
Chapter 274 Prepare in Advance

Chapter 274 Prepare in Advance (4.8K)

As Wei Qing continued to think, Liu Che remained silent, and Huo Shan finished his plan in other aspects.

He didn't say much about the specific strategy and plan, and there was no need to say it, as long as Liu Che, Wei Qing and others knew about it, he only talked about the authority of the Dudu Mansion.

After everyone finished listening, Wei Qing and Liu Che were still silent, and the officials gradually began to discuss.

It is true that this Dudu's Mansion has too much power compared to the Xiaowei's Mansion, and everything is basically dominated by the Dudu's Mansion.

However, Huo Shan was not too worried when he heard this discussion, because the decision on this matter was in Liu Che's hands, and since Huo Shan raised it, most of them were his own people, and these people would not refute.

As for Liu Che, after Huo Shan finished talking about the specific situation yesterday, he had already agreed.

Both of them have already decided on the general direction. As for the specific rules, with the foundation of the Captain's Mansion, there is basically not much work to be done, and the ministers will deal with it next.

In fact, speaking of it, the increase in rights is not much, and the rights to treat the Qiang people are still the same as those of the Xiaowei Mansion, and some literary rights have been added, and they have real jurisdiction.

This point is actually very important, coupled with the increase in the number of troops under his command, it is very normal for the ministers to be a little worried.

Sure enough, Liu Che raised his head and looked at Huo Shan:

"Is there a candidate for the governor of the Qiang region?"

Hearing this, all the ministers fell silent, and they all asked about the candidate, so naturally they had already agreed, and there was no need to discuss any more.

Huo Shan got up and saluted:

"Reporting to Your Majesty, how about Xu Ziwei?"

Hearing this name, all the ministers became more certain, and sure enough, Liu Che nodded:


Xu Ziwei's position as governor was settled so simply, Liu Che continued to ask:
"Is there anyone for the governor's office?"

Huo Shan was taken aback for a moment, he really hadn't considered this issue, but this position is still very important.

Xu Ziwei is in charge of the military, and the Governor-General Shi is in charge of civil affairs, and since he is located in the Qiang region, he also needs to know some diplomacy.

But in Huo Shan's view, these things can be learned. The most important thing is that in Huo Shan's view, it is better for this person to be tougher.

"The Governor's Mansion of the Qiang Region is located in the Qiang Region, and it has jurisdiction over many surrendered tribes, and there are many things.

But the Qiang people are bullying and afraid of the hard, and they don't obey discipline, so they need a tough person. At this time, I really don't have anyone to choose. "

Liu Che began to frown and think about the candidate, but after thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of a suitable one, and finally looked at Huo Shan.

Liu Che raised his eyebrows, glanced in one direction, and said suddenly:

"How about Han Zeng?"

All the ministers began to discuss, Han Zeng and the others are very familiar with him, he is in the same situation as Zhang Anshi, but his father is still alive.

Huo Shan was taken aback, but someone was more taken aback than him, and this person was Han Zeng's father, Han Shuo.

Just now Liu Che glanced in one direction, and it was him.

Han said that he may not be very famous, but his elder brother is famous, and his elder brother's name is Han Yan.

Liu Che's, cough, male favorite...

He was also a very talented and courageous person, but it is a pity that he died young.

It is said that she is very beautiful. Huo Shan has never seen a real person, but a portrait, uh, I can't quite tell.

But his younger brother Han said that he can see something in his body. He is a handsome middle-aged man, but he looks a little soft.

But don't look at Rou, they are all fierce fighters who go to battle to kill the enemy. Han said that he still bears the title of guerrilla general.

As for the reason for the discussions among the ministers, Han Zeng was really too young.

However, their discussions are subject to discussion, but they did not comment because they cannot make a decision.

Although there are many people who can participate in this discussion, Wei Qing, Gongsun He, Du Zhou, and Sang Hongyang.

But the only ones who could influence the decision were Wei Qing and Gongsun He, but these two would certainly not raise objections.

So it is up to Liu Che and Huo Shan to decide what to do. Even Han Shuo, the father of the protagonist Han Zeng, has no right to speak.

As for Liu Ju, today he only has ears, not a mouth.

In fact, when Liu Che and Huo Shan talked about all these things, he was by his side, so he knew everything clearly.

What he had to learn today was how to sing along with his subordinates, but he was bound to learn nothing from Liu Che and Huo Shan.

How domineering two people are, they are both decision makers, and no one refute, what can they learn!
Huo Shan thought for a while and said:
"Han Zeng, I'm afraid it won't work..."

Liu Che raised his eyebrows:
"Why not?"

"There is no shortage of tough Han Zeng, but in terms of governance and the handling of the Qiang people's ministries, there may be some..."

Liu Che waved his hands nonchalantly:
"Hey~ That's enough, you can learn other things you don't know!"

Huo Shan felt helpless. Like Liu Che, he wanted to find someone to replace Han Zeng, but he couldn't find it after searching for a long time.

Huo Shan chuckled, and finally struggled a bit:
"This, Your Majesty, Han Zeng is very easy for me to use. I leave all military affairs to him, and I don't need to worry too much..."

Liu Che directly interrupted Huo Shan:

"Then let him!"

When Han Zeng didn't come, Han said that he would come out immediately and thank Liu Che. He had no right to refute what Liu Che had decided.

Then he thanked Huo Shan, and Huo Shan simply returned the gift.

Han said that he was actually the same as Huo Shan in his heart, and he didn't want Han Zeng to go, but their goals were different.

Huo Shan is because Han Zeng is easy to use and doesn't want to let go, but Han said that it is more beneficial for Han Zeng to stay by Huo Shan's side.

But the matter has come to this point, and he has no choice, he dare not refuse Liu Che.

Although his Han family has some influence, after all, they are descended from the Korean royal family, and Han Wangxin is his great-grandfather.

But today's Great Han Dynasty Hall has never been marginalized, relying only on Han Yan's affection, use a little less!

This is indeed the case. If it weren't for Han Zeng's strength, I'm afraid the Han family would have withdrawn from the stage in history, just like the Wei family and the Huo family.

And Han Zeng started very late. You must know that Zhang Anshi will be Zhang Anshi after Huo Guang is over, and Han Zeng will be Han Zeng after Zhang Anshi is over, but these two can be regarded as a generation.

But Huo Shan was different from what he thought, Han Zeng, Zhang Anshi, including himself, had the greatest advantage of being young.

Han Zeng is such a great talent, Huo Shan can't keep him in the frontier forever, so it's actually a good thing to let him go out to practice now.

After talking about this matter, the affairs of the governor's mansion in the Qiang region are basically completed.

The next thing to talk about is the highlight of today.

Huo Shan was about to get up and start, but Liu Che spoke directly:

"Zihou, I and Zhu Qing don't understand, what to do, you can arrange it directly!"

Huo Shan was dumbfounded, while Wei Qing, Gongsun He and the others stared wide-eyed.

"This, I'm afraid it's against the rules?"

Wei Qing couldn't hold back his words, and Liu Che glared at him directly:
"What's wrong with the rules? Zihou is the great Sima and the chief governor. I entrust this matter to him. What's wrong with it?"

Wei Qing smiled awkwardly, and stopped talking, Liu Che turned to look at Huo Shan again:

"Zihou, you hold the snake-slaying sword, whoever disrespects his life, cut him off directly!"

At this time, everyone in the hall, including Huo Shan, felt like a dog beeped in their hearts!
What do you call this? Can you say this in private? It's a matter of discussion now!

Huo Shan sighed in his heart, he had already said what he had said, what else could he do, do it!
Huo Shan stood at the bottom of the steps, and directly took out the set in the army:
"Where is Da Sinong?"

Sang Hongyang quickly got up and walked to the center to salute:
"The minister is here."

"I remember Da Siong has the price and wage data of Dahan every year. Is that true?"

"Hui Junhou, it is true!"

Huo Shan nodded, and then looked at the master craftsman:
"Over there, can you judge the specific amount of project materials and labor?"

The master craftsman also hurried forward:

"Hui Junhou, among other things, there is no problem with these things."

Huo Shan nodded, and then looked at the Prime Minister's Chief Shi:

"On the Prime Minister's Mansion, is there any specific information on the amount of land reclamation by the villagers?"

"Back to the Lord, there are."

Huo Shan nodded in satisfaction, you just need to admit that you have it, if you can't do it in the future, I'm looking for you, so don't make excuses for me.

"The newly built Dudu Mansion in the Qiang region, our great Han will expand the country for thousands of miles, and the government will move forward, there must be a big project.

I don't want the imperial court to pay this money, so I invited a big businessman of my big man to plan a plan. You should have heard something about it, right? "

Everyone nodded their heads. All the people present were well-informed. Before Huo Shan arrived in Chang'an, what happened in Longxi County had already reached their ears.

But of course they won't talk nonsense.

"I invite big merchants to gather in Chang'an on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and there are still about two months left before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

As for why it is so early to prepare, there are still things in the Western Regions that need to be prepared. I am afraid that it will be too late, so I need to start early. "

Everyone nodded in agreement. In their opinion, no matter what happens, they have to give way in front of the Western Regions, and it is good to prepare in advance.

"First of all, it's a matter of engineering.

I don't just want to build a county house, it's a big project.

The first is the road, starting from Longxi and going straight to Jincheng.

Then go all the way to Lingju, then go straight to Wuwei, go all the way through Huqiang City, and go straight to Xining City. All the roads use the Chidao standard.

As for this city of Xining..."

Huo Shan clicked on the center of the cross-shaped plain on the map:
"I'm going to build a big city with a population of over [-] here!"


All the ministers opened their eyes wide and exclaimed, the population is more than [-], this is a proper big city in this era!
But Huo Shan didn't finish speaking:
"In addition to this, there are four checkpoints, the three main roads from Xining City to Qiang, and the narrow place here."

Huo Shan nodded his escape route.

"Each checkpoint must be able to station more than [-] troops."

All the ministers were dumbfounded again, it's a big checkpoint!

The key point is that more than ten thousand soldiers and horses must be able to live in the checkpoint. You must know that there are basically not many troops in the checkpoint. When defending, they all set up camp behind the checkpoint.

"And there are many small military forts and fortresses scattered all over the place.

I also plan to build two large stables for [-] horses, one about a hundred miles west of Huqiang City, and the other thirty to fifty miles east of Xining City.

Moreover, to build several large military camps inside and outside Xining City, they must be able to accommodate [-] cavalry. "

The [-] infantry needed to be rotated at the checkpoint, and it was estimated that only half of them stayed in Xining City, which was [-] cavalry and [-] infantry.

Moreover, these soldiers and horses are all military households, and they don't stay in the barracks all the time, so the scale is very large.

However, whether it is necessary or not is another matter, we must have it.

"In the plains around Xining City, there are still two to four large towns and numerous small villages.

There is also the issue of land reclamation. Although there are military households, they can't do much and need help, so this is a big project. "

After Huo Shan finished speaking, he raised his head, and saw everyone staring at him dumbfounded.

big project?This is a huge project!

The money needed is countless.

Huo Shan thought for a while and then looked at the master craftsman:

"How long do you think such a project will take, with resources and manpower according to my big man's practice?"

Master Jiang Zuo leaned close to the map and calculated carefully for a while, then saluted and said:
"Back to the Lord, according to my estimates, it will take no less than ten years!"

This is actually his conservative estimate.

Because many things that Huo Shan said were specious and not sure.

For example, two to four large villages, is it two or four? For example, there are many small military forts and fortresses. How many are there?
Huo Shan smiled faintly:
"My preparation time is three years."

Master Jiang Zuo opened his mouth to refute, but among the people present, no one knew better than him the difficulty of the figure of three years.

But he endured it, and began to carefully estimate again.

In Huo Shan's view, this is absolutely achievable.

People in this era are very poor, have wages, and there is no shortage of manpower at all.

However, manpower alone is not enough, and a large number of craftsmen are needed.

And according to Huo Shan's calculations, although the craftsmen in Chaotang's hands are all top-notch in technology, in terms of quantity, they are not even one-fifth or even one-tenth of those in the hands of big households.

And this is not fine engineering. Counting all the available craftsmen in the entire Han Dynasty, it is estimated that the Chaotang accounted for less than one percent.

And materials are not a problem. Where there are mountains, there are stones, and where there are forests, there are trees. Use local materials!

As for other materials, the whole big family of big men moved, and there was no problem at all.

After estimating, the general craftsman said:
"If it is to be completed within three years, it will require huge manpower and material resources, no less than that of Efang Palace."

Huo Shan smiled faintly:
"The court will not pay this money first, I want the big households to advance this money first."

As soon as Huo Shan's words came out, everyone shook their heads in unison, and Gongsun He retorted on the spot:
"It's impossible, the big family will never pay this money."

But as soon as he said the words, he kept Wei Qing, Sang Hongyang and the others silent, and even smiled, and he felt something was wrong.

Wei Qing can be understood as defending Huo Shan, but Sang Hongyang is more familiar with big men than him, what kind of virtue are the big merchants!

'Is there anything I don't know? '

Huo Shan heard Gongsun He's words and said:
"It's my business whether the big households can't afford this money. What I need to ask you to do now is the following things."

All the people turned serious, no matter how unbelieving they are now, once the order is given, they have to work hard.

"First of all, it's the water scale. I need the water scale to start making five baht coins with all its strength."

Captain Shui Heng bowed and saluted:


"The next thing is to be the master craftsman. After a few days, after the negotiation is completed, I will bring a group of craftsmen from the Shaofu to the general.

The craftsmen of the two prefectures need to split this large project into many small projects.

Then calculate the geometry of the materials required for each small project, how many craftsmen and manpower are needed within the specified time, and what is the standard for the completion of the construction. I will list the time. "


Although the court will not do anything, but the general situation still needs to be understood.

"Afterwards, I will go to Dasinong with the list made by the future work and the Shaofu. I need Dasinong to calculate the money needed and the wages of the workers and artisans based on this list and the prices of various materials."


"The Prime Minister's Mansion also has a lot of things to be busy with, such as the planning of land reclamation and construction, which also need to be restricted. I will work with you on what can and cannot be done."


Huo Shan thought for a while, and finally looked at Du Zhou:
"The big households are here, Chang'an must be in chaos, Zhijinwu needs to be vigilant."

Then Huo Shan turned around and saluted Liu Che:

"Your Majesty, I feel that I can dispatch a group of tigers to join Jinwu at that time."

Liu Che nodded cheerfully.

Huo Shan smiled, then looked at Wei Qing:

"The soldiers and horses of the governor's mansion in the Qiang region still need to be handled by my uncle and grandfather."

Wei Qing also nodded cheerfully.

Huo Shan thought for a while, and there was nothing to say next.

In fact, if I really want to say something, I can't finish it in a few days and nights, but today I set a general direction, and I will deal with the subsequent things later.

And don't forget that there is the Shaofu. This huge organization has mobilized the craftsmen, and everyone else has to be mobilized.

At this moment, Huo Shan just felt that the matter was really too simple, and it was settled in a few words, and he thought he would still be talking.

But why it is so simple is actually very clear.

There is Liu Che's bright support behind him, most of them are his own people, others will not refute, Huo Shan's prestige is also enough, if it is not easy, Huo Shan should be worried!

(End of this chapter)

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