
Chapter 264 More and more like His Majesty!

Chapter 264 More and more like His Majesty! (4.5K)

"Let me reward you?"

Huo Shan looked at Zong Quan who came back, and when he heard what he brought back, Huo Shan was filled with a sense of absurdity!
You are not even willing to write an imperial edict, or even say a word, to ask your courtiers to reward your courtiers?
Huo Shan was sure that as long as Liu Che said a word, someone below would naturally make proper arrangements.

This set of operations is simply outrageous!
"Reporting to the Governor, that's how the General responded to me."

Huo Shan nodded, and waved his hand to signal the aggrieved Zongquan to go down and rest!

Huo Shan rubbed his forehead, he had to do it even if he had a headache!
"Little Li, go and call me Tian Qianqiu!"


After a while, Xiao Lizi brought Tian Qianqiu to the small courtyard.

"Greetings to the Chief Governor, I wonder what is the important thing for the lord to call for his ministers?"

Huo Shan didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point:
"Will a reward edict be drafted?"

Tian Qianqiu froze for a moment:

"Okay, let's draw up three edicts, one to make Xu Ziwei Marquis of Ping and Qiang, and five hundred households in Shiyi.

One posthumously named Li Xi the Marquis of Anxi, and sealed [-] households in Shiyi.

You can send someone to the Li family to inquire again. There is a son in his family, and succession is not a problem. It seems that the son of the old general will inherit the position of Marquis. I hope it is the eldest son.

After the questioning, draw up another inheritance edict, and bring it to me when you're done. "

Huo Shan has met a few of Li Xi's sons, and the eldest one is promising and talented, and the most important thing is that he is more stable, but Huo Shan doesn't like the character of not fighting or grabbing.

But with Huo Shan's words, stability is enough.

Tian Qianqiu quickly bowed and saluted:

Huo Shan looked at Tian Qianqiu with some embarrassment and hesitation, and asked angrily:
"Ask if you have anything, don't hesitate!"

"No, uh, the governor, I don't know who else..."

"The rewards of other people will be rewarded together after the Western Regions."

Tian Qianqiu breathed a sigh of relief, they are happy to see this kind of thing come to fruition, although there are good and bad rewards when they are stacked together.

The good thing is that one plus one is greater than two, and the sum of the two rewards together is greater than the rewards of the two alone.

Although this kind of thing is very uncommon, there is nothing unusual about Huo Shan.

The bad thing is that one plus one is less than two.

However, with Huo Shan present, it is basically impossible for the latter situation to occur.

Tian Qianqiu saluted again and said:

"I retire!"

Huo Shan waved his hand:

It was normal for Li Xi to be named Marquis. Although without Huo Shan's help, his title would not have been promoted from Guannei Marquis to Liehou, it was still a normal situation.

His credit is enough, it can only be said that his luck was bad, he withdrew from the center, and no one helped him.

As for whether the Li family understands this point, they must understand it. Even if they don't understand it, someone will explain it to them.

But the gratitude of the Li family didn't matter to Huo Shan, he just did what he felt was worth doing.

As for Xu Ziwei, he was not in a normal situation.

His merits in this battle are not enough to be named a lieutenant, let alone a lieutenant of five hundred households. A small household in Guannei is the top of the sky.

He was able to be granted the title because Liu Che remembered his hard work and Huo Shan's help. Liu Che just pushed the boat along the way and was able to be awarded this noble title.

As for why Huo Shan helped, although he used to be under Huo Shan's command, but now he is Liu Che's confidant, not Huo Shan's direct descendant.

This is still because of the problem of the Qiang District Governor's Mansion. Once the Qiang District Governor's Mansion is established, a Qiang District Governor's Mansion is naturally needed.

Huo Shan intentionally put him in this position, and I believe that Liu Che also saw Huo Shan's plan, so he agreed based on the reasons mentioned above.

Even if the governor's mansion of the Qiang region is not established and Li Xi dies, a lieutenant to protect the Qiang is still needed.

And this kind of ending is much better than when he went to the Northland in history to build a section of the Great Wall named Guanglusai, and then died alone. There is a lot to do in Qiangdi.

Moreover, Xu Ziwei was considered one of his own, so Huo Shan and Liu Che could feel at ease by putting him here, and it would be convenient for him to plan anything.

As for the reward for the two of them this time, it was just an imperial edict, which was equivalent to occupying the title.

Other corresponding feudal affairs can't be given to them at present. The court needs to choose a position. Huo Shan estimates that it will be after the Western Regions.

As for how he estimated it, it was because of Liehou, he didn't mean that he could seal it.

Liehou needs to be worthy of enjoying the Taimiao, and there is a set of complicated rituals, which need to be reported to the ancestors, and the Liu family has added a few more retainers.

After death, it is a great honor to continue to follow the ancestors as servants and ministers.

Only after going through this set of procedures, it is equivalent to determining their status, can they be called the real lieutenants of the big man.

Otherwise, no one would recognize the edict alone.

If it were at another time, the imperial court might still choose a date to hold the ceremony, but the battle of the Western Regions was just around the corner, and there would definitely be a few more princes.

So it will definitely be put together for a ceremony.


After a while, Tian Qianqiu came back with three edicts. Huo Shan took the edicts and left the small courtyard, ready to find Liu Shi.

Huo Shan thought about it while walking on the road, and decided to bring Xu Ziwei with him. The next thing was related to the governor's mansion of the Qiang region, and he, the governor of the Qiang region, had to understand it.

Moreover, the edict in front of him is a troublesome matter. Although Liu Che gave Huo Shan this right, he cannot be unscrupulous.

Even though he did this, it wouldn't have much impact on him, but if word spread that the courtiers gave rewards to the courtiers, it would be very bad for Huo Shan and Liu Che's reputation!

That's why Huo Shan was going to find Liu Shi.

His Majesty thought of the hard work of old general Li Xi, so it is another great honor to specially send the prince to chase after the old general, and it is very good to do so.

Liu Che, Liu Ju, and Huo Shan can all take advantage of it!
Liu Che can also ruthlessly win a wave of popularity and wash away his bad reputation in the past. He cares about the veteran and never forgets his achievements. This is kind and righteous!
And Liu Shi can make the military feel good about him, and add another wave of favor to him!
Who in the military would not want the future emperor to get close to them!

Needless to say, Huo Shan took advantage of it, he helped so much to irrelevant people, and other people knew it, so it would be very helpful to Huo Shan's reputation.

And it can also make them subconsciously feel that the three of Huo Shan are a family, which saves him a lot of trouble.

For example, the jealousy of some villains, although it may make them more jealous, they will think, why is this person not me?

But the gap is too big, so we can only look up!
It looks like a simple award, but it contains many meanings!
But by doing so, Liu Zheng's identity will be completely revealed!

"Sun Shang."

"My lord?"

"Arrangements will be made, and the one thousand tigers will be increased to three thousand. Take them all with you."

Although Sun Shang didn't know why he changed his mind about Huo Shan, he didn't say much, just agreed to it!

After a while, Huo Shan found Liu Shi.


"What's the matter? I'm busy right now, there's a lot to do!"

Huo Shan waved his hand:
"Let's put it aside for now, let Zhong Gan or Cousin Gongsun go to work, there is something you need to deal with here!"

Liu Ju nodded:
"what's up?"

Huo Shan spread his hands and said with a wry smile:

"I asked for credit in the battle report, and I asked for the title of Marquis for Li Xi, and my uncle asked me to award it myself. Do you think it's right to do so?"

Huo Shan originally thought that Liu Ju would say something wrong, but unexpectedly Liu Ju nodded seriously:
"I think it's good!"

Huo Shan was very speechless, you said at this moment, should he be moved, or should he be moved?

Huo Shan sighed:

"It's wrong to do this. It's actually nothing to ask me to be a minister for someone else, but my uncle didn't give an edict and let me award the reward myself. This is very bad for my uncle and I's reputation!

They will say that I am proud of being favored, and they will say that my uncle favors me so much that he even gave me such a right! "

Huo Shan didn't expect Liu Ju to look at him strangely just after he finished speaking, Huo Shan was a little confused.

"what happened?"

"Who do you think will say this, who dares to say this?"

Huo Shan was speechless again, and after thinking about it carefully, he found that under the current situation, no one dared to say such a thing.

"Anyway, it's wrong. They don't dare to say it, but they will think that when they feel the time comes in the future, they will naturally say it."

Liu Ju still looked at Huo Shan strangely:

"You are so courageous, are you afraid of this?"

Seeing that Huo Shan wanted to refute again, Liu Ju quickly raised his hand to stop him, and then said impatiently:
"If you have anything to say, just say what you need me to do. If there is nothing else, I will be busy. I have a lot of things to do here!"

Huo Shan had no choice but to get to the point directly:

"There are two people in total, Li Xi and Xu Ziwei, you go to Li Xi's side, it will be very good for you, and Xu Ziwei's side, I can just tell him.

Xiao Lizi understands some things, Tian Qianqiu and Zhang Anshi understand the whole process, I will let them prepare today, tomorrow will be a good day, you just come to the door! "

Liu Ju nodded and responded:

"You can just say it in the future, nothing else?"

Huo Shan shook his head, Liu Ju turned around and left, busy with his own affairs.

He didn't know how many times he had watched the award ceremony, and he didn't know how much he had learned about the various ritual procedures, so he didn't need to be familiar with it in advance.

Don't look at the appearance of a rough document now, but when he wears the prince's crown, then he is a perfect prince.

"Right and resolute, His Royal Highness is more and more like His Majesty!"

In fact, Tian Qianqiu still has something to say, compared to Liu Zheng, Huo Shan is the one who looks the most like him!

Huo Shan glanced at Tian Qianqiu, although he agreed in his heart, he still said:

"For making false comments on Your Majesty and His Royal Highness, I will punish you not to have dinner."

Tian Qianqiu looked bitter, and then bowed his hands in response.

Huo Shan looked at him and continued:
"Be careful with your words and actions!"

"No, I'm also talking about it in front of you, and I promise not to talk nonsense elsewhere."

Huo Shan raised his eyebrows. How dare you refute?
"You are not allowed to eat tomorrow!"

"You need to develop a habit. If you go to other places in the future, other people will not be as easy to talk to as I am. You need to know that disaster comes out of your mouth!"

Tian Qianqiu bowed solemnly and saluted:

"I will remember the Lord's instruction!"

Huo Shan nodded, and then handed the two Li family edicts to Tian Qianqiu:
"Okay, you take Xiao Lizi to prepare, and teach the Li family members about etiquette, they probably don't know much about it.

Let them rehearse more in the afternoon, don't make jokes, lose the old general's face, and make the prince unable to step down! "


Then Huo Shan nodded, turned around and left the front yard, walked towards the small courtyard where he lived in the back yard, and said to Sun Shang while walking:

"Hu Ben's matter is not urgent. There are still a few days left. It will be settled tomorrow. You can find Xu Ziwei for me first."


Li Xi's reward is about to be processed now, and he will leave in a few days, and it will be years after the next time he comes back.

However, Xu Ziwei planned to procrastinate for a while, and Huo Shan felt that it would be better to reward him directly when he was made the governor of the Qiang region.

With the position of Marquis and the fact that Xu Ziwei is his subordinate in the eyes of the Qiang people, there is no need to worry about the stability here.

Among the foreign races around the Han Dynasty, there are several names with great reputations, such as Changping Hou Weiqing, champion Hou Huo Qubing, and champion Hou Huo Shan, but Huo Qubing and Huo Shan are basically the same person.

The previous champion Hou was Huo Qubing. After the First World War with the Huns, the fallen champion Hou ascended to the starry sky again.

In their view, there is no difference between the two, they are both champions, both are very scary, and they are still father and son, so they are basically the same person.

Huo Shan can be said to have perfectly inherited the weight of the title of Champion Hou in the hearts of foreigners, and to some extent it has not decreased but increased, at least for the Xiongnu.

Because in their minds, the resurgence of a fallen name will be even more terrifying than ever.

And it turns out that it is.

In addition to the two unique ones, Changping Hou and Champion Hou, there are a few others with great names.

Flying general, this is Wei Qing's title in the early years. This title is basically limited to the Huns. Now the Huns basically don't call Wei Qing the Marquis of Changping, and they are still flying generals.

General Hussars, this title is not as limited as that of a flying general, and has a great reputation in the entire East.

Qiang, Hexi, Western Regions, Xiongnu, Beidi, and Northeast are all very large, but the south is smaller than the north, because I have not experienced it myself.

Later, although he was replaced by Champion Hou, his reputation is still great, mainly because the title of Champion is really brilliant!
That is the brave champion of the three armies that everyone, no matter their own or the enemy, agrees with!

But these names are all related to Wei Huo!

In the early years, there were some other names, such as Li Guang, who had a great reputation in the Huns, but he was not a parachutist. This name is not widespread, and the only one who is famous is Li Guang.

The parachutist's reputation will basically reach later generations, one is Sima Qian touting him, and the other is that he is more sad!
It is precisely because of his great reputation that every time he fights, he is beaten by the Hun army. He is so attractive!
On a certain basis, fame also represents strength!

Li Guang is indeed capable, but his brain is not good, uh, it's not very good to say that, he is ignorant of current affairs, it should be ignorant of current affairs.

As a subject of the emperor, he privately accepts the rewards from the princes and kings, so it is foreseeable that he will not be granted the title.

There is also the name of Zhang Qian, who is relatively famous in the Western Regions, but it is only famous and has no deterrent effect. His Bowanghou was granted later.

And in the past ten years, there are no famous people, and there is a shortage of talents!
The only one that is relatively famous is the title of Champion Hou's subordinate.

Zhao Puonu, who destroyed Loulan in the western region, was under the command of Champion Hou, and Lu Bode in the south was under the command of Champion Hou.

They themselves are not very famous, but they are famous under the command of Champion Hou!

The title of Champion Hou is legendary to a certain extent. Once he gets the title of Champion Hou, he will have three points if he is weak. This is the general consensus of this era.

As for the emperor Liu Che, his name is not very well-known, and His Majesty the Great Han Emperor is famous, but although the rise of the Great Han is mostly due to him, he is not very famous.

Because it is too far away, it is far less deterrent than the champion Hou who experienced it personally!
As for the basically unknown people, the foreign races use it to distinguish whether they are ruthless characters or not, based on their status!
If you have a position, then you have the ability, I have to be careful, if you don't have a position, I will despise you!

Not to mention the old nobles in the past, those who are now active on the battlefield are all new seals, and the position of a big man is still very valuable!

Therefore, Xu Ziwei has the title of Hou Wei and the title of champion Hou, which is very deterrent to the Qiang people!
By the way, since Huo Shan was awarded the title of Yulin General, coupled with the record of the Yubayashi Army and the role of the champion, this title has gradually risen.

However, the Xiongnu has a better reputation, and there is no reputation in other places. As a whole, even the champion Hou's subordinates can't compare.

However, after the Battle of the Western Regions, there will definitely be a great improvement. General Habayashi, including Champion Hou, is very likely to spread to the West.

Therefore, more efforts are needed!
(End of this chapter)

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