, our master is not fixed. Sometimes it is Mr. Qianzui, sometimes it is Mr. Miao, and sometimes it is my elder sister. Anyway, from now on, these three must be filial." The appearance of a little adult has begun to preach.

"Okay." Jin Qiyao nodded quickly.

Seeing such an obedient little Zhengtai, Hua Youyou was in a very good mood, and in the days that followed, she brought Jin Qiyao to start various acts of the devil king.

Mu Rouqing stayed here for two days before leaving. Before leaving, she asked Jin Qiyao to listen carefully to Mr. Qianzui.

Jin Qiyao nodded heavily, his little face was full of seriousness and determination.

It wasn't until Mu Rouqing's carriage drove out that he couldn't hold back and shouted: "Mother..."

It was only then that Hua Youyou knew that the woman was Jin Qiyao's mother.

Immediately felt sorry for him.

She left her mother's side at such a young age.

I don't know what his mother is thinking, but she is willing to do so.

"Don't worry, this will be your home from now on." Hua Youyou's heart exploded.

Jin Qiyao always felt that there was something wrong with the senior sister, he ignored this feeling, looked at the carriage going away, and said firmly: "As long as I learn my skills quickly, I can go back to my mother and protect my mother."

Looking at Jin Qiyao like this, Hua Jiujiu felt happy for Mu Rouqing.

She doesn't have to work hard all the time, because she still has such an excellent son.

But, I don't know if he knows that his father was killed by her?
I hope Mu Rouqing can hide all this well.

Hua Jiujiu withdrew her gaze, turned around and went in, she was busy with other things, she couldn't stop.

Moreover, as soon as she stopped, she would be eroded by thoughts.

Lou Sijin had already left Wanju County in the past two days, and they might not see each other for a long time.

However, she believes that this time will not be too long!


On this day, Taozi kept staring at Huajiu, as if she could spot a flower.

"What are you looking at?" Hua Jiujiu asked while looking at the ledger.

"I see who you are?"

The corners of Hua Jiujiu's mouth twitched slightly, "Woman."

"Really?" Tao Zi's tone was full of meaning.

Hua Jiujiu looked up at her, oh ho, did you finally doubt her identity?
If she can't find out again, then she may really have to doubt whether her identity as the thief is real.

However, she would not say that she was capable of finding evidence by herself.

Taozi has been paying attention to the changes on Huajiujiu's face, but there is nothing.

This made her doubt her judgment again.

Just wait, she will find evidence sooner or later!
"Why hasn't Yu Yu come back for so long?" Tao Zi leaned on the back of the chair and asked.

"He doesn't live here, why did he come back?" Yu Miao'ai went to the capital with Lou Sijin.

Because he didn't know who the person who put the Gu on him was, and he was afraid that someone would secretly trick him again and cause irreversible consequences, so he simply followed him.

The Gu in Lou Sijin's body was not released, it was just suppressed. If it were to wake up again, it would be very dangerous.

Huajiujiu had also considered this point, so he prepared some life-saving medicine for him.

But hopefully never have to use it!

Taozi curled her lips, that man must be avoiding her.

"It's fine to let nature take its course." Hua Jiujiu persuaded.

Tao Zi didn't answer, but leaned in front of her gossipingly, "Tell me, how many men like you?"

Hua Jiujiu was drinking water, and was startled by her question and sprayed it out.

"Your head has been filled with something all day long." She wished she could take the cup and knock it down.

"Tch, I didn't say anything nonsense, the recent Nangong Yu and Dongfang Lan kept running towards you."

Those who are enthusiastic can swallow the flower wine.

Hua Jiujiu rolled his eyes, "I'm talking about business with them!" It was just that they were a little excited because of the novel idea.

Those two people, how could they like her, they really thought about something!

Tao Zi looks like she believes you are a ghost.

Hua Jiujiu rolled her eyes again, she didn't bother to explain, and said, "Where is the information I asked you to look up?"

"Ahem, you also know who you want to investigate, and some things are so easy to find out." Taozi coughed lightly.

Hua Jiujiu glanced at her leisurely, "You sit at home every day with your legs crossed, drinking fine wine, what can you find out?"

"Do I still need to come forward in person for this kind of thing? Don't worry, it won't take long." Tao Zi said with a guilty conscience.

Hua Jiujiu didn't bother to talk to her.

Tao Zi rubbed her nose, thinking of urging her, but suddenly stopped, looking around vigilantly.

Hua Jiujiu also became vigilant at that moment.

There is a strong attack!
Moreover, it seems that the comer is not good!
Jin Yue and the others immediately stood in front of Hua Jiujiu, always on guard.

"It's getting harder and harder to see you." A familiar voice that couldn't be more familiar sounded.

Hua Jiujiu's face darkened immediately.

And Tao Zi looked at the person who suddenly appeared in the yard in disbelief.

She must have read it right, right?

It's him!
And, look at what this is saying, I want to see Huajiujiu!

Isn't that like flower wine? !
Oh my god, aren't the previous ones enough?

Now that there is another such a heavyweight figure, it really makes people envious and jealous!
Huajiujiu sensed Taozi's thoughts, and glanced at her coldly.

Taozi shyly put away her unconstrained thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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