Chapter 544 Food poisoning?

Bai Shanya nodded slightly to Huajiujiu, "Young Master, I'm here."

Hua Jiujiu knew that she was asking her to look at the situation, but she was a little puzzled, with the ability of Lintian Auction House, would she not be able to find out what happened?
Was it intentional, or did I really not know?

Perhaps, the answer can be found from these three corpses.

It's just, how did I become a courier...

Just as Hua Jiujiu was about to step forward, someone said, "Miss Bai, what do you mean?" Apparently there were still people who didn't recognize Hua Jiujiu.

"He's Mr. Qianzui, check for them." Bai Shanya explained.

Those people were a little surprised, Mr. Qianzui is so young?

Can such a young person check out anything?

If Mr. Miao Ai is here, they can still believe it, but this person... Sorry, I really can't believe it.

Although Mr. Qianzui had some disturbances in Lingcheng, after all, there were too few of them, so it's not surprising that people despised him.

Hua Jiujiu didn't care what these people thought, but stepped forward to examine the three corpses carefully.

Judging by their appearance, they knew they were poisoned.

It's just that I really can't see what kind of poison has been poisoned.

Because the person was already dead, and Huajiujiu hadn't performed an autopsy, so he didn't know what was going on, so he had to ask these people about the situation of the deceased before his death.

However, these people didn't know anything at all, and Hua Jiujiu couldn't ask any questions at all.

Moreover, they were extremely impatient, obviously questioning Huajiu.

Hua Jiujiu glanced at them lightly, squatted down again, put on the gloves again, vomited at them, and then checked the vomit.

This scene made the people present almost throw up. They just wondered if this young master Qianzui was a pervert.

Even looking at the vomit so seriously, do you still want to eat it?
Even though Hua Jiujiu did such disgusting things, in Bai Shanya's eyes, she was still so elegant.

After a while, Hua Jiujiu stood up, took off the gloves on his hands, and said, "Food poisoning."

She was a little puzzled, how could Lintian Auction House make such a low-level mistake as food poisoning?

Moreover, how could Lintian Auction House fail to find out about food poisoning?
What is Bai Shanya's plan?
"What? Food poisoning? My brother didn't eat anything, he only ate what the Lintian Auction House gave him."

"Yeah, so does my sister."

"My elder brother is too. Lintian Auction House must give us an explanation."

The relatives of these three corpses spoke out for their families one after another. These three people are all powerful and powerful people. Naturally, many people will help them speak out.

The people around were also whispering.

Is it really the ghost of Lintian Auction House?
But what good is this?
As for whether someone with a heart set the blame on Lintian Auction House, what good is that?
What is the purpose?

Everyone can't understand the problem.

"Do you know what kind of food it is?" Bai Shanya asked suspiciously, why couldn't their people find out?

Hua Jiujiu didn't answer immediately, but fell into deep thought.

She saw the vomit just now, and it was indeed food poisoning, so the first thing she said was naturally this.

But, thinking about it carefully, the food that caused them to be poisoned was not so ferocious, it shouldn't be poisoned to death so quickly, and it shouldn't be that reaction.

I heard from them that it was fine one second, but suddenly fell to the ground the next second.

So, there are other reasons for their real death.

Hua Jiujiu walked to the three corpses again, and began to examine them carefully, which was more serious and standard than Wu's work.

In fact, Hua Jiujiu really wanted to dissect it, but this ancient man would not agree so easily.

Not to mention, these three people are all people with status.

Seeing her appearance, Bai Shanya knew it was not that simple.

I don't know who dares to sell in Lintian Auction House!
At this moment, there was a noise from outside the box, and Bai Shanya asked coldly, "What happened?"

"Miss, news of this place has spread, causing many people to feel uneasy, and someone has taken the lead in making trouble." The man's face was solemn.

Bai Shanya narrowed her eyes slightly, those eyes that should have been spotless, were now stained with a shocking color, as if a piece of white paper was suddenly smudged with black ink.

She had already had people block the news, but it spread so quickly.

this matter……

Suddenly, her figure moved, and she whispered to the people around her: "Follow me to the treasure house!"

The person has disappeared into the room.

Hua Jiujiu inspected the hands of the corpse, paused for a moment, and then showed a look of understanding.

She knew why these people died.

It's really a deep thought, and it's a powerful method!

She didn't say anything, but followed Bai Shanya's pace.

She and Bai Shanya thought of a place, someone wanted to intercept the auction in the afternoon!

Originally, she didn't need to participate in this matter, but who knows if the scheming person is after Tianshan Snow Lotus, she absolutely cannot allow any mistakes in this matter!
Hua Jiujiu didn't get close to the treasure house, and she was stopped when she was halfway there.

Looking at the expressionless person blocking him, Hua Jiujiu's expression turned a little bit bad.

At this moment, a person came over, whispered something to the person who was blocking him, and then suddenly backed away, letting Hua Jiujiu pass by.

Although Hua Jiujiu was puzzled, she didn't ask any more questions, but walked over calmly.

After a while, they arrived at the place where the treasure house was hidden. There were quite a few men in black around the door, all on guard.

Bai Shanya held an empty box in her hand, her face was a little cold.

At this time, she is like a goddess of ice and snow, making people feel that the whole winter is under her control.

Hua Jiujiu took a step forward, then his pupils shrank slightly.

Inside the empty box is the breath of Tianshan snow lotus!

So, has the Tianshan snow lotus been stolen?Is it a coincidence?Or on purpose?

Huajiujiu could not calm the anger in his heart.

She suppressed her heart as hard as she could, and asked indifferently, "Has the Tianshan snow lotus been stolen?"

"Yeah." Bai Shanya's beautiful face tensed together.

It was the first time I was in charge of the Lintian Auction House, and something like this happened!
Bai Shanya's proud heart was instantly shattered.

Her white and beautiful fingers pinched the empty box tightly, as if to destroy everything.

Looking at Bai Shanya like this, Hua Jiujiu could guess what was going on in her heart at the moment.

In this world, there has never been a person who has no desires and desires. There will always be things that he cares about, and he will always become crazy because of the things he cares about!
Just like Huajiujiu at this moment, there is a touch of madness hidden in his eyes, and there is an urge to destroy everything.

(End of this chapter)

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