Chapter 471 Being Targeted
Hua Jiujiu held up the long arrow in his hand, and the black arrow pointed at the people at the banquet, sweeping across everyone's faces.

Everyone was a little flustered. Did they suspect that the person who wanted to kill him was among them?

In the end, she stopped on the second lady, and when everyone was guessing whether Mr. Qianzui thought it was the second lady who was going to kill her, she moved the arrow away, and finally met the city lord.

Her inner strength surged, and she threw the long arrow out, and the long arrow pierced through the face of the city lord.

Everyone exclaimed.

The city lord remained motionless, not worried that the long arrow would hurt him at all.

Hua Jiujiu glanced at him lightly, and said pointingly: "This kind of poison is too childish."

The second lady's face was a little distorted, and Hua Jiujiu's peripheral vision had already seen it all.

"Since I like playing with drugs so much, I don't mind being with you for a while, I hope you... can bear my heart." Hua Jiujiu evoked a sinister smile.

Everyone present felt a chill.

Hua Jiujiu strolled back to the position just now, this time, she felt that Helian Yixiu was a little different, at least he didn't despise her so much, so she can chat happily.

"Thank you, Prince Regent just now." Hua Jiujiu thanked again.

"Thank you." Helian Yixiu responded indifferently.

Hua Jiujiu smiled slightly, "Continue with the topic just now?"

"You've been targeted." Helian Yixiu answered in a way that was confusing.

Hua Jiujiu glanced at Helian Yixiu thoughtfully. She believed that the man who said he was being targeted was not being targeted by the second wife. Could it be Lintian Auction House?

So, is that poisonous arrow related to Lintian Auction House?

However, how could Lintian Auction House know that she and Helian Yixiu were talking so closely?
It is said that Lintian Auction House has many abilities, is this one of them?

Hua Jiujiu didn't say anything more, but returned to his seat, thinking of asking again when he had a chance, anyway, he had plenty of time.

This time, the place where Hua Jiu Jiu was located attracted quite a few people, and everyone looked at this young doctor curiously.

What is it that makes her so arrogant and confident?

Could it be that her medical skills are really very powerful, even better than Mr. Miao Ai?

Everyone was watching, and no one went up to deal with it. This also called Hua Jiujiu's heart. She was too lazy to send a false greeting to others.

Calculating the time, the effect of the medicine should have taken effect.

The second lady felt a little itchy on her face, so she couldn't help stretching out her hand to scratch it, but it couldn't stop the itching at all, so she couldn't help scratching it a few more times.

"Second Madam, your face..." The servant girl beside Second Madam suddenly exclaimed.

"Mirror, give this lady a mirror." The second lady's heart skipped a beat, she had a bad premonition, she quickly raised her hand to cover her face.

So when the city owner turned his head, he saw nothing.

The maid hurriedly gave the mirror to the second lady, who took a peek at it and almost suffocated.

"Damn it!" She threw the precious mirror out angrily, and the mirror instantly fell apart.

Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of the people present, and everyone looked at the second lady.

But nothing was seen because she covered that face with her sleeve.

They put their eyes on the city lord, only to see that his face was a little ugly, obviously feeling that his wife was a little ashamed.

It's really embarrassing, it's a big deal, and one shouldn't lose such a woman's petty temper on this occasion.

I don't know what the second lady is doing with her face covered, but it's really rude.

Originally thought that the second lady was very decent, that's why the city lord brought her to the banquet, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"Go down soon." The city owner said coldly.

Although the second lady was dissatisfied with the tone of the city lord, she still had to cover her face and retreat. If people saw this, it would not only lose the city lord's face, but also her!

However, how could Huajiujiu make her leave like this?
She glanced at Jinyue, and Jinyue immediately understood, hid in the dark, and shot a small stone at the second lady's legs.

The second lady staggered and fell to the ground in embarrassment, and the hand covering her face also fell down.

Everyone gasped when they saw her horrified face.

The city lord's sharp eyes scanned the surrounding area.

He saw the little stone just now, and knew that someone deliberately wanted to embarrass the second lady, but he searched around but couldn't find who shot it, only he knew the possible direction of the shot.

And people in this direction...

The city lord looked at the young master Qianzui who was calmly drinking a small wine, could it be this person?

Hua Jiujiu raised his head to meet the castellan's gaze, showing a faint smile, as if to greet him friendly.

The city lord pursed his lips and looked away.

Whether it was true or not, he didn't have any evidence, so he pretended that he didn't see the small stone, and that it was the second lady who accidentally dropped it while walking. Although it was a bit embarrassing, it was good to frustrate this woman.

When the second lady heard the snickers around her, she knew that her current appearance had been seen.

He simply didn't cover it, and got up from the ground angrily, "Bastard, who made the trick?"


All kinds of laughter sounded around.

They didn't want to smile so blatantly at first, but this face really makes people not laugh.

Originally, it might just have red dots, but as time went by, the face became swollen.

Because of the fall just now, it touched the nose, and the nose became even more swollen. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a pig's head.

With such an appearance, how could it not make people laugh.

Seeing the unstoppable laughter present, the second lady became even angrier. She turned to look at the city lord, wanting him to do justice for her, but before she could speak, the city lord laughed out loud.

"Ahem." The poor man didn't dare to laugh too much, so he could only cough lightly to cover up his feelings.

The second lady was furious, but the more angry she felt, the more uncomfortable she felt on her face, and she could clearly feel the swelling.

She reached out to touch her face and screamed.

The people present only felt that their eardrums were about to be pierced.

However, they couldn't help continuing to laugh. At this moment, the second lady is really like a pig being crushed to a slaughterhouse.

The ferocious appearance of a pig's head, the sharp shouts, and the appearance of waving his hands with fangs and claws, make people really have to think about it.

Huajiu tsk-tsk twice, I didn't expect the effect of this medicine to be so touching!
(End of this chapter)

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