
Chapter 283 Farming is simple, but not easy!

Chapter 283 Farming is simple, but not easy! (4K)

On the morning of the [-]th, everyone started to act.

It took one day, after Huo Shan had sent off the army and arranged for Yulin Huben, on the [-]th, he brought two companies of guards to the center of the oasis.

When he came here, it was already bright, and there were cars, horses and people everywhere.

Food and grass are among the most important, and they are the lifeblood of nearly a million people. Once there is a problem with food and grass, the army Huo Shan can take them to grab food, and it will be difficult for military households.

Therefore, the grain and grass are under the care of Habayashi Huben, and not even a trace of sparks can be seen in the place where the grain and grass are stored.

When the army of Yulin Huben made food, they had to be ten miles away from the food and grass, and then they were ready to be transported.

During the period, there must be wandering around the cooking place and the place where the grain and grass are stored, so as to avoid sparks being blown over.

So the large number of vehicles and horses seen here, except for the grain and grass used in recent days, are all household belongings.

By the way, grain and grass are received once every ten days.

There are things belonging to military households in these households, but they don't have many things, most of them are iron objects.

Other things, such as tables, chairs and benches.If you want to take it, it is impossible for you to take it across thousands of miles.

In addition to the belongings of the military households, the most belongings are the belongings of the craftsmen, as well as military spare equipment.

Some craftsmen's belongings are very difficult to make, and some are easy to make, but the craftsmen are used to it.

Huo Shan gave some preferential treatment to the craftsmen, and as the saying goes, if a craftsman wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools!

There are not many military equipment, and the large ones are all made locally, and it is impossible to carry them around, that is, some small ones.

For example, [-] spare crossbows, [-] continuous crossbows, and horseshoes.

In addition to these, the most important supplies are [-] catties of iron ingots. It is not easy to bring these things along the way.

But it doesn’t work without it. Iron ore is not so easy to find. These are used in the early stage and backup materials.

Huo Shan didn't disturb the busy crowd, but took a look around with his guards.

The military households have almost been divided, and now under the leadership of the county and township chiefs, they are mowing grass and leveling the wasteland with weapons and sickles, and setting up camps.

Every household has a scythe, which is a veritable tool for eating. Relying on him to buy food, a family basically has two or three.

However, the sickle at this time is not the kind of later generations. A brief explanation is that it is an L-shaped wooden frame, and an iron plate with two blades is sandwiched in the front section.

Not only can it be used as a sickle, but if you remove one and install a wooden handle, it will be a short dagger, and if you install a long wooden stick, it will be a spear.

As for weapons, every household has at least one, they are military households!
As for the armor, there are not many armors. The 16 military households have [-] to [-] armors, which is not very good.

Huo Shan looked around, watching the military households skillfully pitching up their tents, and nodded in satisfaction.

According to this progress, they can enter the working state tomorrow.

After Huo Tan finished his transformation, he found Zhong Gan and asked:
"How are the craftsmen's arrangements?"

Zhong Gan was busy with his work, saw that it was Huo Shan, he quickly saluted and replied:

"Back to the governor, everything has been arranged."

Huo Shan turned his head to find a flat place, Xiao Lizi took out two folding boards and put them down. After sitting down, Huo Shan raised his hand to signal to sit down, and then said:
"Tell me."

"Our army has brought more than [-] craftsmen on this trip, and now there are only about [-] of them that can be used."

Huo Shan nodded, he still knew this in his heart.

There are also different types of craftsmen, not to mention Huo Shan's craftsmen, whose composition is more complicated.

There are many things you have to divide in detail, such as carpenters, stonemasons, blacksmiths, earthworkers and so on.

However, Huo Shan was only divided into three categories.

The first type of military use mainly makes military equipment, and 100 people account for about [-].

Some of them make armor, some make weapons, some make crossbows, some make weapons, and some make military equipment.

But these people don't have so many divisions among each other, and they can all help out. Of course, they can also make farm tools and so on.

These more than 200 people are very useful. If they perform well, there will be no fewer than [-] troops.

Regardless of the fact that there are only 200 people, once they are given enough materials and manpower, the effect will be infinite.

Of the remaining 900 people, [-] are almost used for civilian purposes. They are indeed not very good at military things, but they are led by some military craftsmen, and they can also play a role in the military.

But in terms of civil affairs, especially during this kind of land reclamation, 400 of them are more useful than 200 military workers.

They can build houses, construct aqueducts, and more.

Although they may seem insignificant, their influence is great.

Things for military use are beyond the reach of ordinary people, and it takes some labor to help, or to handle some simple things.

But for this part of the craftsmen, he can lead a hundred people to build together.

If Huo Shan leads craftsmen, he must be the best craftsman.

As for the remaining 500 people, strictly speaking, they are not actually craftsmen, and 200 of them are doctors, so it goes without saying.

The same is true for the remaining 300 people. They have everything, and they cannot be said to be craftsmen anyway.

Some are farmers who can identify where the land can grow food better, and how to increase the yield after the food is planted.

Some are geomancy masters, that's right, they are geomancy masters, which can be understood as masters of geomantic omen.

These people were gathered by Huo Shan with great difficulty. Some were conscripted by Taoists and Yin-Yang Schools, some were recruited by folk strangers, and some were talents from the state.

For example, in the general work, he called a few.

They can not only look at Feng Shui, but also find mineral veins.

He was talking about gold veins and earth veins, but Huo Shan didn't understand these things, so he just looked at the sky and judged the weather in the past few days.

But these people are really capable, and they can really find ore veins and water veins. Of course, not all of them are this kind of people, and there are quite a few people who specialize in ore prospecting.

However, in Huo Shan's view, these people also have a bit of magic. It is understandable from the soil quality, and from the direction of the mountains, is there really such an argument?

Therefore, the 300 people that Zhong Gan said can be used in the early stage are these [-] people.

"Of the 300 people, there were [-] people looking for water, and I sent them to eight counties, exactly ten in each county.

The forty prospectors were divided into ten teams, and I planned to arrange six assistants and ten cavalry in one team to search for ore in ten directions.

There are one hundred and one old farmers who are going to divide into eleven teams and go to various places to find suitable land.

The rest are all useful, such as..."

Huo Shan nodded after listening:

"The arrangement is good, but there are too many people looking for water in the eight counties, not only in the oasis, but also in other places.

So I sent 20 people to dig wells in various armies to find water. Although there are rivers where they are stationed, they can't just rely on rivers. What should I do if the water volume decreases in the second half of the year?
And the situation on our side is even more serious. These rivers on the oasis can last for a month without any problem, but sooner or later they will be drained.

Not to mention watering the ground, where does the water come from?Let him come down from the ground.

Forty is enough for the oasis, and forty is left, thirty are sent to each land-hunting team, and ten are sent to the ore-hunting team.

Not only must there be water sources on the ground, but also on the mine side. "

Zhong Gan feels ashamed:

"My lord, don't blame me, this is my negligence."

Huo Shan waved his hand and said it's okay:
"Go make arrangements!"


In the next few days, those who are looking for ore are looking for ore, those who are looking for land are looking for land, and those who are digging wells are digging wells.

The underground water resources are indeed plentiful. In just a few days, hundreds of wells have been drilled, and water has come out of thirty or forty wells.

The ore lode has not been found yet, but quite a few have been found nearby, and roughly calculated, there are already 30 million mu.

But the land in this boundary, of course, cannot be compared with Guanzhong. In Guanzhong, you will be able to go to the fields in a short time after leaving the house.

Compared with Guanzhong, this place is indeed too far away, often tens of miles, dozens of miles away, but there is no way, this place is like this.

Let's just do it in the early stage, and then slowly build towns and move to the land in the later stage.

For the rest of the craftsmen, Huo Shan didn't let them idle either. Huo Shan dispatched [-] jin of iron ingots to make farm tools first.

The remaining [-] yuan cannot be used until the iron ore is found, and it must be used by the army. This amount is really not much.

If the iron ore has not been found, there is no other way but to slash and burn, but Huo Shan feels that he has always been lucky.

The military households are not idle either. Some of them are making farm tools under the leadership of craftsmen, some are building ditches in oases, and some have already gone to the places they found.

Although the agricultural tools have not yet arrived, things such as land leveling and mowing can still be carried out in the early stage.

Others are fertilizing, which is a good thing, but even though it is a good thing, it can't be used as soon as it comes out. If that happens, it will be too angry and it will easily reduce the grain production.

So it needs to be fertilized, and it is not that complicated. Just dig a big pit, sprinkle some plant ash, bury it with soil, and wait for the natural reaction.

It's almost two months.

Therefore, all the fat from cattle and sheep was not wasted, and Huo Shan had people collect them all.

Not only in the oasis, but also in several large armies, the fat of the men and horses was not wasted, but they were not transported.

It is too troublesome to transport and transport, just retting the fertilizer locally, and when the time is almost up, you can take it and scatter it on the ground after mixing it with suitable local soil.

It is not so troublesome to open up wasteland and cultivate land. First, we must plow deeply, turn over the soil, pick up grass, plow and weed, and cultivate the land in the sun.

Wait for ten days and half a month, turn over the ground again, dry it again, and then leave him alone.

Wait until two or three days before the field is planted, spread the retting fertilizer evenly on the field, then plow it again, and finally smooth it with a grinder.

This mill is not the same as a stone mill. It can be understood as a flat plate with some protrusions on one side like a sledge, mainly used to level the land that has just been plowed.

If it does not rain during the period, it may be necessary to sprinkle water, otherwise the grain seeds will not be able to go to the ground, or they will all die.

Water is also required, not too alkaline, but the underground water in this area is still very good.

After the land is wet, you can plow and scatter the grain seeds. The depth of plowing depends on the type of grain to be planted. The wheat should be shallower, and the potatoes should be deeper.

Finally, the land is leveled, and then the work is over, so don’t worry about him anymore, and the seedlings will slowly come out.

If there is a heavy snowfall in winter, it would be better to have a few days of sunshine. If the sun is too cold, it will die in winter.

Pay attention next year, just don't get sick, and you can collect it in April and May.

Farming is sometimes as simple as that, and of course it depends on the species.

Wheat is like this, and potatoes are also very simple. Don’t get sick. Wheat protects against voles in winter. Don’t take away the seedlings. Just prevent potatoes when they are about to mature.

Compared with the former two, corn needs frequent weeding. When it is first planted, the seeds should not be eaten by birds.

Farming is really dependent on God’s food. If it doesn’t rain, it won’t work. If there is no rain, it will dry out. If there is too much rain, the seeds or roots will be soaked.

This land reclamation is a bit more complicated, but it's because it's the first time!

After raising the land in the future, don't worry about it after harvesting in April and May. Put the manure into the field, bury it with soil, wait for August to spread and plow one species, and then wait for the next year's harvest.

It sounds simple, but there is still some truth in it.

Although the wasteland reclamation was complicated this time, and there were fertilization and watering, the harvest in the coming year was not high at all.

Because this land has just opened, it has not been planted, and it needs to be planted.

For land, if you plant wheat or potatoes for several years in a row, the land will become more and more barren.

You need to change crops to plant wheat, soybeans, etc. in rotation. Sometimes you have to stop farming for a year, weed frequently, and bask in the sun. This is also a way to cultivate the land.

Although if you plant too much, the land will be barren, but if you stop planting for three or four years, the land will start to lose food.

Although it sounds strange, it's actually not very strange.

If you don't grow food or weed, weeds will grow wildly, absorb nutrients in the ground, and then block the sun.

If the ground has not been turned over, not only the ground will be covered with weeds, but also the land under the ground will not see the sun and cannot react naturally, and the land will be useless after a few years.

When the farmer fertilizes, changes the fields, and grows food, it is also a process of raising the land.

So because of this, the yield of the newly reclaimed land will not be very high, no matter how much fertilizer you apply, it will be useless, and the fertilizer may burn the grain to death.

Soil fertility is equivalent to the lower limit, and fertility is equivalent to the upper limit. If the lower limit is not high, it is useless no matter how high the upper limit is.

Similarly, when you increase the lower limit, you must not forget the upper limit.

For some people, the more they plant the land, the better it is, while for some people, the more they plant it, the worse it is. There is a certain reason for this.

Those who can't do it will carry two catties of meat and a bottle of wine, and find someone who can do it for two years to help them raise the land.

The master farmers and old farmers brought by Huo Shan played this role.

It used to be that the land could not be raised for five or six years, but with them, two or three years would be enough.

It sounds weird, but it's normal.

Although there is a quick way to achieve this kind of ability, it is too difficult if you want to reach the level of others.

That is the experience of a lifetime, or even passed down from generation to generation, several lifetimes, more than ten lifetimes!

(End of this chapter)

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