Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 421 The Appearance of Yuchi Mocheng

Chapter 421 The Appearance of Yuchi Mocheng
The person who came was Yuchi Mocheng dressed up in a mask. Although many people already knew his identity, this did not prevent him from reappearing in everyone's sight with this identity.

As soon as Yuchi Mocheng landed in the courtyard, a group of men in black surrounded him.

He glanced at these people, "He is willing to give up on you." So many people were left to protect her.

Hua Jiujiu waved his hand, and the men in black retreated.

There is no benefit to being with Yuchi Mocheng Hard Steel, but don't forget that he is a pervert.

Thinking of the bloody scene last time, Hua Jiujiu felt his scalp go numb.

"I heard he is Yuchi Mocheng?" Tao Zi leaned over to Hua Jiu Jiu and asked in a low voice.

"En." Hua Jiujiu responded lightly.

Tao Zi clicked his tongue twice.

These dual identities are so tall!

Unexpectedly, I also like Huajiu.

Sure enough, this woman is no ordinary woman!
"That man, it's really embarrassing for me to be in this period of time." Yuchi Mocheng found a seat and sat down without seeing anyone.

Hua Jiujiu stood there without saying a word, looking indifferently at the flirtatious man in front of him.

"Next, he is busy, but he has no time to pay attention to me." Yuchi Mocheng said proudly.

"What did you do?" Hua Jiujiu cooled down.

"What can I do?" Yuchi Mocheng asked back.

Is this woman so distrustful of him?
Huajiu pursed her lips.

After a while, he asked, "What do you want me to do?"

"Naturally, I want to get in touch with you." Yuchi Mocheng said it as a matter of course.

The corner of Hua Jiujiu's mouth twitched fiercely.

She really didn't want to!

What's more, she had already said that they owed nothing to each other!

Yuchi Mocheng saw her dislike, and felt a little unhappy.

This woman is still so cold and heartless, at least I have saved her several times.

Could it be that, as she said, the two owe each other?
I don't think about it!

He absolutely won't allow it!

There was a dangerous aura exuding from Yuchi Mocheng's body, and Taozi couldn't help shivering.

What kind of people does Hua Jiujiu know? Is everyone with such a perverted aura?
Not knowing what Yuchi Mocheng wanted to do, Hua Jiujiu let him sit in the yard and went back to his room on his own.

If you drive him away, you can't drive him away, and you will suffer heavy losses, so he can stay as long as he likes.

As long as it doesn't interfere with her work, it's fine.

Yuchi Mocheng couldn't help raising the corners of those evil eyes.

This little woman seems to be quite relieved of him?

Can he say that he has gained a little trust from this little woman?
Yuchi Mocheng dodged and blocked the door, he looked down at Huajiujiu who was in front of him with an impatient face.

"You don't want to see me that much?"

Hua Jiujiu said that it is good to know.

Yuchi Mocheng's joy just now disappeared immediately.

His slender fingers pinched her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze, "Unfortunately, you can see it if you don't want to."

Hua Jiujiu sneered, "If you want to try my newly refined poison, that's fine."

"Are you willing?" Yuchi Mocheng hooked the lips of Yaomei.

"Look, I don't want to part with it!" Hua Jiujiu raised his small hand.

Yuchi Mocheng's pupils shrank slightly, he grabbed her little hand, and said in a deep voice: "I heard that you are looking for Tianshan snow lotus."

Sure enough, Hua Jiujiu put away the poison on his fingertips.

Yuchi Mocheng's eyelashes trembled slightly. Sure enough, only in this way could the little woman's eyes stay on him.

This is really very unpleasant!
"Do you have news about it?" Hua Jiujiu's tone was a little urgent.

Yuchi Mocheng couldn't help looking at her, his eyes were full of suspicion.

All along, only her family can make her mood fluctuate.

Now a medicinal herb can make her so excited.

Who is this medicine for?
He definitely didn't believe it, he was just excited because of the precious medicinal material.

Around her, is there anyone she cares about who needs such precious medicinal materials?
Several people flashed through Yuchi Mocheng's mind.

However, no matter who it was, he couldn't be sure, because this little woman hid too deeply.

Yuchi Mocheng raised his chin proudly, obviously he knew it, but he wouldn't tell you easily.

Hua Jiujiu lowered his face, but he didn't just turn around and leave.

After all, she really needed that thing.

The rarity of Tianshan snow lotus is not much better than that of blue crystal silk.

Because it is something that grows on the top of the snow mountain.

The environment there is harsh, and people will die in Huangquan at any time, even the peerless masters dare not go easily.

So if there is news here in Yuchi Mocheng, I naturally cannot miss it.

"What conditions do you have?" Hua Jiujiu asked in a deep voice.

There must be some quid pro quo.

This feeling of wanting to clean up made Yuchi Mocheng a little unhappy.

However, they can only trade with each other now, so that they can meet each other.

That's why Yuchi Mocheng felt extremely irritable.

"I'm in a bad mood right now, and I don't want to tell you." Yuchi Mocheng let go of the flower wine, his tone full of displeasure.


Hua Jiujiu really wanted to roll her eyes, but she still asked patiently: "Then when will you be in a good mood?" Then she will come to him again.

"That's up to you." Yuchi Mocheng said and left.

Tao Zi leaned in front of Hua Jiu Jiu and offered a plan, "Maybe if you sacrifice your hue, he will be in a better mood."

Hua Jiujiu gave her a cool look.

Tao Zi smiled and ran away.

Hua Jiujiu also had a gloomy face, "Jinyue, don't you have any news?"

Jin Yue also vomited blood a little bit, why did Yuchi Mocheng get the news, but they didn't get the news?
"I'll make people pay more attention."

It seems that Yuchi Mocheng got the news from a special channel.

Sure enough, their information network is not complete enough, and they really haven't done enough, so they need to develop further.

"Do you know what the purpose of Yuchi Mocheng's presence here?" Hua Jiujiu asked again.

"The earth dragon turned around in the southern border, and the emperor sent the fourth prince to rescue the disaster. He probably passed by here." Jinyue has been collecting important news all the time, so that she can synchronize with Huajiujiu in time.


It seems to have heard.

However, I heard that the tremor was not very strong, and it has been dealt with.

There are no refugees or food price gouging, so it should have passed.

"It was the local officials who kept all the refugees in the local area. Later, a plague appeared. Many people sneaked out and infected the surrounding area. In the end, it couldn't be hidden, so the emperor sent someone to deal with it." Jin Yue explained.

She also just got this news today, and was about to report it to Hua Jiujiu.

Huajiujiu didn't expect this to be the case.


In ancient times, this was very deadly!
In many cases, the ancients would directly choose to close the city!

(End of this chapter)

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