Empress: Husband, are you actually the leader of the Demon Sect?

Chapter 108 Please give me Shenting a reasonable explanation

Chapter 108 Please give me Shenting a reasonable explanation
The realm of Tianzun cannot be measured by ordinary systems.

On the continent of Taichu, Tianzun, like Wusheng, is a huge watershed.

But Tianzun has more differences, which can be divided into ordinary Tianzun and Jiuzhuan Tianzun.

The level of Jiuzhuan Tianzun is far above that of ordinary Tianzun, and they are all super existences that have gone through many calamities.

One kalpa is one turn, and after three kalpas, there will be a bigger gap in strength.

The ranks that are spread today are basically interpreted by ordinary Tianzun, three-turn Tianzun, six-turn Tianzun, and nine-turn Tianzun.

Each level also has the difference between junior middle school and later stage.

Ordinary Tianzun will go through the calamity after the Great Consummation, and if he succeeds, he will gain the tribulation power of a turn, and the overall strength will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Their seven stupas, who intimidated the entire Huntian Territory back then, should be the existence of the Heavenly Venerate who have gone through many calamities.

Therefore, Gu Xuanyuan's power manifestation, in the eyes of the fairy-killing mother-in-law and the devil boy, can basically see the specific level, which is exactly the same as the three-turn Tianzun.

There is no doubt that the status and prestige of the third-rank Tianzun in the Taichu Continent is already extremely high.

However, Gu Xuanyuan, the servant of the Emperor in front of him, has reached this level.

May I ask how terrifying the other powerhouses under the Emperor's command are?
It's frightening to think about carefully, this is what makes the killing fairy mother-in-law and the devil boy feel extremely shocking and frightening.

From the beginning of the South China Sea, they have been witnessing the power of the Emperor, first the arrival of the Emperor's envoy, then the suppression and abandonment of the Asura Clan, and then the servant of the Emperor, Gu Xuanyuan.

Every time, it brought them a new understanding of the Emperor.

At this moment, ashes remained in sight, and abysses and ravines formed, Gu Xuanyuan had completed all the contents of the Human Emperor's Order.

Without delay, he left with a flick of his sleeves and rushed back to the Emperor's Mansion to return to his command.

During this period, he did not exchange a single word with Shaxian Granny and the others.

He came in a hurry, went in a hurry, and nothing changed when he arrived, but in this world, because of his arrival, two martial saints were missing.

Xia Ningshan watched him leave, holding the Human Emperor Jade in her hand, she couldn't help sweating a little.

"What is... three-turn Tianzun?" Xia Ningshan looked at Granny Shaxian.

Killing Immortal Granny hesitated, and replied: "The Taishang Patriarch of the Huangfu God Clan is at this level."

After saying that, Xia Ningshan gasped, her face continued to change.

The level of the ancestors?
In her cognition, she may be very unfamiliar with the existence of Tianzun, but if she talks about the background figures of the top ten gods, then she may have some understanding.

Simply speaking, there are countless strong people of the Huangfu God Clan and many bloodline ancestors, but there is only one true bloodline ancestor, and that is the Taishang Patriarch!

He is the soul of the entire Huangfu God Clan. He has lived for an unknown number of years, and it is said that he is sleeping [-] miles underground under the God Clan.

If he is here, the Protoss will be there.

If he dies, the Protoss will die.

The existence of such a heavyweight mainland is admired by countless powerful people, and it can be said that it has become a legend.

But now, the fairy-killing mother-in-law told her that one of the servants under the emperor's command was of this level?
It's outrageous!
Xia Ningshan stood there dumbfounded, holding the Human Emperor Jade as if it was a bit hot, she was at a loss.

At this moment, she just had the feeling of waking up from a big dream. It turns out that the jade pendant in her hand has such a heavy and precious weight.

The Emperor who lived in the world was not what she imagined. She thought she understood something, but it was clearly the tip of the iceberg.

"This is a high-level continent, why do you want to give me a luck jade pendant?" Xia Ningshan said to herself in a daze.

This question went back to the original starting point, when the Human Emperor's envoy came to the Five Elements God Capital, promulgated by the Human Emperor's decree, and bestowed on her according to the luck of the heavens and the earth.

She couldn't understand why the aloof Human Sovereign would do this.

"At present, it seems that this matter is beneficial and not harmful. Madam, you don't need to think too much. After all, we can't guess the emperor's mind." The fairy-killing mother-in-law said.

Xia Ningshan nodded slightly, and had no choice but to forget about this question again.

"Hurry up and set off, my husband definitely doesn't know what happened to me just now, I will tell him later, he will be shocked." Xia Ningshan took a deep breath and sat down again.

The team immediately set off again and rushed to the field of the Qingsheng clan.


Human Emperor's Mansion, above the tallest Qiong Tower.

Guan Chen sat cross-legged, and the magic book floated in front of him, and the ripples revealed a picture, which was exactly where Xia Ningshan was located.

Witnessing Gu Xuanyuan obliterating the subordinates of the two Seven Nights Demon Emperors, Guan Chen gasped in amazement, and had to say that the potential stocks that the Human Sovereign Envoy had looked at back then were indeed amazing existences.

Gu Xuanyuan has cultivated so far, and his strength has reached the third rank of Tianzun. As a servant, he really treats him a little bit badly.

And the magic book brought back by Lightning also surprised him constantly.

The ability revealed at this moment can imprint the scene of the world within a certain range, which is really miraculous.

"I don't know where the blood drop is now." Guan Chen thought for a while, and fiddled with the magic book again.

He shattered the Shura Reincarnation Pearl, since he should always pay attention to the movement of Shura Diyuan, so he used the magic book to observe it.

Sure enough, the ancestor Shura didn't give up on the shattering of the reincarnation pearl, and still wanted to save it.

It's just that since Guan Chen has discovered it, he should have made preparations.

"Hey, this is a bit interesting."

In exchange for a large price, Guan Chen searched for signs of General Shura's blood droplet from the magic book, but found some subtle changes.


The land is vast, and the sky is dim.

Eighty thousand miles away from the Qingsheng Clan, a group of Shura cavalry galloped continuously, with all kinds of bloody storms behind them, their aura was extremely fierce and cold.

Anyone who walked through the high mountains and forests was terrified by the forces of the mountain gate. Under the terrible coercion, the witnesses were so frightened that they dared not breathe.

Xue Dizi's figure revealed the sky, his expression was cold and heartless, and after ten days or so, he would be able to reach the domain of the Qingsheng Clan.

But at this moment, his eyes slightly turned to the east.


The Qing drink spread, and the Shura cavalry stopped for an instant.

Xue Dizi looked at the east and gradually narrowed his eyes.

Shrouded in the sun and billowing with white clouds, a huge chariot pulled by ancient auspicious beasts came from the east.

The unspeakable coercion of the gods spread, and it was even more visible that there were figures in jade-white battle armor standing on the clouds, densely packed like tens of thousands.

"Seven-star god soldier Rakshasa?"

The blood drop frowned, the team descending in front of them was the power of the gods.

The Rakshasa, the god soldier of Shenting, has many levels. These seven stars exist, and they already belong to the Zhili force under the regent king!
All kinds of deep coercion finally came, the ancient auspicious beast roared, and the chariot roared.

A middle-aged man wearing a noble robe slowly emerged from the clouds, looking at the blood drop coldly, holding a dry head in his hand.

Seeing such a scene with the magic book, Guan Chen couldn't help laughing.

Isn't this the head of the Prince of Shenting, Yu Wen Shenxing?On that day, he was sent to the Hou Wang's mansion by the scourge of heaven, and Guan Chen didn't pay attention to it after that.

With a bang, the person in the robe of God threw his head on the ground, still looking directly at the blood droplet, and asked majesticly, "Please give me a reasonable explanation for Shenting."

(End of this chapter)

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