
Chapter 265 Xu Ziwei Who Planted the Flag Randomly

Chapter 265 Xu Ziwei Who Planted the Flag Randomly (4.6K)

Huo Shan returned to the small courtyard, and after a while Sun Shang came with Xu Ziwei.

Huo Shan pointed to the chair next to him, smiled and said:

"sit down."

Xu Ziwei arched his hands and sat on the chair, and then smiled:

"The governor called the last general to come, what's the matter?"

Huo Shan also smiled:
"It's a good thing. I ask His Majesty to make you a marquis. Your Majesty has already approved it. You will be named Marquis of Pingqiang, and five hundred households in Shiyi will be sealed."

Xu Ziwei was taken aback when he heard the news, but before he had time to be happy, he thought of another possibility.

He is a smart person. If he wasn't a smart person, he wouldn't have been able to stay peacefully by Liu Che's side for these years.

He knew that his merits were not enough to be named Liehou, and now that he was named, it meant that there was some other meaning in it, maybe compensation.

And why compensate?This is already obvious.

Li Xi passed away, we need a general here!

He actually didn't want to stay in this place. If he stayed in this place, there was a [-]% chance that he would stay in this place for the rest of his life.

In the subsequent battle of the Western Regions, he would not have a part in the battle to destroy the Huns.

It would be fine if there were wars on the Qiang land side, but after such a time, basically there would be no major wars on the Qiang land side, and some were small-scale.

He felt that he was not old enough to fight another battle.

But now that Huo Shan has said it out, the matter is basically considered settled. If he refutes that he doesn't want to go, it would be a little ignorant.

This is really ignorant, because this position is actually very important, and the status is also very high, which is not something that can be explained by the feudal officials.

With so many soldiers and horses in his hand, and great power, it is no problem to say that he is the emperor of the earth.

But he still has a little ambition in his heart, he doesn't want to confine himself here, that's why he keeps silent.

When Huo Shan saw him like this, he knew that he had already guessed it, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

I lament that talking to smart people does not require troublesome explanations, and I also lament why Xu Ziwei can't figure it out!

Today's times are different, Huo Shan's new generation is about to grow up, and the old group of people will slowly withdraw from the stage of history.

And Xu Ziwei can be regarded as an older generation.

Strictly speaking, he is not actually a member of the older generation. Wei Qing, Gongsun He, and Gongsun Ao are members of the older generation.

He should be regarded as the middle generation with Zhao Puonu, Lu Bode and others.

But it is undeniable that the years spent by Liu Che's side have derailed him from the times, and the talents that were good before have basically been exhausted.

In fact, Huo Shan was aware of it very clearly. In the past, he basically accepted his fate to go to the battlefield. If it wasn't for the appearance of Hu Ben to stimulate him, he wouldn't have any ambitions at all.

So he is now considered to be between the middle and the old.

Huo Shan thought about many people for the position of governor of the Qiang region. The basic capable generals of the Han Dynasty Hall were all members of the Weihuo Group, so he could consider more people.

It is impossible for the older generation to come here, but for the Mesozoic Era, after thinking about it, Huo Shan found that there were only two people, Lu Bode and Zhao Puonu.

It can be said that talent is withering!
As for Lu Bode's combat achievements, his status is very high, and with his ability, there are many opportunities that are more suitable for him.

Moreover, he is very stable, he can be regarded as a compound talent, he can help him a lot, Huo Shan doesn't want to let him go.

As for Zhao Ponu, forget it, Huo Shan didn't think of him at all, Zhao Ponu, he doesn't have the ability to sit in charge of a party.

It is not enough to lead tens of thousands of soldiers alone, the most suitable for him is to be Huo Shan's own vanguard, very fierce.

There was no one in the Mesozoic Era, so Huo Shan thought of the Cenozoic Era, but he didn't even think of Xu Ziwei at that time.

There are not many generals in the new generation, Zhao Chongguo, Li Ling, and Li Guangli barely count as one.

The other people who grew up most were Gongsun He and Gongsun Ao, not as good as Zhao Lu and the others, and Huo Shan didn't take it into consideration at all.

Cao Zong does have some potential. If he polishes it carefully, he may be able to achieve Lu Bode's ability, but he has a different background and is not suitable.

So there are only Zhao Chongguo, Li Ling, and Li Guangli.

In the case of the latter, the upper limit is not high, just a Zhao Puonu, but the two have different paths, he can still sit on one side, but he hasn't grown up, so we don't discuss it.

As for Li Ling, what should he say, um, his personality is not suitable for sitting on one side, he is more suitable for leading troops on the battlefield.

Don't look at him as taciturn, but his temper is very explosive and tough, and he hasn't been tempered enough, his temper needs to be honed, and his ability also needs to be honed.

And his way, putting him here is to harm him, and he is not suitable here, but it has nothing to do with the family here, it has a lot to do with his temperament.

So after thinking about it, there is only one Zhao Chongguo left.

There is no problem for him to be the governor of the Qiang region, and his age is quite a bit older than Li Ling and others.

And he's a late bloomer type.

And there is a characteristic of being a late bloomer. When he has accumulated enough, he encounters that little bit of inspiration. It is a bit mysterious to say so.

In other words, when he figured it out, he would usher in a big explosion.

As for not being able to figure it out, then everyone will be lost!

In the beginning, he was even more arrogant than Li Ling. When Huo Shan met him for the first time, he exuded a gloomy and hopeless atmosphere.

He always felt that he was a genius, and the injustice of this world kept him from getting ahead.

But after this year of tempering, or Huo Shan's repeated blows, and mixing with a group of people who are five or six years younger than him every day.

Moreover, these people's ability is not weaker than him, which greatly stimulated him, and Huo Shan gave him a way, which is considered to explode.

And once it starts to explode, it will be a day-to-day change. Many things that were hard to think about before can now be figured out in an instant.

It can be said that Zhao Chongguo is very suitable for the position of governor of the Qiang region, and he can learn a lot in this place.

The position of governor of the Qiang region requires a certain view of the overall situation, prudence and prudence, as well as the ability to lead a large army to fight, and also requires a little management and diplomatic skills.

But in fact, in the final analysis, apart from these characteristics of this position, for Huo Shan, the most important thing is to be obedient.

It is necessary for this person to carry out his arrangement as it is.

It shows that he is a capable puppet.

The reason why he didn't choose Zhao Chongguo was because he couldn't bear it.

This position is very limited. It is easy to go up, but difficult to get down. If you sit in this position, most of the journey will be ruined.

If you want to go one step further, then you will be able to live as in the original history.

When you live to your seventies and eighties, you will naturally come out in your early years.

So after thinking about it, Huo Shan could only feel sorry for Lao Xu.

He is not lacking in the ability to lead troops and fight. It is his talent that has been exhausted around Liu Che, and this part of talent is not completely gone, and it still has some growth.

It's just that compared to the experience gained from fighting in the battlefield, it's a bit far behind.

It's just that apart from the disadvantages, there are also advantages, so there are advantages and disadvantages.

This is a feudal dynastic society, and the person at the top is the emperor. It goes without saying that having a good relationship with the emperor will bring benefits.

Looking at the big picture, if you stay by Liu Che's side every day, it is basically impossible not to learn something if you have a brain, and Xu Ziwei is not stupid, on the contrary, he is very smart.

And he has been able to sit in the position of Liu Che's bodyguard for so many years, and there is no lack of intrigue. When it comes to diplomacy, although it is not quite suitable, it is enough.

And cautious and stable, as a big bodyguard, this is necessary, in addition to loyalty is also the most important thing.

Management may be lacking a bit, but there are a group of excellent subordinates, just let them do it.

So, after Huo Shan thought about it, he could only feel sorry for Lao Xu.

Compared with Zhao Chongguo, the direct descendant of Lao Xu, Zhao Chongguo is naturally closer to Huo Shan.

And even if you don't say it from this aspect, Zhao Chongguo is younger, has more potential, and is more worthy of training.

But whether Huo Shan failed Xu Ziwei or whether Xu Ziwei should thank Huo Shan is another matter.

But the latter is more likely.

As mentioned earlier, Xu Ziwei is already considered to be of the middle-aged and older generation. Such a good retirement home allows him to use his remaining energy, and he is considered to be very popular.

At least it was released from the central government, and this ending is much better than the previous life.

And having said so much, it is actually Huo Shan's selfish considerations, that is, personal emotions.

Watching Xu Ziwei grow up every day, Huo Shan said he had no feelings for him, and he didn't believe it.

But if you look at it from the public's point of view, as a subject of the great man, you have to obey the order when it is issued.

Not to mention that I gave you the title of Marquis, this is Long En.

Even if you are released to fight, can you be sure that your combat ability is sealed?No one is sure.

So the matter should still be on Huo Shan. Without Huo Shan, I can't be sure, but following Huo Shan, it is an inevitable thing.

Basically, all the generals under Huo Shan's command, including the big man, think so. Even if they can't be named Marquis, they can still get a high rank.

Because of the reputation of champions who are victorious in every battle, they are much more confident than Huo Shan himself.

So Huo Shan looked at Xu Ziwei's silent look, and he was going to act preemptively and settle the matter directly without giving you a chance to intercede.


"Your credit is actually not enough to be named a Marquis. As for why, I believe you have some guesses."

Xu Ziwei sighed, nodded, and was about to speak when Huo Shan said directly:
"But it's not for you to be the captain of the Qiang guard."

This sentence directly attracted Xu Ziwei's attention. Could there be a change?
"That is……"

"I will go back to Chang'an next, you know that, you have to go with me.

After arriving in Chang'an, if there is no accident, the Huqiang School Captain's Mansion will be abolished, and the Qiang District Governor's Mansion will be built here. "

Xu Ziwei was a little speechless, he just changed his name, isn't it still the same, but he still asked patiently:

"Then what's the difference between the two?"

Huo Shan was overjoyed, he was not afraid that you would ask, but he was afraid that if you did not ask, Xu Ziwei was hooked, what he needs to do now is to exaggerate a little in his imagination, and brag about it.

Huo Shan smiled and said lightly:

"If you want to talk about the difference, there is actually not a big difference. If you want to talk about the difference, it is quite big."

Xu Ziwei was a little confused:

"What do you mean by this?"

"The Huqiang Captain's Mansion will be abolished, but all his original possessions will be moved to the Qiang Governor's Mansion.

The defense line here will also be dismantled, and the Huqiang City will still be that small city. Although the five major forts and the three frontier forts will not be dismantled, they will not be stationed unless there are special circumstances in the future, and will gradually fall into disuse.

And the military forts and most of the fortresses on the plain of the [-]-mile defense line will be demolished. In the future, this area will be the place where my Han people live for generations. "

Huo Shan didn't mention the matter of Jincheng County, because it didn't have much to do with this topic, so it's fine to tell him later.

"How will the defense be arranged?"

Hearing Xu Ziwei's words, Huo Shan knew that he had basically accepted his fate.

"My idea is to set up a checkpoint at the main escape route, build military forts in the mountains on both sides, and establish a defense line. The materials and materials that were originally dismantled can be used here."

Xu Ziwei nodded and asked again:
"Then the seat of the governor's mansion in the Qiang region is here?"

Huo Shan shook his head:
"No, this is a backup method for the big Han to deal with the Qiang people, and it can be regarded as the last defense.

Moreover, the terrain of the escape route is narrow, and the mountainous area is complicated, so it will not consume many resources to build it. Although it is very likely that it is for nothing, the enemy cannot attack here, but it can be considered safe. "

Whether it is used or not is another matter, but it must be available.

China has been like this since ancient times.

For example, at this time, even in the depths of the abdomen, if there are more people in a place, whether it is a county or a county, even a town, if there are more people, it will still build a city.

Troubled times are understandable, but so are prosperous times.

Although there may be many factors such as resisting bandits, the most important reason is to be prepared.

"There are not many troops stationed on the defense line of the main escape route, and it is often not under your jurisdiction. As for the governor's office, it is further west."

After Huo Shan finished speaking, he saw Xu Ziwei nod his head, and secretly smiled in his heart. You have said everything under your jurisdiction, and if you don't refute it, then you have completely accepted your fate!

"The governing office will be set in the center of the cross-shaped plain, and a new city will be built here, named Xining City, where the military households of Lingju and the military households of Jincheng will be dispatched here.

Three checkpoints will be set up on the three main roads in the south, north, north, and south directions from Qiang to Hehuang.

In my vision, the military households in the headquarters of the Dudu Mansion will have about [-] soldiers and horses, with half of them riding! "

(⊙o⊙) Wow!
Xu Ziwei's eyes widened immediately, so many?

"Not only the [-] soldiers and horses, but also the surrendered Qiang tribe, although it is not an emergency and has no right to deploy troops, you have jurisdiction over them, and Huangzhong is the same."

"I said that there is no difference between the Captain's Mansion and the Dudu's Mansion because the responsibilities are almost the same, and I said there is a big difference because compared with the Captain's Mansion, the Dudu's Mansion has greatly increased power.

The scope of your jurisdiction is the Xining Plain, including the territory of the Qiang people who have been surrendered. You can decide everything in these areas with one word. "

Xu Ziwei stood up abruptly with his eyes wide open, the Tu Emperor, this is the real Tu Emperor!
"Of course, you have no right to the appointment and dismissal of officials, soldiers and horses in addition to routine situations, such as changing defenses, and large-scale transfers in other situations. In terms of soldiers and horses, unless there are special circumstances or emergencies.

As for how large-scale it is, what is a special and emergency situation, this will be discussed later. "

"As for what you need to do, it's a bit complicated to explain in detail. I will tell you in detail when I return to Chang'an. At this stage, there are probably three points.

One, give the big man complete control over this area.

Second, use all means, such as pulling a group to fight a group, let them kill each other, and let them integrate into the big man.

Use all means to weaken the strength of these surrendered tribes, and then control their territories.

And the third point is related to the second point, you need to adapt my soldiers to the plateau climate.

After completing the second point, my big man can control their territory. "

When Huo Shan said this, he looked at Xu Ziwei and smiled:

"I don't need to say anything after that, do I?"

Xu Ziwei nodded fiercely:
"Afterwards, we will go up step by step, eliminate the Qiang people, and expand the territory."

Huo Shan raised his eyebrows:
"So it's settled then?"

Xu Ziwei thought of the Western Regions and the Huns, but then he nodded.

Huo Shan looked at his expression full of pain, he couldn't laugh or cry, after thinking for a while, he continued:
"It's impossible for you to participate in the battle of the Western Regions, but the battle of the Huns may not be impossible."

Xu Ziwei looked happy. Compared with the Western Regions, he actually cared more about the Xiongnu. To everyone in the Han Dynasty, the Xiongnu was the real enemy, the enemy of life and death.

"How to say?"

"In the first battle of the Xiongnu, I, a big man, must do my best. In a single battle, the strength of the Qiang people will naturally be used."

Xu Ziwei instantly became excited, smiling from ear to ear.

Huo Shan curled his lips and continued:

"Within ten years, as long as you don't die!"

Xu Ziwei patted his thick chest confidently:

"Of course not!"

You plant flags indiscriminately, this is really uncertain!
(End of this chapter)

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