
Chapter 240 A big gift right after arriving!

Chapter 240 A big gift right after arriving! (seeking subscription)

In the afternoon of the second day, Huo Shan and She Sheng were running towards the position of Yueqi Xiaowei.

But as soon as he entered the line of protecting the Qiang Three Forts in the mountainous area of ​​the defense line and walked seventy miles, there was a howl of eagles in the sky. Huo Shan grabbed the rein of the horse and raised his hand, and the soldiers behind him also stopped slowly.

Huo Shan looked up at Xiao Hei in the air, and after watching for a while, he commanded Captain Shesheng behind him:
"Twenty miles to the northwest, send people to investigate."

"The last general takes orders!"

Afterwards, Yi Shi broke away from the main force and began to return on the same road, heading in that direction from the fork that he just passed.

After Huo Shan blew a whistle, he asked Xiao Hei to follow them, and the big tribe also started to change from the front team to the rear team, and the rear team changed to the front team to head in that direction.

Huo Shan ignored them who were going forward, looked around, found a gentle slope, and began to climb to the top of the mountain on his champion.

When he came to the top of the mountain, Huo Shan looked around, seeing all the continuous ridges in his eyes, Huo Shan pulled out his whistle and blew.

The unique whistle echoed around, and the wolves who heard the whistle stopped their movements one after another, and then ran towards Huo Shan after the whistle stopped.

Huo Shan waited on the top of the mountain for a while, and the wolves surrounded him one after another. Huo Shan counted and muttered:
"Seventy, that's enough!"

Huo Tan turned his horse's head, waved to Sun Shang at the foot of the mountain, and walked along the ridge towards the enemy army, with the wolves following behind.

Sun Shang at the foot of the mountain sighed helplessly when he saw Huo Shan leaving, and then rode his horse to chase after him.

Mountain climbing is not good for Li Yu, but it is like walking on flat ground for the champion, as long as it is not a very steep hill, he can climb it.

Although he is huge in size, he is quite flexible, otherwise he would be called a strange beast!

After a while, Huo Shan caught up with the Shesheng soldiers who had stopped in front. The wolves stayed on the top of the mountain, and Huo Shan found a gentle slope and ran down.

"what's the situation?"

Captain Shesheng bowed and saluted:

"Going back to the Commander-in-Chief, we found the whereabouts of the enemy eight miles ahead, two hills away from our army, the number of them is about [-], and they are led by two thousand commanders.

They should be the soldiers and horses who intercepted our Yueqi school lieutenant's troops back to protect Qiang City, and they are on their way to march. "

"Is there any place suitable for an ambush on their march?"

Speaking of this, Captain Shesheng smiled:

"Governor, isn't it a coincidence that the four fortresses of Huqiang have a defense of eighty miles, which is suitable for ambushes, and it happens to be on their way of marching."

Huo Shan raised his hand and said hastily:

"Talk about it."


Huo Shan got off his horse, Captain Shesheng took out the map of Colonel Hu Qiang's mansion, and took a whip to draw on the ground, Huo Shan understood it after just a few glances.

"Returning to the Governor, the whole place is north-south, and the hillside on the west side is extremely steep, and the whole stretches for more than ten miles before it slows down.

Although it's not a cliff, it's not too far off, and no one can climb it, let alone the Qiang cavalry.

The hillside on the east side is gentle. If the cavalry climb slowly, they can climb up, but the speed is very slow.

The valley road in the middle is very narrow. If there are no other circumstances, this is a very good place for ambushes.

And if you want to get out of this valley, you have to go all the way south.

There is a place, walk into this valley road and go south for five or six miles, and there is a fork in the east.

The terrain of this fork is flat, which is very suitable for cavalry to walk. However, after walking four miles into the fork, you will enter a small basin.

There are water and forests in the basin, but there is only such an entrance and exit. Although there are two sides of the waterway to walk, it is fine for less than 2000 people, but it is impossible for [-] people to walk. "

Huo Shan stroked his chin and smiled, glanced at the wolves on the top of the mountain and said:
"So, we only need to drive them into this small basin, and then they are the turtles in the urn for us."

Captain Shesheng smiled from ear to ear and nodded repeatedly.

Of course he had to laugh, killing two thousand enemies with seven hundred would be a great achievement!

Huo Shan took the map and began to observe. This place is said to be a small basin, but this statement is actually exaggerating it. The place is not big, but a very small place.

The place is small, and there are still water and forests inside. The Qiang cavalry can't be used to full play, and it is easier to catch turtles.

Huo Shan thought about it again, until Xiao Hei in the air woke him up with another eagle howl, Huo Shan said quickly:
"Sooner rather than later, leave me 120 men and 120 god arm crossbows, and you take the remaining [-] here to prepare.

The hills around this place are gentle, don't enter it, and the horses stay outside, just take people to occupy the surrounding hills, and wait until I drive them in. "

"The last general takes orders!"

Seeing Captain Shesheng leaving with his soldiers and horses, Huo Shan smiled at Huo Guang and the others and said:

"I didn't expect the Qiang people to present such a big gift when I just came here. Time is running out, we can't let them run away, let's go too!"

A group of people walked towards the two thousand Qiang people. Sima Qian asked curiously on the way:

"Why does the governor know that the Qiang people will definitely enter this basin? If they don't enter, our hundred people can't stop them!"

Huo Shan glanced at him, raised his eyebrows and said lightly:

"I'm not sure, if you can't stop it, you can't stop it, if they don't come in, don't go in, we have nothing to lose.

Even if we let them run away, they are walking south, and we are beside us, it is impossible to turn around and return south, but there is no way to return, there are opportunities everywhere in this complex mountainous area.

Now that they are being targeted by the Marquis, they can't run away. They can run for a while, but they can't run forever. Now that they have entered this mountainous area, they have only one possibility. "


Huo Guang next to him also interjected curiously.

Huo Shan smiled brightly and nodded:

"Add merit to my big man!"

Huo Shan chatted for a few words, then began to give orders:
"Sun Shang."

"The end is here."

"Lead sixty soldiers, and after they enter the valley road, use the god arm crossbow to drive away the Qiang people behind the enemy, and I will let the wolves assist you."

"The last general takes orders!"

Sun Shang led 60 people away, Huo Shan blew his whistle, and half of the wolf pack followed.

Sima Qian asked curiously and expectantly:

"Then what are we doing now?"

Huo Shan looked at him puzzled:
"Of course we are going forward to cut off their path!"

Sima Qian blinked:


"Yeah, what else do you want?"

Sima Qian hissed lightly, and muttered:

"It shouldn't be so simple. You divided positions, divided regions, and issued orders one by one. It was so detailed and complicated. Why is it so simple for you to go to the battlefield by yourself?"

Huo Shan looked at him with a smile:

Sima Qian nodded hesitantly.

"This is already much more complicated, and it adds a lot of risks. If the soldiers of the Yueqi Captain's Department were not far away from us, it would be simpler.

It only needs to call in three or five hundred soldiers, block the entrances and exits on both sides, stand on the mountain and shoot with the god arm crossbow. "

Sima Qian looked like you were teasing me, and the others held back their laughter and didn't speak, watching Sima Qian who didn't understand anything make jokes.

Huo Shan hooked the corner of his mouth and said:
"Do you think you bring a hundred thousand soldiers and horses, and I bring ten thousand, who will win?"

"Of course it's you, I don't know how to lead soldiers!"

Sima Qian still had something in mind.

Huo Shan nodded slowly, and then said with a sullen expression:

"So, what counts in a war is not how many people there are, but who the leader is!"

Huo Guang looked at the stupid Sima Qian and couldn't help laughing after all.

Sima Qian immediately turned his head and stared at Huo Guang. Huo Guang stopped laughing after laughing twice:

"What kind of soldiers and horses are the Qiang people?"

Sima Qian looked puzzled:
"What soldiers and horses? Cavalry?"

Huo Guang nodded with a smile and asked again:

"Which one is stronger and weaker between the Qiang people and the Shesheng?"

Sima Qian straightened his chest and said proudly:
"That's my shot, of course, even ten Qiang people can't match my shot!"

The surrounding soldiers happily listened to their conversation.

Huo Guang smiled and nodded, and asked again:
"Have you read the Art of War?"

Sima Qian knew that Huo Guang was pointing him, so he bowed his chest and said:

"I've read one or two."

"You know the right time, the right place, and the harmony of people?"

"Know some."

"Although there are some favorable conditions and people in this battle, they don't account for much. The main reason is the favorable location."

"This is a mountainous area. The strength of the Qiang cavalry cannot be displayed. The place our army chose is also a place with narrow roads. Any soldiers and horses walking in will not be able to display their strength."

Sima Qian frowned and scratched his head, with an anxious expression on his face. The more he heard what Huo Guang said, the more confused he became.

Although the location is advantageous, the Qiang people have two thousand soldiers and horses, not two thousand pigs, even if they are two thousand pigs, it is terrible to rush.

With only 60 people on our side, how can we withstand the impact of [-] soldiers and horses?

Just when he was about to ask again, Huo Shan in front suddenly said:
"Uncle, you didn't get to the point at all. He couldn't understand no matter how much you said."

Huo Guang pouted:
"Then you tell him?"

Huo Shan shook his head again and again, then turned his head and said with a smile:

"I won't talk about it. I'll let him read it. After reading it, he will understand everything, and I don't have time to tell him."

After finishing speaking, Huo Shan straightened his face and shouted to the soldiers behind:

"Our distance is farther, and the whole army speeds up."


After shouting, Huo Shan rushed to the front immediately, and several people also changed their expressions, stopped chatting, and hurriedly followed with the soldiers.

More than sixty people speeded up and went there with seven turns and eight turns. They needed to detour, and the distance was several times longer than that of the Qiang people. If they didn't speed up a little, they couldn't stop the Qiang people.

They are all elites of the Northern Army, Huo Guang's riding skills are also very good, Sima Qian is even better than Huo Guang, as for Tian Qianqiu and Zhang Anshi, they belong to Habayashi.

So a group of people moved very fast and arrived at the designated location in a short while.

Huo Shan looked along the valley road and saw that it was empty, he was relieved and caught up.

At this time, the Qiang people could not have passed, their speed was very fast, and they did not save horsepower at all.

So there are only two possibilities, early truncation and head-on encounter.

Moreover, there were no horseshoe marks on the ground, so the Qiang people hadn't arrived yet, but Huo Shan estimated that they would be coming soon, about a few minutes left and right.

(End of this chapter)

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