Chapter 485 Yuchi Mocheng is Coming
Yu Miao'ai also had a dignified expression, and then suddenly thought of something, "I know who has this kind of medicine." It's just that the expression was a little weird.

Hua Jiujiu looked at him curiously. Someone actually researched this medicine?

"I'll bring the medicine as soon as possible." Yu Miao'ai obviously didn't want to say anything more, he turned around and left the research room to find the so-called person to get the medicine.

Hua Jiujiu looked at him, and had a rough guess in his heart. After all, there was only that person, and there was a high probability that he had this ability.

Yu Zhijin!
"Jinyue, has Yuchi Mocheng come to Lingcheng?" Normally, Yu Zhijin followed Yuchi Mocheng.

"Here, I just came last night." Jinyue replied.

"He came by himself?" Hua Jiujiu's guess was right.

"The emperor knew that this matter should not be underestimated, so he sent a few more people here, and one of them is the third prince." Jin Yue replied.

Hua Jiujiu nodded, this is also normal, after all Lintian Auction House is not a simple force, there must be many people controlling the site, people in the province think that there is no one in their country.

Not to mention, there are still many treasures in the auction house, maybe even the emperor will covet them.

Hua Jiujiu didn't ask any more questions, but continued to study this person.

Thinking about it, she had too much to do, and she couldn't waste any time.

Moreover, the Lintian Auction is about to start, and there will only be more things to do then.

It wasn't long before Yu Miao left, and Hua Jiujiu couldn't guess whether he got it or not with his expression when he came back.

"Only time for a cup of tea."

In this way, Hua Jiujiu knew that he got it.

Then why do you have the expression of eating Xiang?

Huajiujiu immediately cooperated with Yu Miao'ai, first immobilized him, and then woke him up.

During this period, the two cooperated very cooperatively to check the person's condition.

One is checking the pulse and the other is asking questions.

The time for a cup of tea passed quickly, and Hua Jiujiu gave him medicine immediately. To ensure that he took the medicine, they forced it in.

"Are you sure this medicine will be useful?" Although Huajiujiu checked the properties of the medicine and it can really disturb the nerves, he was afraid of any accidents.

"His attainment in this area is unrivaled." Yu Miao said sullenly.

Yu Zhijin researches some messy drugs every time, which is indeed a bit crooked for his master's long-standing principles of life.

Of course, the master will not do anything to him because of this, but he is afraid that his arrogance will hurt himself.

Seeing his determination, Hua Jiujiu didn't worry too much anymore. She didn't immediately discuss the research with Yu Miao'ai, but took him to Helian Yixiu first.

He Lian Yixiu was already waiting in the inn, seeing that Huajiujiu delivered the person on time, he didn't say much, but asked his subordinates to take him away.

"Keep an eye on him these few days to see if he has contact with people." Hua Jiujiu was still a little worried.

Helian Yixiu's sharp eyes fell on her body, making people cut like a knife.

"I've done some experiments, and there shouldn't be any problem." Hua Jiujiu said with a guilty conscience.

Helian Yixiu's eyes turned cold.

"I will send you a result when the time comes." Seeing this, Hua Jiujiu could only say.

He still pursed his thin lips.


This guy really pushes his feet.

"If you are interested, I can also send you a poisonous antidote." Hua Jiujiu gritted her teeth and continued.

Helian Yixiu looked away.

Hua Jiujiu couldn't help but rolled his eyes, why did he compromise like this?
Forget it, it's just a transaction.

She didn't say anything, turned around and left.

He Lian Yixiu looked at the back of Hua Jiujiu, his dead eyes moved slightly, like a pool of calm water, people dropped a small stone, causing some ripples.

"Ruthless." Helian Yixiu said coldly.

A black and graceful figure landed in front of Helian Yixiu, kneeling respectfully on the ground.

"Stare at him." Helian Yixiu said lightly.

A trace of doubt flashed across the ruthless eyes.

Who is he?
Helian Yixiu's face turned cold, and his tone was like a cold long sword, "Didn't you hear what he just said?"

Wuqing tightened his heart, "Yes." Then he quickly dodged to stare at the person who was sent back to Lintian Auction House.

In fact, she was complaining in her heart.

There were two of him in front of her master just now, she thought that her master was interested in that young master Qianzui, after all it was rare for her master to get along with one person so harmoniously for so long.

However, speaking of it, isn't that Young Master Thousand Drunk too powerful?
She even suspected that this young man who was drunk was a roundworm in her master's stomach.

Why every time her master didn't say a word, with just one look, Master Qianzui knew what her master was thinking, and the answers were all so suitable for the master's heart!

Helian Yixiu looked at the direction of Wuqing's departure, with an expression of displeasure on his face, the people around him needed to change again, but, after so many changes, none of them satisfied him.

Hua Jiujiu was going back to study things with Yu Miao'ai when he ran into Yuchi Mocheng.

No need to guess, he must have gotten the news from Yu Zhijin, otherwise it wouldn't have come so fast.

Hua Jiujiu didn't forget what happened in Linjiang County last time, so he didn't want to talk to him at all, and just ignored him.

"I came to look for you as soon as I arrived in Lingcheng, shouldn't you invite me to sit down?" How could Yuchi Mocheng let Hua Jiujiu just leave.

"I'm not familiar with the prince." Hua Jiujiu replied indifferently.

"Unfamiliar?" Yuchi Mocheng stepped forward and grabbed Hua Jiujiu's wrist, narrowing his extremely dangerous eyes.

"Let go!" Hua Jiujiu looked at the big hand on his arm and said in a deep voice.

"Hua Jiujiu, you've saved me three times, do you think we're not familiar?" Yuchi Mocheng felt very irritable when he thought of what Hua Jiujiu said.

How can we not owe each other!

"I'm Mr. Qianzui, a doctor." Hua Jiujiu said lightly, with a hint of warning in his words.

As a doctor, you can't just ignore death, so there is nothing to worry about.

Yuchi Mocheng's hand was a little stronger.

Hua Jiujiu was in some pain, but she didn't show it, but said more indifferently: "Let go!"

Seeing her impatience, Yuchi Mocheng was even more stimulated.

How could this damned woman be so kind to everyone, but so indifferent to him!

Su Mo is like this, Qiu Jinyu is like this, Helian Yixiu is like this, but it is not like this for him!
Obviously there will be more intersections between them!
(End of this chapter)

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