Chapter 490

Jinyue looked coldly at these people she didn't know at all. She didn't know when there was so much rubbish in Xianyinfang. It seemed that she had to clean up the rubbish for the master, so as not to ruin herself The lord's favor in the heart of the young lady.

When these people moved, Jin Yue also moved, and the speed was much faster than these people.

Indeed, as Jin Yue thought, these people were trash, and they were fucked up in a short while.

Huajiujiu hasn't even made a move yet.

Xianyu, the woman headed by Xianyinfang, looked at Jinyue in shock, she didn't expect that there was such a powerful person beside Mr. Qianzui.

Moreover, why does this person's martial arts methods feel a little familiar?

" wait for me." Xianyu knew that he was not their opponent, and just wanted to go back quickly to rescue soldiers.

"Since we're here, how can we go back so quickly? People who don't know will think that the reception of Mengfang is not good enough." Huajiujiu's light voice sounded, making Xianyu's heart tremble violently.

"You... how dare you, I'm from Xianyinfang, Xianyinfang will not let you go!" Xianyu's voice trembled.

"Oh? I'm really curious, how can Xianyinfang not let me go." Hua Jiujiu's eyes flashed fiercely, and he waved his hand at Xianyu.

Xianyu thought that Hua Jiujiu was going to hit her, so she took a step back in fright, but she tripped over something and fell to the ground.

Seeing that the slap was about to fall, she closed her eyes abruptly.

However, the slap did not fall for a long time, she only felt something like flour falling on her face.

She opened her eyes with some doubts, only seeing Hua Jiujiu's condescending and disdainful expression.

Hit this woman?

Dirty her hands!
Xianyu read the meaning in Hua Jiujiu's eyes, trembling with anger.

She struggled to get up from the ground and vowed to make this man look good!

As a result, before going back with the group of injured people, someone ran in and shouted excitedly: "Xianyinfang has been smashed!"

Everyone's eyes widened.

How is this going?

How could Xianyinfang be smashed? !
I have never heard that Xianyinfang smashed other people's places, but I never heard that Xianyinfang was smashed.

How powerful is this person who smashed the scene!

Hua Jiujiu narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Xia Xiaoxin and asked, "Where's Shishi?"

"Master has gone to Xianyinfang." Xia Xiaoxin said excitedly.

Sure enough, as she guessed, it was her younger sister Hua Shishi who made the mess!

Hua Jiujiu raised the corners of her lips, showing a pleasant smile, which made her already alluring face even more beautiful.

As expected of her sister.

The people in Xianyinfang are vulgar, and when they are robbed of their business, they will only come to the door and smash things to show their strength as a warning, but they don't know that this will only lower the grade of their Xianyinfang, which makes people feel insulted.

And what Hua Shishi selected is the best way to deal with them, defeating them, making Xianyinfang completely unable to hold its head up!

"Go over and have a look." It's not so easy to get out of the mess. As a sister, I naturally have to go to support her.

Many people from Lingmengfang passed by, and those who were injured in Lingmengfang also helped each other go back. This is related to their reputation of Xianyinfang, so naturally they have to go back and have a look.

What Hua Jiujiu didn't know was that there was a pair of eyes on the teahouse opposite, watching everything that happened here from beginning to end.

Originally, I just came here to drink tea and meditate, but I didn't expect to see an appetizing scene by accident.

When he was about to leave, he saw Young Master Qianzui coming.

Then, what happened next was completely within his expectations. Although it was not very exciting, it also made him feel that the day was boring and added some fun.

Is there still a show at Xianyinfang?

He flickered his calm black eyes, and disappeared into the teahouse in a flash.

The people in the dark showed a shocked expression.

When did the master actually like watching a play? !
Not long after, Hua Jiujiu and others arrived at their destination. There were many onlookers gathered in Xianyinfang, and they almost failed to squeeze in.

As soon as he entered, Hua Jiujiu saw the bright and moving figure standing in the center of the stage.

She couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

Long time no see, my little sister has changed a lot.

Especially that xinxing.

There was no expression on Hua Jiujiu's face, but there was a hint of distress in the depths of his eyes.

It must have experienced many important things before it changed from the inside out.

Her sister, grown up!

Hua Shishi wears a veil on her face, so people can't see her true face, but they can clearly know that this is an extremely beautiful woman, which makes people yearn for it even more.

She took a small step forward and said with a smile on her face: "The little girl is Qianmeng from Lingmengfang. I heard that the Xianle girl in Xianyinfang has superb piano skills. She is a rare and wonderful woman in the world. Her piano sound is even more rare in the world." I've heard the rumors a few times, I don't know if the little girl is lucky enough to ask for advice."

Those men watching the theater all looked at Hua Shishi with great interest.

This woman from Listening to Dreams is really a wonderful person!

Most of them know Miss Qianmeng of Listening Dreamworks. When it opened that day, they were lucky enough to hear her play a song. It is really fascinating.

It can be said that the true biography of Qin Xian has been fully obtained!

Hua Jiujiu hooked the corners of her lips.

The higher you hold, the harder you fall.

In addition, did Qianmeng follow her name Qianzui?
"Thousands of dreams? I've never heard of it." The deputy owner of Xianyinfang smiled softly.

Don't look at her gentle smile, in fact, this is a gentle knife that cuts people's hearts.

What she meant was that she was just an unknown person who wanted to challenge them, Miss Xianle, and didn't care whether she was worthy or not.

"I heard that the women in Xianyinfang are more gentle, virtuous and virtuous than the women in the boudoir. It is normal for the deputy master to have never heard of it. The little girl came here in a hurry, and it seems a bit impolite to report herself like this. Zhou, it's all because the little girl was too impatient and yearned for piano skills so much that she forgot the proper etiquette, so she made amends here."

The deputy master's face froze slightly.

What a bold woman, dare to ridicule them as stupid and ignorant girls who don't come out of the door and don't go out!
The people present looked at Hua Shishi with even hotter eyes.

This woman is really decent and generous, it seems that in the future they will give more praise to the scene of Listening to Dreams.

I heard that today, the girls from Xianyinfang, like shrews in the market, went to Mengmengfang to make a big fuss. This behavior really made them feel disgusted, just like seeing the pungent lady in their own family, it turned off their appetite .

Didn't they come to this kind of place just to see different women?
(End of this chapter)

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