Chapter 470 Sudden Assassination
Huajiu quickly mixed two cocktails, one blue and one yellow.

She walked up to Helian Yixiu confidently, and put the blue cocktail in front of him.

"It's my son's fault. The Prince Regent has never tasted a cocktail. The cocktail he tasted for the first time should naturally not be a Bloody Mary."

Everyone didn't know why, and none of them had tasted a cocktail, so why shouldn't they drink this Bloody Mary?
They think Bloody Marys are pretty good.

"The martini is the king of cocktails. I heard that the cocktails start with the martini and end with the martini." Huajiu suggested to Helian Yixiu to try it.

Martinis can come in many colors, but Hua Jiujiu thinks that blue is more suitable for him.

Helian Yixiu glanced at Huajiujiu, stretched out his bony fingers, picked up the glass of extremely beautiful cocktail, and took a sip from it.

Hua Jiujiu looked at him drinking, and just wanted to say, it's quite pleasing to the eye.

No wonder that martini represents nobility, cold, pure, sharp, natural and profound.

It is indeed a deep and elegant masculine.

Helian Yixiu's dark eyes moved slightly, apparently a little moved.

Helian Yixiu drank most of this glass of martini, obviously he likes it too.

The people around were very excited.

They also want to try the cocktail that even the Regent loves.

It must be very good.

It's the king of cocktails, after all.

Hua Jiujiu put the yellow cocktail in front of him again.

"Margarita is after the cocktail, a glass of wine born for love, sad for the ending, salty for regret."

I heard that the most authentic Margarita should be yellow, which is the color of Huajiu.

Helian Yixiu's eyes fell on Hua Jiujiu's face, and he didn't move for a long time.

Everyone felt that Mr. Qianzui was looking for death.

Wine made for love?

How could Helian Yixiu have ever had love, I am afraid that he will never have love in his life, how could he taste this wine.

Isn't this a proper irony?
The expression on Hua Jiujiu's face didn't change at all, as if he didn't know what kind of person Helian Yixiu was.

She's just making drinks for the sake of making drinks.

Helian Yixiu finally stretched out his hand again, and put the unique wine to his lips.

Then, his mood changed again.

He actually often feels born for love, sad for the ending, and salty for regret.

It is clear that I have never had these feelings before.

Helian Yixiu stared at the wine in the glass, his eyes moved slightly, did he really have it?

After only one sip, he put the glass down.

No one can tell whether he likes it or not, only he knows that the rumors about the martini are true.

Start with a martini and end with a martini.

He had already started, but he didn't want to end it.

Therefore, Helian Yixiu's dark eyes stared directly at Huajiujiu.

Staring at the end made Huajiujiu feel a little creepy. How could she feel that this man wanted to take her as his own? Of course, this kind of possession was only on top of the wine.

Hua Jiujiu suddenly thought of something, "I'm going to make another glass of wine." Need that to end!
However, Helian Yixiu released a huge internal force, imprisoning Huajiujiu in place and unable to move.

Said in an emotionless voice: "This king has had enough." He obviously didn't want it to end.

Huajiu's eyes darken slightly.

It's really not a clear choice to provoke this man by yourself.

She restrained her emotions, and said calmly: "So, next time, my son will make a drink for the regent."

Helian Yixiu let go of the flower wine, obviously accepting this statement.

Then, his eyes fell on the seat next to him, obviously agreeing that Hua Jiujiu would sit here.

Hua Jiujiu really sat down when he thought of his purpose.

The people around were surprised again.

How could Helian Yixiu accept it like this?
Helian Yixiu took a sip from the Bloody Mary on the table, regardless of the eyes of the people around him.

The corners of the mouths of the people around couldn't help but twitched, didn't it mean that they had had enough, why did they start drinking again?
Helian Yixiu frowned slightly, put down the bloody mary, picked up the margarita again and drank it.

Sure enough, it was this person who personally mixed the wine to drink it.

Hua Jiujiu didn't care about his inner thoughts, what she thought was that since Helian Yixiu accepted her, he must be able to answer some of her questions.

"I heard that the Prince Regent once rejected Lintian Auction House?" Hua Jiujiu is not a person who likes twists and turns, and she believes that Helian Yixiu would not like it either.

"En." Helian Yixiu did answer, but his black eyes looked at Huajiu once again.

"I don't know how the regent refused?" Hua Jiujiu continued to ask, although his back felt cold from being stared at.

Helian Yixiu suddenly reached out and pulled Huajiujiu over.

Hua Jiujiu fell into his arms unexpectedly, put his hand on Helian Yixiu's chest, looked up in astonishment, only saw the perfect chin.

As for where Hua Jiujiu was originally sitting, a long arrow pierced through. Because it missed anyone, it hit the opposite pillar, and a large piece of that pillar was immediately corroded.

What a strong poison!
All the guards in the city lord's mansion were dispatched, and the city lord was furious, saying that he must find the person who shot the arrow.

Hua Jiujiu also finally knew that Helian Yixiu was saving her. He just wanted to say that he paid too much attention to the answer just now, which caused him not to notice the hidden weapon attack in time. Thanks to Helian Yixiu's strong vigilance, otherwise he would be afraid It's not easy to dodge.

Before Hua Jiujiu could say thank you, she was pushed away vigorously and almost sat down on the ground in embarrassment.

"..." Can you still have fun?

"Thank you." Hua Jiujiu thanked, then turned and looked coldly at the city lord who was walking with an apologetic face.

"My lord, I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation." There is a saying that if you are not satisfied, there will be serious consequences.

"I'm sorry, the city lord will definitely give you an explanation for this matter." The city lord knew that this matter was his problem.

"Heh." Hua Jiujiu sneered.

It seems that everyone thought she was a soft persimmon!

She walked slowly to the pillar that was shot by the long arrow, and took down the poisonous arrow without fear.

Her white fingers kept playing with the black arrowhead, not afraid of being poisoned to death by this poison.

Everyone held their breath, that was the most strange poison in the Jianghu, Lihunsan, as long as it gets a little bit of poison, it will cause death, and there is no time to rescue it.

However, this young master Qianzui is not afraid of this poison at all!
Could it be that his medical skills are really so strong? !
Everyone has a new understanding of Young Master Qianzui.

(End of this chapter)

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