
Chapter 273 That's Expansion!

Chapter 273 That's Expansion! (4K)

Early on the eighteenth.

Huo Shan has been back for two days.

Liu Che convened all the ministers yesterday, and there was a need to discuss matters today, and not only today, but in the next four or five days, it is estimated that Xuanshi Hall will not be able to calm down at all.

The scope of the main discussion is two directions.

The first direction is the issue of Qiang land.

The second direction is the issue of the Western Regions.

As for the big households, that is a matter for the future, and it is not the time to talk about it yet.

Today's discussion is in the Qiang area, and there are not many people here, but they are all heavyweights.

When Wei Qing and Huo Shan came together, the crowd had already been waiting outside the Xuanshi Hall for a long time.

Gongsun He is a person who must be there, even if he has nothing to do for him, he will be there, not to mention that there are things that really need the servant to participate.

Then there are Sang Hongyang and Wang Wenshu, a big farmer and a young man, who are indispensable.

Then came General Jiang Zuo and Captain Shui Heng. These two offices are indispensable in today's affairs.

Moreover, the general craftsman also needs to participate in the issue of the Western Regions. Huo Shan will bring some craftsmen with him when he goes to the Western Regions.

The next step is to hold Jinwu Duzhou and Dahonglu pot to fill the country.

Let's not talk about Du Zhou, he is an old acquaintance. As for why he is here, it is similar to Gongsun He.

He can be regarded as the leader of Liu Che's eagle dog at this time, you must know about everything big and small, so you need to be present.

As for this Huchongguo, he just took office, and he is an old diplomatic talent. He used to follow Sima Xiangru, one of the two Sima in the Western Han Dynasty, to go to the southwestern barbarians.

In the article, there are two Sima in the Western Han Dynasty, and one Wolong in Nanyang.

This is a pair of couplets, which means to educate people to be outstanding talents who can not only write good articles, but also govern the country.

The other Sima is naturally Sima Qian. As for Wolong, there is no need to say more about this, right?
In history, Hu Chongguo also accompanied Li Guangli to conquer Dawan, but in this life, he probably won't have this chance.

In addition to these people, there are also Liu Che's personal closes such as Jin Ridun. They are always by his side no matter what, and they are actually the positions of secretaries and staff.

"The ministers pay their respects to the Great Sima and the Great General, and pay respects to the Great Sima, the Great Governor, and the Great General Habayashi."

Wei Qing returned a gentle salute, signaling to the ministers that there is no need to be too polite.

Huo Shan also returned a salute, but he also raised his eyebrows while returning the salute.

He didn't know when the name of the governor he had taken by himself was passed back to Chang'an. Judging by the situation, it was recognized by the court.

But when Huo Shan thought about it, he also felt that it was a normal thing. Huo Shan's power at this time could be said to be extremely great, and he really needed a title.

In their eyes, Huo Shan's choice of the governor is very good, and this title can be regarded as a name left in history.

As for the Great Governor of the Western Regions planned by Huo Shan in the future, it has a prefix. Compared with the Great Governor, it is of two grades and cannot be compared.

However, this title, according to Huo Shan's guess, will be lost once the Western Regions are completed, so it is considered a temporary position!
However, this operation, which was the first of its kind in history, would probably give an excuse to future generations of powerful ministers, but this was none of Huo Shan's business.

After everyone saluted outside the hall, they said some polite words, and then went up the steps to the hall together.

After everyone met Liu Ju and sat down firmly in the hall, after waiting for a while, Liu Che came out.

"Your Majesty salutes you respectfully."

"I'm safe, gentlemen, please take your seat."

After everyone sat down again, after chatting for a few words, uh, it wasn't chattering, it was just reporting some innocuous trifles.

This is not considered a big court meeting, strictly speaking, it is not even a court meeting, but the Emperor Wu's court is such a process, and major events are basically settled within the court.

So the atmosphere and the rules are not so strict.

After about half an hour, after dealing with these matters, they began to talk about the real business, and began to discuss the rewards for the Qiang people's battle.

But it was just some generals and ordinary soldiers in the army. As for the group of people surrounding Huo Shan and Huo Shan, all the officials tacitly did not mention it.

But the talk is very brief, because the amount of work involved is still quite large, and it must be handed over to the subordinate officials to do it.

The participating offices are Da Sima Mansion, rewarding meritorious service, Prime Minister's Mansion, deliberation and approval, and Da Si Nong Mansion, rewarding.

There are also some other government offices, such as the water balance that needs to transfer money, and the Shaofu needs to send officials to Qiangdi to issue rewards after they are all done.

But basically the first three are the main ones.

Moreover, this matter is also very complicated, and it is impossible for the bigwigs present to do it in person.

Mentioning it here also shows that this matter is in the process, and I, the emperor, attach great importance to it, so hurry up.

This can be regarded as throwing away the beginning, leading the topic to the Qiang land, and then the real topic.

Liu Che first recounted Huo Shan's achievements, how much land he had newly occupied, and then used this topic to talk about it.

"My lords, my great Han has expanded its territory for thousands of miles. This time it is located in the northwest frontier, and there are many surrendered Qiang tribes. The situation is complicated and completely different from the past. How should this new land be governed? I don't know how you can teach me?"

Liu Che had finished singing, and then gave Wei Qing a look, and Wei Qing started to make peace.

After saluting to Liu Che, he said:
"The old minister thinks that the governor has some ideas, why don't your majesty ask the governor?"

There are many things to talk about today, and there is not so much time for nonsense, so the two of them immediately called Huo Shan.

Huo Shan hurriedly saluted the two of them, and then smiled:
"Uncle and grandpa called me the chief governor, you're insulting me."

Hearing this, Liu Che lowered his shoulders and glared at Huo Shan angrily:
"Hurry up and talk!"

When the ministers heard Liu Che's words, the atmosphere in the whole hall was relaxed.

Huo Shan did this on purpose, he was used to being free, and this atmosphere made him a little uncomfortable.

However, this operation is harmless, and he will definitely not do it in the Great Court Conference.

"I do have some plans here, Zhang Anshi."

Huo Shan brought Zhang Anshi and Wang Wei with him today, giving them a chance to show their faces.

Hearing the call, Zhang Anshi took a deep breath and hurried forward:

"I pay homage to Your Majesty, and I have seen you all."

Liu Che nodded in satisfaction, and all the officials looked at Zhang Anshi with admiration.

Zhang Anshi was sent by Liu Che to Huo Shan's side. From Liu Che's point of view, Zhang Anshi has done a good job in the past two years, so he is very satisfied.

As for the others, Zhang Anshi is a familiar face to people like Wei Qing, he is a relatively close junior, and this young man is indeed outstanding.

Zhang Anshi was Zhang Tang's son. After Zhang Tang passed away, Liu Che called him into the palace to serve, and he was considered half a child who grew up in the palace.

His situation is actually similar to that of Huo Guang, except that Huo Guang is much higher than him.

"Stop whining, talk about it quickly!"

When Zhang Anshi heard Huo Shan's words, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he quickly agreed.

Next, Zhang Anshi began to talk about the situation around the Qiang area, basically everyone knew something about it these days, but they didn't know much about it.

For example, the climate problem, the problems of the various tribes of the Qiang people, the problems of the Qiang people in the mountains, the problems of the Hehuang Valley, and some other things.

Zhang Anshi talked for a while, and all the officials had a detailed understanding of the situation in Qiang.

As for Zhang Anshi, they had a deeper impression on them, especially Liu Che and Liu Shi, the others were not important.

It's really Zhang Anshi who is too brilliant, he has nothing in his hand, and he talks endlessly, and he answers fluently no matter what questions he asks!
Huo Shan was quite satisfied with the situation. After Zhang Anshi showed his face, he retreated, and Huo Shan came on stage next.

"First of all, there are hundreds of thousands of horses captured in this battle. I propose to build a new stable and place it on the plain west of Qiang City."

After Huo Shan got up, he didn't talk nonsense, he clicked on the prepared map, and started talking directly.

Huo Shan's move did not surprise the officials.

One is that Huo Shan has this qualification, he is qualified to dictate everything about the big man.

This is not because of Liu Che's favor, but because of his reputation as Great Sima and Great General Yubayashi.

The second is that this time is not a later generation. The literati in the imperial court gossip and talk for a long time without talking about the serious matter, and there is not so much intrigue when talking about the matter, and they are quite capable.

Liu Che turned to look at Gongsun He:
"Is there any problem with the servant?"

Gongsun He stood up and went out to salute:
"Reporting to Your Majesty, there is no problem with the servant. There are enough officials and horse slaves in the several major stables in the northwest to support the construction of another stable."

Liu Che nodded, then looked at Huo Shan:


Even if this matter was settled, Xiao Huangmen quickly wrote it down, and Gongsun He could act after the edict came down.

In fact, you should ask the Prime Minister's Mansion, not about the horses, but whether there is any problem with the location of the stables.

But Shi Qing didn't come, the one who came was the Prime Minister's Chief Shi, who didn't have much right to speak, so he basically ignored it.

Huo Shan started to talk about the next topic:
"Longxi County is too big, and it has expanded thousands of miles this time. I feel that a new county should be opened between Longxi and Wuwei counties, and the government should be located in Jincheng, named Jincheng County."

Afterwards, Huo Shan talked about the area under his jurisdiction and other issues that he had originally thought about.

After Huo Shan finished speaking, Liu Che turned to look at Prime Minister Shi and Wang Wenshu:

The two got up and saluted, Wang Wenshu spoke first:
"Reporting to Your Majesty, the Bus Department has a full amount waiting for an edict."

The Bus Department is a palace office under the jurisdiction of the Shaofu, and there are all Xiaolian and scholars recommended by the counties, waiting for an official position.

Xiucai is also called Maocai. At this time, there was no such thing as Maocai. It was called Maocai after the Eastern Han Dynasty to avoid Liu Xiu's name.

It's the same as Chehou avoided Liu Che and became Liehou.

Then there is the history of the prime minister's mansion:

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the merits of this year have not yet been calculated in detail, but according to the current achievements, there are four people who can serve as a county guard."

Liu Che nodded in satisfaction:

Liu Che asked the officials, and it was not so easy to establish a new county.

Not only the officials of the county government, but also the officials of the counties and townships must also be considered, and they must not be sloppy at all.

The county magistrate of a large county and the magistrate of a small county sound like a small official, but they are very important.

Although there are officials in the local area, it is impossible for the imperial court to select all from the local area, and it must send some.

As for why Liu Che only asked the civil servants and not the military officers, it was because after the great war, there were many meritorious persons, and it was easy to choose a few.

The matter of building a new county mansion is considered a major event in the court. As for why it went so smoothly, it was settled in a few words. There is still a reason for this.

First of all, Liu Che was mentally prepared for this matter. Huo Shan mentioned a few words to him, and indeed this plan was very good.

In addition, for the court, it is not a new thing to build a new county. In the past few decades, 28 new counties have been added, and everyone has long been accustomed to it.

Therefore, if this matter is said to be big, it is also big, and if it is said to be small, it is also small.

Moreover, the place where this matter was discussed was in the Inner Court. If it was brought up in the Great Court Conference, although the result would not change, it would definitely take a while.

This is also the reason why Liu Che established the Inner Dynasty.

In addition, Longxi is not a simple place, and it has bred a lot of power in the court. One county has changed to two counties. Although the official position has been increased, it will break the original balance of interests.

In the end, you don't even look at who brought up this topic, it's Huo Shan, and whoever decides this is Liu Che.

With their personalities, jumping out is not courting death.

And this is indeed a good thing for the big man, why should he jump out and oppose it?
And they are like a mirror in their hearts, today they are here to listen to orders, and the topic they raised has already been resolved, as long as they work hard.


The inner court is mainly to discuss things, and after it is settled, it will be done by the outer court, so the detailed details will not be discussed here.

So Huo Shan directly talked about the next topic:
"Abolish the Huqiang School Captain's Mansion, and build the Qiang District Governor's Mansion.

The government moved westward from Qiang City to Xining City. "

Huo Shan stopped after finishing these two sentences, waiting for others to ask questions.

Because he knew in his heart that there was a big problem with this matter. Except for Liu Che, everyone present did not understand, including Wei Qing.

But it was enough for Liu Che to agree, and the words of the Emperor Wu Dynasty were not just talking.

However, this matter is estimated to take a while. If this matter can be settled this morning, it is considered to be progressing very quickly.

Wei Qing frowned and stared at the map first, then loosened his frown and asked:
"Zihou, how do you plan to deal with the relocation of the county mansion militarily?"

Huo Shan heard Wei Qing's question, and talked about his original planned checkpoint, the location of the city, the number of soldiers and horses, and the jurisdiction of soldiers and horses.

Wei Qing frowned after hearing this, and he had no objection to the rest, but the number of [-] soldiers and horses...

Wei Qing took a sneak peek at Liu Che, but Liu Che still looked like the old god was there.

Seeing Liu Che like this, Wei Qing understood that Liu Che probably agreed.

Actually, when Huo Shan told him about it at the beginning, he was also a little worried. After all, there were [-] soldiers and horses, and half of them were cavalry. If something went wrong, it would be no small matter.

But after knowing the usefulness of these soldiers and horses, why so many soldiers and horses were arranged, and the follow-up actions to be taken in Qiang, he had no opinion.

After all, in Liu Che's heart, nothing is worth expanding the territory!
(End of this chapter)

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