Chapter 425 Research Together

Most of the doctors here are older, so they naturally knew about the terrible plague 30 years ago.

That was a plague that emptied several cities at once!

Even if you survived by luck, you definitely don't want to go through it again.

"If anyone who is a doctor can't think of a cure, then the situation more than [-] years ago will only happen again." Hua Jiujiu warned coldly.

All the doctors turned pale.

How can it be repeated!
"I said you old men, who have lived a long time and have half their feet in the coffin, are still afraid of death. I don't want to think about it, how young is Qianzui Gongzi? But when encountering this kind of thing, you are the first to meet it, you are really not even comparable to a young man."

Tao Zi didn't know which corner jumped out, pointed at this group of old men and sneered.

The group of old men muttered.

What's wrong with being afraid of death?
They just haven't lived enough, have they?
"As a doctor, if you don't follow the idea of ​​a doctor's parents, you don't deserve to be a doctor at all!" Tao Zi continued to scold unceremoniously.

These old men blow their beards and stare.

Although very angry, what Tao Zi said was right.

Hua Jiujiu took a deep look at Tao Zi.

Tao Zi winked mischievously at him, and those eyes were full of emotions that you are dead, you dared to lie to me.

Hua Jiujiu knew that Tao Zi had guessed her identity.

That's right, after all, in the face of this incident, her two personalities deal with them in exactly the same way.

For this result, Huajiujiu did not express anything.

After all, if you keep such a smart person by your side, you will be discovered sooner or later.

Therefore, this is the result she had expected.

She knew this a long time ago, but she still kept him by her side, naturally because of her trust in him.

I don't know whether it was Tao Zi who woke them up, or their conscience suddenly found out, and they all said death as if they were at home: "The big deal is death, anyway, our old bones have lived enough. If the disaster more than [-] years ago It might be worth it to avoid it happening again!"

"With you guys here, it won't happen again." Hua Jiujiu said with certainty.

How touched are these old men, their medical skills have been recognized by Mr. Qianzui!

In the beginning, it was not that they had been bitter about Young Master Qianzui, and they even felt that he was still a child, and he was worthy of being compared with them, even with Young Master Miao Ai. However, after several rounds of discussions, they had to admit that Young Master Qianzui was indeed beyond their reach. and existence.

However, now that he is actually recognized, it is really worth dying!

A few people began to study day and night.

First came the improvement of preventive medicine, and then the study of therapeutic prescriptions.

Because of time constraints, the few of them started researching day and night.

Even his eyes were red, but he didn't stop.

During the period of their study, several patients died.

As a doctor, how could I bear to see such a scene, so I tried my best to study each of them.

I'm afraid none of them would have imagined that there was still such an easy time in their life.

I originally thought that if these infected people were controlled and preventive medicines were distributed to the people in the county, the situation should not be too bad.

However, unexpectedly, in the next few days, more and more people were infected.

This made Hua Jiujiu's expression dignified.

This infectious disease is spread through saliva. If there is an infected person in the crowd, I am afraid that the people around will be in danger. If this continues, I am afraid that something big will happen.

I heard that after three days in Fengxian County, some people finally couldn't hold on, and they made troubles and said they wanted to go out.

They want to visit relatives, make money, and run errands, anyway, there are all kinds of things.

County magistrate Yang must have disagreed, which led to riots. Although he forcibly suppressed them in the end, the people always felt that something had happened, and the entire county was panicked.

And those who have already received the news have already packed their luggage at this moment, and want to escape here in the dark.

It wasn't until more and more people got sick, and some people suddenly fell in front of them, that the common people realized that something was wrong, and uneasiness began to surround them.

One by one yelled that they wanted to leave the county town and not wait to die here, but they saw that the disease was so contagious that it was so fast, and that it was so powerful, I am afraid it is not an ordinary disease.

A bunch of people gathered around the city gate to protest, so that another bunch of people were infected.

Those who did not take the prophylaxis were the first to be infected, and some people seem to have discovered this.

Everyone ran to snatch the potion in horror.

Fortunately, Su Mo was very good at dealing with such things, so nothing chaotic happened.

Hua Jiujiu saw that he had dealt with it, so she continued to study things.

However, just prevention is not enough, those who were infected did not get better.

One by one came to make noise again, just to ask Mr. Qianzui to come out to see a doctor for them, they didn't want to die here.

Su Mo couldn't stop him a little bit, and finally Tao Zi stepped forward.

It directly scolded these people so that they didn't dare to speak out.

Yes, Mr. Qianzui is also a human being, and he has been researching medicine for them day and night, how could they be so ignorant.

These people seemed to have calmed down, so they could only pray in their hearts that Master Qianzui could research the medicine as soon as possible.

The county town, which was originally extremely lively, was a little quiet at the moment.

Everyone hid at home, afraid that they would also contract this disease. Many of them even couldn't figure it out, why did they suddenly become like this?

I heard that this time the disease was a plague.

What a horrible word.

They don't want to die, they don't want to die at all!

People in the entire county were in a state of panic, but they looked in the direction of Liangyantang full of hope.

Young Master Qianzui will definitely save them!

They were cured of such difficult illnesses by Mr. Qianzui, and this time they will definitely be able to!

The redemption Huajiu in their minds rubbed their swollen heads at this moment, listening to Su Mo's sudden report.

"Young Master, County Magistrate Yang has escaped with someone."

"As a local parent officer, he escaped alone?!" Tao Zi scolded with wide-eyed eyes.

"Since when did he look like a parent?" Su Mo snorted coldly.

"But, since he ran away privately, isn't he afraid of being punished by the people above?" Tao Zi's face was full of disbelief.

"His reason is very good, he went to other counties to ask for help." Su Mo sneered.

Not only that, he also expressed that he risked his life to ask for help, so the people would only be grateful to him if they knew about it.

Taozi's face was full of disdain, this kind of person is not worthy of being a parent officer!

(End of this chapter)

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