Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 486 The Change of Flower Poetry

Chapter 486 The Change of Flower Poetry
Yuchi Mocheng's evil eyes were full of storms, as if they could destroy everything.

Hua Jiujiu was taken aback, what stimulated this man!
"Do you think we owe each other?" Yuchi Mocheng stared at Hua Jiujiu and said word by word.

"What do you mean?" Hua Jiujiu frowned.

"If it wasn't for me, your sister would have died countless times." Therefore, Huajiujiu still owes him, and he will never be able to repay it.

Hua Jiujiu's heart tightened, and he asked with a sullen face, "What's going on?" Why didn't she know that her younger sister almost died several times? !

Obviously, he sent someone to protect Hua Shishi.

Was it because those people were bought by Hua Shishi and didn't tell her, or was Yuchi Mocheng trying to scare her?

Yuchi Mocheng didn't answer, but let go of her hand, "You just need to know that you still owe me."

This woman has always wanted to draw a clean line with him, but he will tell her that they won't just settle!
Hua Jiujiu's complexion is very bad, it seems that I have given Hua Shishi too much freedom!
Yes, how come there are not many, she is just a child, even if she is taken care of by her master, this fact cannot be changed.

Yuchi Mocheng was not in the mood to stay anymore, but left with a cold face.

I saw him again, in the Listening Dream Workshop.

Yuchi Mocheng asked for a private room, and while drinking mulled wine, he listened to the girl playing the piano in Mengfang.

Listening, I don't know why, I feel even more irritable.

"Get out." He said coldly.

The woman was so frightened that the strings of the zither almost snapped, she quickly got up and apologized.

Yuchi Mocheng interrupted impatiently, "Get lost."

The woman didn't dare to stay, and immediately went out holding the piano.

Yuchi Mocheng continued to drink, but the wine became more and more boring to him.

You really shouldn't be here!

At this time, a gentle voice sounded, "What are you upset about, Young Master?"

Yuchi Mocheng threw the cup in his hand, "Get lost!"

That person had a meal.

"It's better for me to play a song for you."

Yuchi Mocheng narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the looming figure behind the curtain, and didn't even say anything to drive her away.

The man held the piano and sat on the mat.

The slender and white fingers were gently placed on the strings.

The pleasant voice overflows from the fingertips.

Yuchi Mocheng leaned on the back of the chair, lazily staring at the person behind the curtain.

I have to say, it sounds beautiful.

Beautiful enough to soothe Yuchi Mocheng's restless heart.

It wasn't until the end of the song that Yuchi Mocheng curled his lips and said evilly, "Come here."

"My lord, the little girl doesn't know how to drink, so I can't drink with my lord."

But Yuchi Mocheng turned a blind eye, and continued to seduce with his evil voice: "Come here, girl."

Hua Shishi still stood there quietly.

Yuchi Mocheng narrowed his eyes, with a little dissatisfaction.

Then he got up and walked behind the curtain.

When he saw the woman wearing a veil in front of him, his pupils shrank involuntarily, and a strange emotion flashed across his heart.

It's been a long time since I last saw that little girl who used to be so charming.

Looking at those innocent eyes that were not as pure as before, Yuchi Mocheng knew that she had experienced a lot during this period, and even grew a lot. Since when did the voice calling him become less and less? ?
Yuchi Mocheng's long and narrow peach eyes narrowed slightly, hiding the complex meaning in them.

Then he called out in a low voice: "Girl, come here."

Hua Shishi still didn't move, her eyes were looking complicatedly at the person in front of her.

The more she experienced things, the more she understood some things that she didn't understand before.

She has a different emotion for the man in front of her.

However, the man in front of him already had someone else in his heart.

Yuchi Mocheng was dissatisfied with her unmoved appearance, he strode forward, trying to grab Hua Shishi, but she nimbly dodged him.

avoid him?

How could Yuchi Mocheng just let Hua Shishi go, and went up to arrest her immediately.

Hua Shishi avoided again, but she was not very successful, the veil on her face was ripped off by Yuchi Mocheng.

A sufficiently stunning face was exposed in the air, and Yuchi Mocheng froze in place.

Yuchi Mocheng has always known that the sisters of the Hua family are all good-looking, but because Hua Shishi and Hua Youyou are still young, people don't think much about it, but now Hua Shishi has faded a lot The immaturity makes people look amazing at a glance.

Flower poetry and flower wine are two different kinds of beauty, but they are also the kind that make people feel good at a glance.

"Girl, are you avoiding me?" Yuchi Mocheng asked dangerously.

"No." Hua Shishi would not admit it.

"If that's the case, why don't you come over?" Yuchi Mocheng's aura became more and more dangerous.

"I don't like the smell of alcohol." Yuchi Mocheng drank a lot of alcohol.

Yuchi Mocheng didn't believe this excuse, he strode forward, grabbed Hua Shishi's little hand, pulled her into his arms, looked down at the person in his arms, "I didn't think you would mind before."

Hua Shishi could clearly feel the aura of Yuchi's ink city, and her heart, which was already throbbing, moved violently again.

"Brother Cheng, let me go." Hua Shishi wanted to escape from this embrace, but was imprisoned by Yuchi Mocheng.

Yuchi Mocheng himself doesn't know why he doesn't want this person to escape, it's like every time he meddles in dealing with troubles in the dark for Hua Shishi, which doesn't seem like something he would do at all.

Could it be Aiwujiwu?
"Why haven't you played the bamboo flute recently?" Yuchi Mocheng stared at the struggling girl in his arms.

Hua Shishi was slightly taken aback.

Yeah, she's really been blowing very little lately.


It seems to be when I found out that I like Captain Yuchi Mocheng!
Looking at the dazed girl in front of him, Yuchi Mocheng became inexplicably irritable.

"I..." Hua Shishi bit her lips lightly.

Seeing her hesitating to speak, Yuchi Mocheng became even more irritable, and said impatiently: "If it wasn't because you are Hua Jiujiu's younger sister, what happened to you would have nothing to do with me."

Hua Shishi's expression froze for a moment, then she suddenly turned cold, and pushed Yuchi Mocheng away, "Brother Cheng should leave me alone."

With that said, she was about to turn around and go out.

Yuchi Mocheng suddenly lost the softness in his arms, and felt that his heart was also emptied.

He wanted to pull Hua Shishi back, but for some reason, he just didn't take this step.

Hua Shishi felt even more uncomfortable, and tightened the hand holding the bamboo flute in front of her chest.

"I'll give it back to you." She turned around and handed the bamboo flute to Yuchi Mocheng angrily.

Yuchi Mocheng naturally didn't pick it up, so that the bamboo flute fell to the ground, and the crisp sound made both of them breathe hard.

(End of this chapter)

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