Chapter 422 Plague?

If the situation is a little more serious, it is very likely that the people inside will be killed directly.

The place where the plague occurred is mainly concentrated in a small town, the area is not large, and the population is not too large.

If the high-ranking person is looking for convenience, I'm afraid he will directly destroy that town!

I don't know where Yuchi Mocheng went, what will happen?

I'm afraid that with his personality, he would not take the lives of those people seriously. After all, it's already this time, and he still has time to stroll around her place.

Hua Jiujiu's face was a little heavy.

She is a doctor, and she can't do nothing to save ordinary people, let alone she still has that unique space to exist.

That space also seemed to be telling her to have compassion and save those who were struggling in pain.

Hua Jiujiu only thinks that this space is spiritual.

When many people are sick, she will be reminded to help them.

Even if you don't talk about this, Master Gao Yuan once said that Lou Sijin's murder is too heavy, if there is no blessing to suppress it, I'm afraid that the evil spirit of the lone star of Tiansha will reappear, and it will cause some troubles at that time.

Therefore, while busy, these things also need to be arranged.

Hua Jiujiu fell into deep thought.

This state did not change until Yuchi Mocheng appeared in front of her again, and she asked blankly: "Didn't the emperor send you to deal with the situation in the disaster area?" She just wanted to test it out.

"You are quite well informed." Yuchi Mocheng glanced at Jinyue.

As expected of being one of Lou Sijin's right-hand assistants.

"How do you plan to deal with it?" Hua Jiujiu asked in a low voice.

Yuchi Mocheng stared at Huajiujiu, a faint light flashed in those evil eyes.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked without answering.

"This is a task entrusted to the prince by the emperor." Hua Jiujiu reminded.

Yuchi Mocheng leaned casually, and said casually: "That's true... But, I think it's really boring to deal with this kind of thing, I might as well stay here and chat and laugh with you."

Hua Jiujiu's face immediately pulled down.

Doesn't this sentence mean that those people will waste his time and energy, so he will deal with it in the fastest way, and the fastest way to deal with it is to kill him directly!
It's really a damn bastard, no matter what, she has to be pulled in to be the backing, so that she can't just sit idly by.

"My lord, those are fresh lives!" Hua Jiujiu's tone was a bit stiff.

Yuchi Mocheng raised his beautiful eyebrows, "Are you angry?" His eyes were a little dazed.

Why can Huajiujiu get angry for someone who doesn't matter, but doesn't have any emotional changes for him?
"For someone as noble as the prince, the lives of ordinary people are naturally not worthy of your attention." Hua Jiujiu said sarcastically.

Yuchi Mocheng's breath also cooled down, "Hua Jiujiu, how kind do you think he is?"

He, needless to say, knew who he was talking about.

Hua Jiujiu pursed her lips slightly.

She doesn't deny what Lou Sijin has done before, but that doesn't mean he can't change in the future!

"His methods are no more kind than mine." Yuchi Mocheng sneered.

There was some jealousy in his tone.

Why can he be tolerated for his cruelty, but he is so despised!

From childhood to adulthood, how many times have I been disliked!No matter how good you are at what you do!

His eyes were stained with a trace of bright red.

Hua Jiujiu pursed her lips, not knowing what to say.

The scene was a little silent.

Yuchi Mocheng seemed to be aware of his gaffe, his expression returned to normal, and he said softly, "It's fine if you don't want me to kill them, unless you go with me."

"You think I'm idle?" If it wasn't for Yuchi Mocheng, she might still go.

Of course, she is also really busy.

"Then there is no other way." Yuchi Mocheng spread his hands.

Looking at the indifferent Yuchi Mo City, Hua Jiujiu could already predict what would happen to the people there.

"Actually, you don't have to blame yourself so much, after all, you are such a person too, aren't you?" Yuchi Mocheng really didn't think Hua Jiujiu was so kind.

Hua Jiujiu didn't speak.

Looking at Hua Jiujiu with a tight face, Yuchi Mocheng felt a little irritable.

Well, he admitted, this little woman is still kind.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have saved him twice in a row.

The two finally parted ways.

Then the next day, Yuchi Mocheng no longer appeared in front of Huajiujiu.

"Where's Yuchi Mocheng?" Hua Jiujiu asked while eating.

"Leaving for Linshui Town." Jinyue was hesitant to say anything, did Miss really want to go with him?

"Miss, it's too messy there." She definitely didn't want to spend money and drink to take risks.

After all, it was a plague. Although the scale was not large, it would definitely be dangerous if it entered.

Hua Jiujiu didn't speak, and continued to eat.

Until Su Mo walked in with a serious face, "Miss, there is a patient outside."

"What's the matter?" Hua Jiujiu also invited some doctors to sit in charge, and those doctors can usually handle it.

It might not be easy for Su Mo to come over in person with a serious face.

"It seems to be infected with the plague." Su Mo said in a low voice.

In order not to cause panic, he asked the doctor who was seeing the doctor to seal his mouth, and then hurriedly led the people to the private room, and sprayed the alcohol extracted from Huajiu wine on every place the patient passed by.

Huajiu's heart sank.

I'm really afraid of something!
"Take me there." Hua Jiujiu took out the mask he made and put it on, and ordered the others to put on the mask.

Seeing Hua Jiujiu's serious face, Jin Yue and the others also knew that things were not easy.

After Huajiujiu entered, a bewildered figure rushed over.

"Help me, please help me."

Fortunately, Hua Jiujiu dodged in time, otherwise he would have been caught straight.

Jin Yue quickly brought her under control.

However, the man thought that Jinyue was going to kill him, kept struggling, and shouted in horror: "Don't kill me, please don't kill me, I don't want to die, I don't want to die yet."

"I won't kill you, I'm a doctor, I can treat you."

Apparently, the man didn't believe it.

After all, Huajiujiu is now dressed as a daughter.

"Don't be afraid, I really came to treat you." Hua Jiujiu reassured.

However, he seemed to have been greatly frightened, struggling and begging for mercy all the time.

Just when Hua Jiujiu was about to use extraordinary means, he suddenly vomited violently, then his body went limp, and he passed out.

Hua Jiujiu frowned, not because he was disgusted by the vomit, but because he was afraid that the vomit would be contagious.

"You all go out." Hua Jiujiu said in a deep voice.

"Miss, we're not going out."

Looking at him like that, I'm afraid it's really a plague, how could they let Hua Jiujiu face it alone?
(End of this chapter)

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