Chapter 449

Hua Jiujiu patted his troublesome big hand away, and asked, "Did anything happen when you went back this time?"

"Some people don't want me to go back wholeheartedly." In one sentence, you can tell how many assassinations Lou Sijin encountered along the way.

"How much do those people want you to die." After so many years of assassinating Lou Sijin, I'm afraid they are going bankrupt.

Lou Sijin also has some annoyances. In the past, he might be bored and could still play with them, but now it seriously affects his time to see his little girl. This is no longer a matter of playing.

He had to teach those people a painful lesson, otherwise, jumping out like this from time to time would really affect his mood.

"I'll push them back." Maybe it wasn't fierce enough before, so these people dared to continue to assassinate him.

If people knew about this idea, they would definitely be trembling.

Wasn't that fierce enough before?

It was because he was so fierce that they wanted to kill him to avoid future troubles!

If this is a little more fierce, is it okay?

Hua Jiujiu nodded in agreement.

Otherwise, how can you have fun playing with such an assassination every day.

After Hua Jiujiu asked some major events that happened in the capital recently, she confirmed that there was nothing to pay attention to, so she shifted to the things she has always cared about.

"If you want to ask anything, just ask." Seeing Hua Jiujiu's hesitation, Lou Sijin said.

He guessed that Huajiujiu wanted to ask about him.

After all, he authorized her to know so many things about him.

"Then why did the queen mother let you go to the border? What did she say to you the night before leaving the border?" This made Hua Jiujiu very puzzled, but, except for Lou Sijin himself, no one else knew about it I don't know.

Therefore, Lou Sijin was the only one she could ask.

Lou Sijin knew that Huajiu would ask about this, he played with a lock of hair on Huajiu's chest, his eyelids drooped slightly, hiding the emotion in his eyes.

"The queen mother met the priest before she met me."

Hua Jiujiu immediately had some guesses in his heart. When Lou Sijin was born, Qin Tianjian said that Lou Sijin was the lone star of the gods, and his fate would have a very bad influence on the people around him.

Then the queen mother must have heard something bad when she saw the priest.

"The priest said that if I continue to stay in the capital, Dongfeng Kingdom will definitely be in turmoil, and only going to the border can make Dongfeng Kingdom smooth."

For the sake of the Dongfeng Kingdom, the queen mother naturally wanted to drive Lou Sijin away, but, couldn't such a thing be done with a single imperial decree from the Dongfeng emperor? Why did the queen mother need to persuade him with kind words?
"If you want to make Dongfeng Kingdom stronger, you need to rely on me to wipe out Zhou Kingdom. The Queen Mother promises that if I can do it, she will be able to protect me in the capital." Lou Sijin sneered.

Why should he be protected by the mother.

At that time, although he was not as powerful as now, he could not be bullied by anyone.

However, he finally agreed to go, just to repay her for secretly protecting his life.


Hua Jiujiu just wanted to say, what kind of ridiculous statement is this?

What does it mean that Dongfeng Country wants to become stronger, so it must rely on him to sweep it away.

Should he be sent to die, or should he really be asked to win glory for the country?
The battlefield is not such a simple place, not to mention that Lou Sijin at that meeting was only a teenager.

"Did the Empress Dowager say how long she will let you stay?" Hua Jiujiu asked.

"At least 30 years." However, he didn't listen to the queen mother for so long, because he had the strength to come back.

"She has a clear plan." Hua Jiujiu chuckled.

Is this to make him stay at the border for the rest of his life?Even if he didn't die on the battlefield, at least he could keep the capital from turmoil.

Because in 30 years, it was almost the time when the new emperor ascended the throne. Lou Sijin's existence would definitely affect the new emperor's status. When he came back, the new emperor would almost stabilize the court.

Has the queen mother even figured out when the new emperor will ascend the throne?

Well, then it is true that Dongfeng Emperor will not be informed, otherwise Dongfeng Emperor knows that he will not live for too long, so why not panic?

However, this high priest is really a little curious.

This can all be calculated.

Hua Jiujiu rubbed his chin, was the high priest the high priest that Master Gao Yuan mentioned about the opportunity in the capital?
"So, the queen mother is dissatisfied with you because you came back early?" But dissatisfaction should not be counted, because that attitude is not dissatisfaction at all, but more like guilt.

"I almost died at the border." Lou Sijin's expression remained unchanged, and he added, "Both my mother and my concubine have saved her life."

Therefore, it is not difficult for her to feel guilty.

Even though Lou Sijin came back early, he didn't say anything more, because he had indeed done a lot.

The territory of Dongfeng Country has increased by not a tiny bit, more than the Queen Mother expected.

What Lou Sijin did was really right for everyone.

Even though everyone treated him badly, he didn't retaliate wildly.

Even if he held the military power, he never caused turmoil. On the contrary, others have always wanted to put him to death.

Hua Jiujiu looked at Lou Sijin, who was lonely in his bones, and hugged him distressedly, wanting to tell him, it's okay, there will be her from now on.

Lou Sijin smiled, yes, so he felt that all the sufferings he had suffered in the past were not sufferings.

He will protect the person he should protect, and will not let anyone take it away!
There was a stern look in Lou Sijin's eyes.

Hua Jiujiu originally wanted to hug him to comfort him for a while, but when she noticed that restless big hand, three horizontal lines were drawn across her forehead. It seemed that she really thought too much, so let's get on with the business!
"What about the imperial concubine?" This woman also made her a little puzzled.

Lou Sijin's eyes flickered slightly, obviously this woman still has something special.

"She didn't pay much attention to me since she was a child." And she always looked at him with complicated eyes.

This made Lou Sijin very puzzled.

If he said he didn't care about him, he wouldn't ask the queen mother to protect him when he was taken away by the queen.

If you care about him, you won't even say a word of concern when you see him dying from the beating.

At first, he thought that it was because he was not liked by the emperor, and raising him would make her also unpopular, so he resented his coming, but later found that this did not affect her favor at all.

He didn't find the reason until later, when he knew that Aunt Jing was probably her, he finally understood why she had such a complicated state of mind, and then everything before it was explained.

Because, he is her pawn, but also her relative, and even the son of her enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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