Chapter 489 Make trouble
Yunmeng Villa must be different to Lou Sijin, Hua Jiujiu thinks it can be dealt with peacefully, then he can deal with it peacefully, if not...

Just as they were thinking, they had already arrived at their destination. There was some chaos in Listening to Dreams, and the girls were also shivering and hid in the corner. It was obvious at a glance that a huge incident had happened.

This is not at all like the work of literati and refined scholars.

Whether it is Listening Dream Workshop or Xianyin Workshop, they are the places where elegant customers go. They seek bosom friends here, listen to the music played by girls, release stress and relax themselves.

Of course, this is also a place where literati like to come. Both Listening Dream Workshop and Xianyin Workshop provide them with a place to exchange literature with each other.

Such an elegant place, it turned out to be such a mess now, it really makes people very angry.

Because Jin Yue also came to notify at the first time, so she didn't have time to find out what happened.

Hua Jiujiu didn't see Hua Shishi's figure, and wanted to ask Mingxia, who was by Hua Shishi's side, about the situation.

"My lord, I'm very sorry, Mengmengfang is temporarily closed." A woman stepped forward to stop Hua Jiujiu.

This is Hua Shishi's person, who doesn't know Huajiujiu.

"What happened?" Hua Jiujiu asked.

"It's just some small disputes, Mr. Lao is concerned." Xia Mengyao didn't feel depressed because of this disturbance.

Hua Jiujiu glanced at her, thinking that this person should be an important figure in Lingmengfang, either the master or the deputy master.

Hua Shishi has a good vision, she is a capable person.

"The people from Xianyinfang have left?" Hua Jiujiu scanned the surroundings, feeling that the matter should not end so soon.

Xia Mengyao glanced at Huajiu with some doubts.

Is there something wrong with this person's focus?

Could it be the master's friend?

"Not yet, I'm talking with my master in the box." Xia Mengyao still replied.

"Will the people in Xianyinfang sit down and talk about it?" Will they kindly talk to the people in Listening Dreamworks?I'm afraid it's humiliating!

Xia Mengyao's complexion changed, yes, how could such a proud existence of Xianyinfang talk to them, I'm afraid it was just humiliating.

Thinking of her master, she felt a little anxious, and wanted to go up to block those disgusting people for her master.

At this moment, there was a sudden cracking sound, and a figure fell from the window.

Hua Jiujiu's eyes turned cold, and he flew up to catch the falling person firmly.

"Your...Young master?" Xia Xiaoxin stared blankly at Hua Jiujiu, unable to react.

Hua Jiujiu glanced at the black footprints on her chest, her breath suddenly turned cold, she raised her head and gave a dangerous look at the people in Xianyinfang looking down at them, gently put Xia Xiaoxin down, and then flew over to the woman.

Before the woman was about to arrogantly ask who she was, she kicked her down with such force that one could even hear the sound of bones breaking.

If it weren't for the fact that she was now a man, she would have slapped this woman hard, and then kicked her down again.

Of course, if the person she kicked was Hua Shishi, then I would definitely not let her go easily.

"Ahem..." The woman hit the ground heavily, coughing violently, as if she wanted to cough up all her internal organs, and the blood from the corner of her mouth kept flowing out, obviously the injury was not serious.

The people who came with the woman looked at Huajiujiu standing there in astonishment. Someone dared to attack the people from Xianyinfang!

Xia Mengyao also stared blankly at Huajiujiu.

This person came to help them?

However, isn't this a little too rigid?

Xia Mengyao couldn't help looking at Xia Xiaoxin, who showed a reassuring smile.

If it was her, then nothing would happen. In her eyes, there was no difficulty in anything.

Xia Mengyao was affirmed, and her uneasy heart was slightly relieved, but her face was still full of sorrow.

After all, Xianyinfang is not so simple.

Hua Jiujiu gave them a cold look, "Xianyinfang, should you give me an explanation?"


Aren't they the ones who want an explanation?

Their Miss Xianlian couldn't get up after being kicked by him, which was a great loss to their Xianyinfang!
"What explanation, you should give us an explanation."

"That's right, you dare to shoot someone! Do you know who you hurt?!"

Hua Jiujiu sneered.

Who was the first to hurt someone?

So, Lou Sijin is sure to be half the owner of Xianyinfang?

If such a power is cultivated, then she really looks down upon it!
"Who are you? What does our Xianyinfang and Lingmengfang have to do with you?" Suddenly, they thought of another fundamental question. This person is not from Lingmengfang at all. Why should he intervene in this matter? thing.

"You have no reason to embarrass Lingmengfang, why should I take care of this matter?" Although Hua Jiujiu didn't know what happened, but seeing how arrogant and domineering they were, he knew that it must be the problem of Xianyinfang .

Moreover, she believes in the people cultivated by Hua Shishi.

Speaking of which, she hasn't seen Hua Shishi since just now, and she doesn't know where this girl has gone?

However, at her current age, it's not suitable for her to come out.

It was a good choice for her to let Xia Xiaoxin be the master on this bright side.

It seems that agreeing to give Xia Xiaoxin to Hua Shishi at the beginning was a very correct choice.

The people in Xianyinfang looked like they had eaten Xiang.

At this time, a person whispered something in the ear of the head woman, a trace of surprise flashed across the eyes of the head woman, but she quickly returned to normal, and she said coldly: "Young Master Qianzui, are you sure you want to talk to us Xianyin?" Is it right?"

"Isn't Xianyinfang just looking for trouble?" Hua Jiujiu chuckled.

The faces of the people in Xianyinfang sank.

"Since that's the case, you might as well have a cup of tea with us, Mr. Qianzui." Their tone was full of ruthlessness, obviously this tea drinking was not an ordinary tea drinking.

"Unfortunately, I just drank tea before going out, so I don't have the slightest desire to drink tea at the moment." Huajiujiu will not spoil them.

"It seems that the tea that Young Master likes is quite unique." As he spoke, a few figures appeared around Huajiujiu and surrounded her. The intention was very obvious, to forcefully take Huajiujiu back to drink tea.

Hua Jiujiu didn't panic at all, playing with the strand of black hair on her chest, she didn't even give these people a look.

The person in Xianyinfang is so angry, this person really doesn't think much of them!

It's just a doctor with some medical skills, why is he so arrogant, let's see if they don't teach him a lesson!
(End of this chapter)

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