
Chapter 284 The Recent Situation and Zhang Anshi's Thoughts

Chapter 284 The Recent Situation and Zhang Anshi's Thoughts (4.1K)

On the seventh day of the seventh month, Huo Shan sat in the big tent and looked at the letters, which were sent by the envoys.

Some are sent by flying pigeons, and some are urgently sent within eight hundred miles.

As Huo Shan read more and more letters, the smile on his face became more and more intense, but he frowned several times from time to time.

After a while, Huo Shan finished reading it, threw the letter in his hand on the desk, pointed to the table and said to Zhang Anshi:
"Look at it too, the situation is pretty good!"

Zhang Anshi also took the letter and read it after saluting. The more he read, the more smiles on his face, and finally turned into surprise:

"These eleven countries in the northeast are willing to surrender to my big man? Except Che Shi."

The northeast is the direction of the origin of the center of the Western Regions. If Huo Shan and his current location are the center, they are a little south of the west.

The countries include the East and the Mi Kingdom, the West and the Mi Country, the Jie Country, the Beilu Country, the Yushi Li Country, and so on.

"Naturally, we just wiped out the Pulei Houguo not long ago, and in front of their eyes, none of them is a big country, and it is normal for these small countries to have this choice.

As for Che Shi, they have a deep hatred with my big man, and they are also hardcore supporters of the Huns.

Although these countries are similar, if these two points are combined, it is not surprising that they have this choice.

You know, Lao Zhao went to Lou Lan and Che Shi at the beginning. After Che Shi was broken by Lao Zhao, their domestic conflicts became more and more serious. Not surprisingly, they would split up in a few years. "

Huo Shan said this very confidently, because the original history was like this. Compared with Dawan and Wusun, Cheshi was a small country.

Later, it was divided into Cheshi Qianguo, Cheshihouguo, Cheshi Liuguguo, Cheshihoucheng Changguo, etc. I don't know how they were divided!

"Also they don't want to surrender, don't forget why Lao Zhao went to Cheshi for an expedition, and dared to attack my envoy of the big man, even if it was ordered by the Huns, he would not be allowed to stay."

Huo Shan looked at Zhang Anshi's happy expression, couldn't help but said again:

"You have to be clear, their submission is not the same as the submission we understand.

Their surrender is the same as that of the Xiongnu. They may not even have tribute, let alone other things.

And the surrender we want is true surrender. They can retain their sovereignty. Although it is much better than my vassal state, it is not much worse.

So it’s okay to have fun, but don’t indulge in it. "

Zhang Anshi quickly put away his smile and bowed to salute:
"Thank you, Commander, for your instruction."

Huo Shan nodded and knocked on the table:
"Keep watching!"

Zhang Anshi picked up the letter and continued to read it. This time, he didn't stop halfway, nor did he show any emotion.

After a while, after Zhang Anshi finished reading, he smiled:
"Indeed, as the governor said, the situation is very good. Except for those countries far away in the West Pole, there is no definite news. Although most of the countries have not explicitly surrendered, their attitude towards us is much better."

Huo Shan smiled lightly:
"Don't expect too much from them. They're just a bunch of sloppy things. Except for those big countries, the others don't matter. If you don't accept it, just die."

Zhang Anshi nodded silently and did not express his opinion, but he also had such an opinion in his heart, not only him, but basically everyone.

They all look down on these countries in the Western Regions, countries with thousands of people, heh!
But he also knew that if Huo Shan refused to accept, they were all destroyed, and that was just talking.

Even if all of them refuse to accept, Huo Shan will not destroy them all, at most only a small part.

Because he knows that a chaotic and complicated western region with many countries is more beneficial to the big man. If several big countries confront each other, that kind of scene will not be good for the big man.

Because the Western Regions are too far away, the big man can't actually control them, and they have been sending troops to deter them, and it is unrealistic to fight a battle from time to time to maintain the impression.

So what needs to be used more is the prestige and prestige of the big man, to be a special existence in this western region.

Come to be their leader, but this leader will not oppress them too much, and has to mediate and stimulate their conflicts.

It is also necessary to let them see the benefits. Only in this way can the big man show his greatest strength in this area in the days to come.

Playing with these means, they are still a little tender, this word is not enough to describe it, it can be said that they are far worse.

And to use these methods, a chaotic Western Region with many countries is much easier than a Western Region where several countries are fighting for hegemony.

In this area, it is not advisable to blindly conquer by force.

After all, it's still the same word, far!

After Zhang Anshi thought about it, he asked again:
"Then what about Wusun?"

Speaking of this, the smile on Huo Shan's face disappeared. This is because Wusun has not made a statement until now. He has been playing ambiguously with you, and no matter what he says, it will not work.

In Huo Shan's heart, it can be said that he was very dissatisfied with Jun Xu Mi. He would not be like this in other countries in the Western Regions, but this is Wusun!

Wusun who formed an alliance with a big man and married a big man.

Huo Shan waved his hand:
"Don't worry about them, they will naturally make the right choice with a [-] army pressing down on the border."

Although Huo Shan said so, he was already concerned about this matter in his heart, because he felt that something was not quite right.

If in the past, the big man was far away in the sky, Wusun Kingdom's attitude would be very normal.

But nowadays, with a large army of 16 cavalry and 30 military households, there is no problem at all with calling 50, [-] is fine.

A total of one million people have arrived in the Western Regions. With this strength, they are much stronger than Wusun.

But still playing this way now is obviously not a choice made by a qualified fool.

Unless they have something to rely on, and where else can this dependence come from except the Huns?
Other big countries in the Western Regions?

Dawan united with other countries to engage in small tricks?

It is not impossible.

But no matter what, Huo Shan was concerned about this matter and had to be on guard.

They are fighting alone now, and there is not much possibility of reinforcements.

Jiuquan and Dunhuang need to guard against the Western Regions. Even if they have spare strength, Huo Shan will not ask for their support.

Those who are unfamiliar with the place of life are very likely to be eaten by others halfway, a pile of grass, anything is possible.

So, everything depends on yourself.

"It's a good thing that the Kucha Kingdom intends to surrender. Moreover, they are located in the center of the Western Regions, and the north is Wusun."

Huo Shan narrowed his eyes and said with deep meaning:
"Yeah, it's a good thing. It has a population of more than 8 and soldiers and horses of more than 2 to [-]. It's a big country, and Wusun is still in the north."

The big country surrendered unexpectedly, and the north was still Wusun.

Huo Shan didn't know whether this matter was good or bad for him, but the possibility of Wusun changing in his heart also increased a little.

Maybe it could be a good situation, no one can tell.

Huo Shan didn't know the situation, his eyes were darkened, and he didn't have much information to judge.

Now it depends on whether his emissary is strong enough, the distance is far away, there are too many raptors, the flying pigeons are sometimes ineffective, and it is not easy to send messages. He has to look at the subsequent waves of information to judge.

However, Huo Shan's thoughts are still optimistic, you Western Regions and the Xiongnu will not unite to destroy me, right?

Hearing Huo Shan's words, Zhang Anshi keenly sensed that something was wrong. After thinking about it, he also thought of the possibility that Huo Shan had estimated.

Zhang Anshi raised his head and was about to ask, Huo Shan chuckled:
"Don't worry, it's all about disappearing!"

Zhang Anshi swallowed the words on his lips, feeling a little admiration for Huo Shan in his heart.

Huo Shan immediately saw so much from a few short sentences, and he still needed Huo Shan's reminder, no wonder he is a commander in chief, he is just a clerk!

He is also a proud person, there are not many people who admire him in his life, and Huo Shan is definitely one of them.

However, this is also caused by accumulation over time.

In the beginning, when Liu Che sent him to be Huo Shan's clerk, he had no other thoughts in his mind, such as the idea of ​​helping a child lose face.

In any case, no matter how old Huo Shan is, he is a champion. As long as he is not defeated, Zhang Anshi will not belittle others.

On the contrary, he was a little happy, because everyone knew about Huo Shan's situation, and following Huo Shan represented the opportunity to go to the battlefield.

Whether you can win is another matter, at least you have a chance, and many people can't get the chance.

As for what happened next, everyone knows.

No one knows better than him what Huo Shan has done in the past two years.

He was amazed, shocked, admired and unbelievable by Huo Shan's actions, but also took it for granted that Huo Shan did these things.

The former is because some of Huo Shan's operations are really unimaginable, and the latter, needless to say, is the champion.

Some people just can't deal with it with common sense, just like Lao Huo.

Nowadays, as long as the surname is Huo, even an ordinary person can make him take a second look.

And because of Huo Shan, he also admired Liu Che very much.

He had admired Liu Che before, but this time he admired Liu Che in terms of knowing and employing people, or in other words, the kind of admiration that would be hard to come by in a lifetime.

Everyone said that Liu Che married Wei Zifu and married two war gods, but why don't you think about it, why can they stand out under Liu Che?
There was indeed Wei Zifu's reason, but it wasn't Liu Chehui who knew people with his eyes!

Monarchs and ministers are a matter of mutual achievement!

And in his opinion, Huo Shan is the proof!
When he was only a few years old, Liu Che had great expectations for him. When Huo Shan was young, his potential could not be hidden, and began to burst out, turning into strength, Liu Che gave him full support.

He has more confidence in Huo Shan than anyone else. Doesn't this mean that Liu Che has a detached vision?
Apart from these two people, not to mention the dead ones, there are two and a half living ones that he admires!

The first one is Wei Qing, needless to say.

The other one is Huo Guang. He and Huo Guang get along with each other for a long time and not too long, and they are not too short. They were both in the palace before.

Although Huo Guang was older than him, he was barely considered the same generation.

But in terms of seniority, he is one generation older than Huo Guang and two generations older than Huo Shan.

Because his father is Zhang Tang, Liu Che, Wei Qing's peer.

And the reason why he admired Huo Guang was not because he admired Liu Che and Wei Qing for the elders and superiors, but he wanted to chase after them.

Nor is it admiration for a genius like Huo Shan. Huo Shan has no way of catching up, and he is really powerless.

As for Huo Guang's admiration, he is the kind of admiration for his peers.

Because after getting in touch with Huo Shan, he naturally had more contact with Huo Guang. He found that, except for his proud memory, he was crushed by Huo Guang in all other aspects.

However, he didn't feel confused about this situation, but rather excited.

Because the era of Liu Che, Wei Qing and others has already passed, but Huo Shan has skyrocketed and cannot catch up, which is not normal.

And he has a high self-esteem, thinking that he is a genius, unique, and now there is an opponent, how can he not be excited.

The slack mood recedes, and what is left is full of fighting spirit!
As for the remaining half, it was Sang Hongyang. He only admired Sang Hongyang for his ability to make money.

A smart person like him would definitely not discriminate against Sang Hongyang. He knows how important the economy is to a country.

As for the rest, forget it!

However, there are many people who agree with it, but basically [-]% of them are under Huo Shan's hands. This is also an aspect that he admires Huo Shan.

He is very satisfied with his current situation.

In fact, although Huo Shan didn't tell him, Zhang Anshi still had some guesses about Huo Shan's arrangements for them, and he knew a little bit.

After all, he was the closest person to Huo Shan in the past two years.

Speaking of this, he realized that Huo Shan was incomparable to him in every aspect.

He is still very broad-minded about self-awareness, but compared to Huo Shan, he is nothing!

Recognize talents with a keen eye, and then cultivate them. After they become talents, they will be transferred to other important places to serve in other important places to give full play to their talents and find a way out for them.

He was sure that he couldn't do all of them, let alone all of them, even half of them.

This may be the confidence of a genius. I am not afraid of you being outstanding, but I am afraid that you will waste your potential if you are not.

He used to consider himself a genius, compared with Huo Shan, forget it!
Zhang Anshi came back to his senses, looked at Huo Shan who was smiling and staring at him, a little embarrassed, grinned, and coughed dryly:
"Governor, I don't know what the Great Governor of Gumo wants to do?"

Huo Shan raised his head and thought for a while, but within two seconds:

"How to deal with it... If you dare to detain my envoys, you will naturally destroy them."

Zhang Anshi raised his eyebrows, very much in line with Huo Shan's usual style.

Gumo is 650 miles west of Kucha, and it is also the center of the Western Regions. It is much weaker than Kucha, with a population of about [-].

Gumo is still a vassal state of Kucha, and the two countries have different ways of doing things. If you look at the relationship of affiliation, a fool can see the problem.

But the current affiliation, especially the Western Regions, is basically just a title.

How the situation is, still needs to be judged!
"By the way, let the lords of the Ten Kingdoms in the northeast come here soon, so as not to miss the time for autumn plowing.

Recently, many soldiers and horses of the Xiongnu were captured, and while they were beheaded and sacrificed to heaven, they were frightened, and by the way, they were tested to see if they dared to come, and whether they really surrendered and surrendered! "

"The minister takes orders!"

(End of this chapter)

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