Chapter 543 Something Happened
Su Mo walked to Hua Jiujiu's side and said in a low voice, "Master asked me to investigate Madam's affairs, but today I got news that Madam has gone to the capital."

Huajiujiu looked slightly condensed.

Why did you go to the capital?However, this can also explain that nothing happened to my mother.

However, that place in the capital...

"Su Mo, find Grandma Liu and ask her to go to the capital with her, and secretly protect my mother. If there is any situation, please tell me immediately." It seems that my mother is ready to take action , then I naturally have to quicken my pace.

"Yes, young master." Su Mo nodded quickly.

Whether it's Huajiujiu or Baizhi, he regards him as his dearest person, so he doesn't want anything to happen to them at all, and he will naturally be more concerned about everything.

Su Mo thought that this was the only thing that Hua Jiujiu cared more about, and he didn't care much about the others, so he didn't talk about it right now.

However, this time the investigation really made him discover something.

This Lingcheng is indeed not as simple as they imagined.

Suddenly, Jinxue walked in with a serious face, "My lord, something happened."

"What?" Hua Jiujiu didn't seem surprised.

This lunch break is not a simple lunch break. If nothing happens, then there is a real ghost.

"People are dead, and many people have died, including some high-ranking and powerful people." Therefore, this matter will not be easy.

"Affect the afternoon auction?" Hua Jiujiu asked indifferently.

"No." Originally, it should be possible, but it is impossible for Lintian Auction House to allow such a thing to happen.

"Do you know why?"

"It seems to be poisoned."

Hua Jiujiu played with his fingers, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Who do you think it is?" Yu Miao'an came over at some point.

Hua Jiujiu didn't reply.

"Why do I feel like some people directed and acted it?" Yu Miao said with deep meaning.

Huajiu lowered his eyes slightly.

It wasn't until someone knocked on the box door that he raised his head.

When she saw Bai Shanya, she didn't feel surprised at all.

"I wonder if my lord can do me a favor?" Bai Shanya asked bluntly.

She didn't mean to force Huajiujiu.

However, Hua Jiujiu had no reason to refuse, so he nodded and said, "Yes."

"Thank you son." Bai Shanya smiled slightly.

When he was about to leave with Hua Jiujiu, he glanced at the dumpling beside him, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he was quickly suppressed.

It seems that the news from the people below is not wrong, this snow spirit fox has really mutated.

Could it be that it was already close to the edge of mutation?

If this is the case, then their Lintian Auction House is really at a loss.

Looking at the backs of the two leaving, Yu Miao felt inexplicably a little heartbroken.

It stands to reason that he should be invited to check on such a big event.

After all, his popularity is even higher, but in the end he still invited Mr. Qianzui.

What does this mean?
It can only show that the name of Mr. Qianzui has surpassed his own.

In such a short time!

This is really heartbreaking.

They didn't speak during the journey, Bai Shanya took Huajiujiu directly to the scene of the incident.

On the ground lay three corpses covered with white cloths.

Three people died at once, which is indeed a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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