
Chapter 239

Chapter 239
Huo Shan pointed to one of the big boxes, and said to Shangguan Jie:

"Put on the armor and visor inside, go to the other camps for a while, return to the city at dusk, go back to the captain's mansion, take off the armor and you can move freely!"

Shangguan Jie actually didn't want to be this pretender, so he asked expectantly:

"My lord, will you take me with you?"

Huo Shan didn't even look at him, and said lightly:

"No, hurry up and get out of here!"

Shangguan Jie smashed his mouth, bowed and saluted with an aggrieved face:

"The last general takes orders!"

Shangguan Jie belongs to the kind who pushes his nose and face, stalks and stalks, don't give him any signs, or he will annoy you to death!

Watching Shangguan Jie lead the troops away, Huo Shan and the seven of them and 750 Shesheng also started to act.

As for letting Shangguan Jie pretend to be just to hide the truth from the soldiers, if they let the soldiers know that he is not in the city, it is inevitable that there will be no instability in the army.

As for hiding it from other people, Huo Shan didn't have the intention to hide it, and he couldn't hide it, and the army was still very safe, and any problems would come from the big households and merchants.

And Huqiang City is a veritable military city, full of large troops, where are the big households and merchants!
After Huo Shan left the barracks with the sound of shooting, he ran directly to the mountain on the south side.

Enter the mountain first, then turn to the west, and after passing the defense line of the Qiang Four Forts on the south side, you will arrive at the mountainous area with a defense line of [-] miles.

Now there is only one way to enter this area, and the west side has been blocked by the [-] Qiang army who stayed in the frontier military fort.

And the large number of valley roads between the mountains and the plain must have been blocked.

All the soldiers in the Pingyuan military fort fled to the mountains, four thousand cavalry, this is not a small number, it is a great threat to the Qiang army.

So the Qiang sent [-] soldiers and horses into the mountain to mop up the mountain, but Huo Shan reckoned, or was sure, that not all of the [-] troops would enter the mountain.

The terrain in the mountainous area is intricate, and it is not so easy to sweep if you want to sweep it. If you enter and pursue from the valley road here, the big man soldiers will be able to circle around and come out from another valley road.

Therefore, at the valley crossing along the way, there must be soldiers and horses staying behind.

It has to be said that the Qiang people have a big heart. If four thousand soldiers could threaten him at any time and put him in a double attack situation, Huo Shan would never enter the three hundred li defense line unless he cleared it.

It may be that the "vulnerability" of these military fortress soldiers, as well as the fact that they have a large number of soldiers and horses, gave them a lot of confidence!


Since he set off, Xiao Hei has already been in the air. He didn't bring a guide this time, so all the marching routes depend on Xiao Hei in the air.

Afterwards, they entered the three-hundred-mile defense line, with the assistance of wolves.

With the tracker of wolves, the radar of Xiaohei, and [-] special forces of archers, there is no battlefield more suitable for him than this place.

In the intricate valley road, Huo Shanrao can stun the enemy.

In the evening, Huo Shan arrived at the blockade line of the Three Forts of Qiang, the three hundred li defense line, in the middle of the north-south direction.

In fact, the distance is not far. If he catches up, he can reach this place at noon.

As for the reason for walking so slowly, it was because Shesheng was not familiar with the terrain, and the valley road in the middle of the mountain was not very flat, and it was very difficult to walk with potholes.

And walking in the valley road with low terrain, there are mountains on both sides, and the line of sight can't see far at all.

This makes Shesheng, who has been galloping on the plain all year round, very uncomfortable, and because no matter where you are, you feel that this is a very dangerous place and it is very easy to be ambushed, so you are a little nervous.

Huo Shan had just walked more than two miles into the mountains, and he came to a conclusion that the power of cavalry in this area will be greatly reduced, and the power of infantry will increase, especially the crossbow infantry, it is simply heaven.

And it is very easy to be ambushed, which means it is very easy to ambush others.

Huo Shan felt that they would probably have to run with their legs for their next move.

Find the whereabouts of the enemy, ride close to them, put down the horse, climb up the mountain with a bow and crossbow, and attack the enemy on the mountainside, the Qiang cavalry will have nothing to do with them.

Then it depends on the Qiang people's next move. Huo Shan only brought seven hundred and five shots, which doesn't mean he only has so many people.

You Qiang cavalry can't climb the mountain, and the valley road is narrow for the cavalry. He only needs to send troops to block the two ends. Where are you going?

Whether you pursue or retreat, there will be no escape.

Then the shooting sound from the middle of the mountain could be relaxed, and the arrows were used to bring them back to the embrace of this land without bloodshed.


Huo Shan led the soldiers and horses just to the defense line, and was going to find a relatively flat hill to rest for a while before marching.

Then a giant log from the top of the mountain rolled down rumbled and fell right in front of them, blocking their way.

Then a voice came from the top of the mountain:
"Who is coming?"

Huo Shan reckoned that if they hadn't happened to be walking west, the giant log would have fallen among them, but he didn't raise a flag.

On the top of the distant mountain, two soldiers from the military fort were climbing on the top of the mountain, looking at the soldiers and horses below.

"The Shesheng School under the Commander's Central Army."

Captain Shesheng replied with a loud voice.

The two soldiers looked at each other, and then one shouted:
"Wait later, I will report!"

Then he said to another soldier:
"You stare here, I'll go to the back to find the team leader."

Another soldier nodded. Just as the soldier stood up, another voice came from below:
"Wait a moment, the governor has sent an order to inform you of our situation, and it is estimated that we will receive the news after waiting for a while!"

When approaching the line of defense, Huo Shan did send soldiers to inform the soldiers and horses protecting the Three Forts of the Qiang, just to prevent being beaten by his own people.

The line of defense does not only defend one side, but a blockade, no matter where it is!
When you enter the mountainous area, you can’t just walk in one direction. If you walk along the valley road, you have to change direction after walking for a while. If you don’t follow along for a while, you won’t be able to tell which direction you’re going below.

For example, you want to go west all the time, but there is only a 180-degree turn and go east. It is impossible to go over the mountain, so you can only walk along.

Go another way, go north at [-] degrees, go another [-] degrees, go west again.

The overall march is westward, but in the middle of this section of the road, you can't tell which way he is going, and there is not only one road, there is also a fork in the middle.

So it's very easy to misunderstand.

Huo Shan not only sent a letter to the front three castles, he also asked Xiao Hei to send a letter to Yueqi Xiaowei, asking him to gather an army to avoid the Qiang people and wait for his arrival. Xiao Hei has already returned.


The two soldiers looked at each other, then wait, they don't want to run away either.

But even though they were waiting, the two of them were still vigilant, staring wide-eyed at the hillsides on all sides, and even the direction they came from behind was also at the top of the mountain, and they were also staring.

After a while, a horn sounded from another mountaintop in the distance. The two relaxed after hearing it, and one of them shouted down the mountain:

"Got it, let's go, brothers, behead your heads!"

Huo Shan at the foot of the mountain couldn't help but smile when he heard that:

"It's really interesting to behead a lot!"

Everyone was laughing too, it was really interesting!

Doesn't the enemy's head mean military merit? For soldiers, beheading more is the simplest wish.

"Let's go!"

When Huo Shan encountered this scene, he suddenly thought of a question.

The Huben army has a total of 3000 people. At the beginning, he sent a company of troops to block the frontier on the road, with more than 100 people in a company.

At that time, Huo Shan was thinking of stealing a wave of Qiang people's hometown, so he sent out heavy cavalry and light clothing, but not Qingqi.

It has been such a long time, and there is no news. Now the Qiang army has arrived, and his encirclement has been arranged.

Moreover, there are also soldiers and horses in the county government all over the country, so there is no need to worry, the company can be transferred back!

And it will still be useful to remount him in the future, besides, Huben is here to train soldiers, so what's the matter with guarding the rear all the time.

Huo Shan of the two thousand Qingqi was very relieved, Lao Zhao led them to walk the path that Yulin had walked again, the quality of the soldiers was not lacking, as long as they saw blood.

As for the remaining thousand heavy cavalry, their paths were different, so Huo Shan had to think about it.

Heavy cavalry is used to attack the enemy. Its lethality is not as good as that of light cavalry, but its deterrent effect is [-]%!

However, there are ways to charge in the formation, and the actual situation must also be considered. It does not mean that you aim at the center of the enemy and charge as hard as you can. This is a very stupid and risky thing.

The burst of heavy cavalry is only a short distance away, and there is a very high probability that they will not be able to rush through and fall into the enemy's army, and the game will be over!
Not only heavy cavalry, but all cavalry are the same. It is very inadvisable to charge forward, the casualties are too great, and the loss is too great.

The enemy doesn't stand up and let you charge. The Qiang people are better. If there is a battle in the Central Plains, a seven or eight-meter-long spear will be stuck on the ground, facing you directly. Waiting for you, if you are really facing the force, the enemy will be happy.

The last time Huo Shan attacked the Xiongnu head-on was a special situation. The enemy was in turmoil, the formation was unstable, and there were large-scale cavalry on his side. If he didn't charge directly, he would be sorry for himself.

The cavalry generally charged into battle, and in most cases, there were soldiers and horses fighting the enemy in front, and they fell into a stalemate.

Then the cavalry rushed to the enemy's flanks, acting as surprise soldiers, tearing apart the enemy's formation, causing the enemy to panic, and then pressing forward, playing a decisive role in one fell swoop.

How else can you say that the two wings are so important!

But everything is not absolute, how to use it depends on the actual situation!
Heavy cavalry is a thing that can be used or not. It is good to use it out of its sheath from time to time to scare the enemy, mainly to highlight a deterrent effect.

However, they must first see the degree of exaggeration before they can feel deterred.

Huo Shan is going to make good use of them this time, to let the Qiang people see the power of the big Han tiger and heavy cavalry, and to plant a shadow of fear in their hearts!


"Tian Qianqiu."

"The minister is here."

"Write a warrant to Zhong Gan later to transfer the company of tigers I sent back to Hu Qiang."



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(End of this chapter)

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