Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 424 Strangled to death in the cradle

Chapter 424 Strangled to death in the cradle
Hua Jiujiu looked at him coldly, "Do you think I'm joking?"

County magistrate Yang turned pale and fell to the ground.

How could there be a plague? !

It is obviously only found near Linshui Town, and it is also sealed off, how could they have it here!

Moreover, he did not find any patients suspected of plague appearing!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Magistrate Yang couldn't believe it, it was a plague, something that could destroy the entire city.

"There is a case in the yard next door, does the magistrate want to confirm it himself?" Hua Jiujiu looked at him mockingly.

County magistrate Yang's entire face turned pale. He quickly covered his mouth and nose with his wide sleeve, and stepped back in horror, wanting to stay away from Huajiu, as if this way he would not be infected.

"He is not the only patient who entered Wanju County, there are dozens of them, not to mention how many people they came into contact with during the few days they came here." Hua Jiujiu continued calmly.

The magistrate Yang's eyes were full of horror.

And... isn't it just one person? !

"Burn! They must all be burned! Everyone who has been in contact with the plague must also be burned!" Apparently County Magistrate Yang believed it.

After all, Hua Jiujiu and Young Master Qianzui are both doctors, and they all said that this is a plague, so it must be true.

Therefore, magistrate Yang immediately issued this order.

"What? Magistrate Yang also wants to burn himself?" Hua Jiujiu glanced at him.

Magistrate Yang shook his head violently, how could he burn himself!

Damn it, why did this woman bring him here? Otherwise, he would directly issue an order in the yamen to burn all the infected people, as if he might be infected now.

County magistrate Yang hated Huajiu extremely, but he had to rely on her.

The only ones who can save them now are Hua Jiujiu and Young Master Qianzui.

"Go to Feng County soon, and you'd better find a good reason, so as not to cause unnecessary panic." Hua Jiujiu coldly ordered.

Although County Magistrate Yang was very unhappy with the order, he had to do it.

The closure of the county is not only to prevent infected people from going out, but also to prevent infected people from outside from coming in.

Huajiujiu didn't mention it, she was not the only one who was infected.

County magistrate Yang quickly got up from the ground and went back to discuss with the master how to close the county.

Huajiujiu looked at Su Mo and asked, "Have you bought all the medicinal materials you need?"

"All the medicinal materials needed by all the pharmacies in the county have been bought." Su Mo replied.

"Starting tomorrow, a medicine shed will be set up in front of the Liangyan Hall. Everyone can receive a bowl of soup for free. It is said that this soup can strengthen the body and prevent diseases."

The name of Mr. Qianzui is already known to everyone in Wanju County. For them, Mr. Qianzui is a Bodhisattva who can bring hope back to them who are desperate, so the distribution of free soup must be It will make people crave.

Hua Jiujiu had no choice but to be thankful at this moment. He had been treating people before, and most of the patients he saw were difficult and miscellaneous diseases. Otherwise, he would not have accumulated such a great reputation.

As long as they work together, Wanju County will definitely have no problems this time, so that she will have no worries.

There was a gleam in Hua Jiujiu's eyes, it was obvious that she had some plans in mind.

The next day, before dawn, Hua Jiujiu got up to help boil the medicine.

Then he appeared outside the Liangyantang as Mr. Qianzui, and publicized the benefits of the decoction.

When the passing people heard that it was the miraculous cure for disease given by Mr. Qianzui, they all rushed to drink it.

Su Mo hastened to maintain order so that there was no chaos.

Everyone who drinks the medicine will thank Huajiu.

Hua Jiujiu just smiled and nodded, and reminded them that the weather has changed a lot recently and they are prone to get sick, so they should pay more attention to it and try to stay away from going out if they have nothing to do.

The common people nodded repeatedly. If there is a flower wine, it is like an imperial decree. The flower wine is a relief.

"Oh, I don't know which god killed it, but he was so cruel and killed and burned that family."

"Yeah, it's too miserable, it's too miserable to die."

"They are so nice, why are they so targeted."

"No wonder my lord ordered the city gates to be closed just to catch that murderer!"

"Yes, such a murderer must never escape alive, he must be caught!"


The people gossip while drinking the soup.

When Hua Jiujiu heard the news, his body temperature suddenly dropped.

She looked at Jinyue, and Jinyue said that she didn't know what was going on.

Until Su Mo hurried over, lowered his voice and said, "My lord, County Magistrate Zhang ordered it to be done."

Hua Jiujiu's breath became even colder.

That stupid official actually closed the county in such an inhumane way.

Sure enough, he sat so comfortably in this seat that he was so unscrupulous!
If it wasn't for grabbing the handle of the Third Prince, he would have been executed long ago, why did he kill another innocent family now.

"That family has taken in sick people." Su Mo said again.

In this way, it is not difficult to explain why magistrate Yang used this method, it is killing two birds with one stone!

Hua Jiujiu's face is ugly, that family will die, and I have a great responsibility.

"My lord, this has nothing to do with you, it's that dog county magistrate who has no humanity!" Su Mo knew what Hua Jiujiu was thinking, and comforted him.

Hua Jiujiu didn't respond, but the air-conditioning swishing on her body showed that she was still in a bad mood.

She will definitely not let Magistrate Yang go easily, but not now.

Let go of the most important thing is to control the plague.

She wanted to strangle this thing in the cradle!
Huajiujiu let Su Mo maintain the order here, and he went in to study the treatment of the plague.

However, because she was exposed to this kind of thing for the first time, she had some difficulties in researching it.

Simply gather all the doctors with good medical skills in the county.

When these doctors heard that the patients who were seeing the doctor were suffering from the plague, they were so frightened that they collapsed to the ground.

Plague... How could it be a plague!

"It's not all that bad, it just looks like the sky is falling, what's the future?" Hua Jiujiu said sarcastically.

All the doctors laughed wryly.

Why is the plague such a simple existence to Master Qianzui?
If this is really the case, then why not research it yourself, and ask them to act as a backup!
"Which one of you has experience in this area?" Hua Jiujiu ignored their panic.

All shook their heads.

Who has such a horrible experience!

Even if there is, it is absolutely as if there is no, so that they will not experience the plague again!
(End of this chapter)

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