Chapter 448 Rewards
On this day, Huajiujiu saw a doctor as usual.

Suddenly, various noisy sounds came from outside, accompanied by the festive sound of beating gongs and drums.

She asked curiously, "Is there any happy event outside?"

Before anyone could answer, someone shouted outside: "Young Master Qianzui, come out quickly."

Hua Jiujiu raised his eyebrows, does this mean to let her join in the fun?

Since everyone wants her to join in the fun so much, let's go out and have a look.

Hua Jiujiu went out to join in the fun, and everyone else followed. When they saw the battle outside, everyone opened their mouths in shock.

It turned out that they were all officers and soldiers, but they didn't come to find fault, but sent various congratulatory gifts.

Hua Jiujiu immediately had a guess.

When he saw Lou Sijin's tall figure, he immediately smiled.

Sure enough, it was her man, and the reward he wanted for her arrived.

Lou Sijin jumped off the horse, and took out the shining imperial edict, "Mr. Qianzui accepts the edict."

The people around were shocked and knelt down devoutly.

Hua Jiujiu actually didn't want to kneel.

Why didn't Lou Sijin know, "Young Master Qianzui, don't kneel." This was what he fought for, although it was only for this time.

Hua Jiujiu showed a happy smile, which almost made Lou Sijin stunned.

Lou Sijin began to read the imperial decree.

There are some commendatory words in front of it, which are still in classical Chinese.After listening to Huajiujiu, I felt sleepy.

Looking at Huajiu who secretly yawned, with tears in the corners of his eyes, Lou Sijin's expression softened.

The little girl is getting cuter and cuter.

Everyone would be so excited when they saw the imperial decree, and they might even faint from excitement, but they didn't think that she would listen to it so that she wanted to sleep. How boring was it?
Lou Sijin quickly finished reading those useless words before, and then shouted out the emperor's reward for her.

Hua Jiujiu looked at Lou Sijin in surprise.

She originally thought that these things were rewards, but she didn't expect that there was still a gold medal for avoiding death. It seems that Lou Sijin was not bragging, and really asked for a gold medal for avoiding death.

However, she had to go to the capital to get the death-prevention gold medal in person.

This is a bit of a headache.

Because she didn't want to go to the capital for the time being, because it might be difficult to come out after going.

I don't know if I can just owe it first and exchange it next time.

Just as she was thinking, Lou Sijin had already handed over the imperial decree to Huajiujiu.

Only then did Hua Jiujiu come back to her senses, and she was so lost in thought that Lou Sijin forced the imperial decree into her hands.

This behavior is really arrogant enough.

Fortunately, no one else saw it, otherwise it would be time to report her for despising the Holy Spirit.

"Thank you, Your Majesty Long En, long live your Majesty, long live your Majesty." Hua Jiujiu hastily replied.

The other kneeling people also shouted "Long live the emperor, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live the emperor."

Lou Sijin made everyone calm down, and went into the room with Hua Jiujiu.

And this incident directly exploded in the vicinity.

Young Master Qianzui has received a reward from the emperor, and the reward is still so generous.

Young Master Qianzui is really good, he is worthy of being from Wanju County.

Bah, obviously he is from Fang Yuan Town.

Who said it was from Dashan Village.

No, it's from Linjiang County.

No, no, it's from Linshui Town.

Then, a bunch of people quarreled because of who it was.

Until the end, they didn't find out why they were arguing, because none of them knew where Master Qianzui was from, and everything was just their random guesses.

Huajiujiu was entertained by those officers and soldiers, and before she could say anything to them, she was dragged into the room by Lou Sijin, and then fell down with a passionate kiss, which made her almost overwhelmed.


Some of Huajiujiu couldn't breathe at the back.

Lou Sijin reluctantly let her go.

However, his big hands supported her waist in advance, otherwise she would have collapsed.

Hua Jiujiu beat Lou Sijin's chest shyly, why is she the only one who looks like this.

Lou Sijin only felt that this little pink fist hit his heart directly, and those already fiery eyes stared eagerly at the shy person in front of him.

Hua Jiujiu soon noticed that eager gaze, and she didn't dare to move for a while. She can guarantee that if she moves again, this man will eat herself up.

I don't know how long it took before Lou Sijin said in a hoarse voice: "Ajiu, I miss you."

Counting the time, it has been more than a month since we last met.

"I miss you too." Hua Jiujiu whispered emotionally.

"Huh? What did you say?" Lou Sijin's deep pupils were filled with a slight smile.

"No." Hua Jiujiu couldn't say such a shy thing, and immediately denied it.

Anyway, she said it, but Lou Sijin didn't hear it, so no wonder she did.

Lou Sijin looked at her with heartache, "Ajiu, I miss you all the time, but you didn't express anything. I'm in so much pain." His slender fingers pointed at his chest.

Hua Jiujiu rolled her eyes, she believed a ghost.

But, she really wants this man, so why not say it again

"I miss you too." Hua Jiujiu's voice was a little louder for a while, and there was a hint of coquettishness in it.

Lou Sijin's eyes became darker, he couldn't help lowering his head again, and kissed the person in front of him fiercely.

After a while.

Hua Jiujiu only felt a little dizzy in his head and a little hot in his lips.

Without even thinking about it, I knew that my lips were swollen from being kissed.

Damn it, how do you explain this to let her go out?

"You don't know how to be light?" Hua Jiujiu glared at Lou Sijin.

However, this didn't do any harm to Lou Sijin, on the contrary, he was ready to move.

Hua Jiujiu noticed something, immediately jumped out of his arms, kept away from him, and looked at him vigilantly.

That's the same as guarding against wolves.

Isn't it just guarding against wolves?

Hua Jiujiu even felt that this man could tear her apart in the next second.

Lou Sijin was not upset when she was seen through, but just sat on a chair beside her, pampering her and waving.

"Ajiu, come here." That expression was too tempting.

Hua Jiujiu almost couldn't help approaching, she coughed lightly, and said, "Okay, okay, let's get down to business."

"Come here and talk." Lou Sijin wanted to hug her.

Hua Jiujiu moved in small steps, and before he could reach Lou Sijin completely, he was pulled over by him.

Sitting on Lou Sijin's lap, his waist was immediately covered by a big hand. The scorching heat penetrated through the thin and cool clothes and reached the bottom of his heart, making his whole heart hot. .

For some reason, Hua Jiujiu feels that this time when Lou Sijin comes back, something has turned bad.

Look, what a hooligan it's been from the start.

(End of this chapter)

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