Empress: Husband, are you actually the leader of the Demon Sect?

Chapter 109 Where is the cavalry, dare to step on my Asura?

Chapter 109 Where is the cavalry, dare to step on my Asura?

Explanation?what explanation?
Xue Dizi frowned, looking at the mighty Shenting army in front of him, he was a little puzzled.

It has been nearly ten thousand years since they Shura Diyuan and Shenting, and no conflicts have erupted.

Because each other is coveting each other's background and strength, so in most cases, avoid as much as possible.

Why right now, there is a seven-star god soldier Raksha blocking his way?
Looking at the dry head thrown on the ground again, the man's face was terrified, his pupils were wide open, as if he had encountered something terrible before he died.

Xue Dizi frowned, and replied coldly: "General Seven Stars led an army to block the way of this seat, what is his intention, and whose head is it?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man in the robe of God immediately had a hint of hostility in his eyes.

"I asked knowingly, isn't this the prince of Shenting who was killed by your Shura cavalry? I came here today to ask for an explanation."

"You Asura clan killed me, Lord of the Divine Court. If you don't give an explanation for this matter, don't blame my Divine Court's army for crushing your Emperor Shura Abyss!"

The cold drink was swayed, filled with strong anger.

After Xue Dizi heard this, he couldn't help showing a smile on the corner of his mouth, with a hint of cruelty.

Originally, he was still a little confused, when did the Shura cavalry under his command kill a divine court official.

But such a questioning attitude is really uncomfortable.

"What a big tone to flatten my Asura Emperor Yuan? If you think it can be done, then you might as well give it a try."

After his cold words fell, he saw three thousand Shura cavalry opening and closing blood-colored spears in an instant, and cold waves burst out in their eyes.

On the other side, all the Seven Star Rakshasa erupted with monstrous divine power on the spot, their aura roared, and the wind and cloud roared fiercely, rolling up wildly.

Terrible fluctuations caused domains to collide, and there was a tendency to fight if there was a faint disagreement.

Guan Chen was really amused by such a tense situation, he laughed from ear to ear and shook his head repeatedly.

But after all, as the generals of the top forces of the two parties, they will not really take action until the matter is clarified.

The Seven Star God General stared straight at Xue Dizi, and said again gloomyly: "So, you really killed King Yuwenhou?"

Xue Dizi still frowned, and shouted impatiently: "What are you talking nonsense, I, Shura Emperor Yuan, have never had any disputes with your divine court for ten thousand years, why did you kill your prince?"

When Seven Star God General heard this, he finally suppressed his anger temporarily.

After calming down his emotions, he looked at Xue Dizi and told the story clearly: "Two months ago, King Yuwenhou encountered an unknown cavalry force on his way back to the guarding place."

"There are about a thousand people in the area, but they possess unrivaled strength. They killed all the guards of King Yuwenhou, even cut off his head, and were sent to the guarding place."

"Shenting sent people to investigate, but in the end they didn't find the whereabouts of this mysterious iron cavalry, but looking at the entire field, besides your Shura cavalry, which iron cavalry in the world can dare to violate the power of Shenting and kill King Yuwen?"

After such words fell, Xue Dizi immediately narrowed his eyes slightly.

He probably understood the meaning of this. There was a Hou Wang of the Yuwen God Clan. On the way back to the guarding place, he encountered an unknown cavalry. As a result, his head was chopped off and sent back.

It is indeed like what the Seven Stars God General said, knowing that the other party is an official of the Shenting, their status and status are all good, and there is a big supporter of the Shenting behind them.

Killing him is tantamount to offending the entire court of God.

No matter what kind of power it is, it is impossible to be so stupid.

However, the key problem is that the power of this mysterious cavalry is still unfathomable, and it really cut off the head of King Yuwenhou.

One is guts, and the other is strength.

Looking at all the foundations of the surrounding Eight Desolation, except for the invincible Shura cavalry, there is really no other existence that can achieve this level.

Because many years ago, he led his iron cavalry, killing more than 160 cities of the human race.

The prestige, the vicious reputation, and the shocking top background of many parties are hard to say calm.

Since then, the title of Shura Iron Cavalry has become a nightmare existence in the hearts of countless strong men.

However, at this moment, the Seven Stars God General told him that there was another mysterious and unknown iron cavalry who had killed a prince in Shenting.

This can't help but make him a little curious, who did this, and put a huge shit pot on the head of their Shura cavalry?
After clearing his mind, Xue Dizi replied calmly: "You gods can't find the culprit, but you want to pin this nonsense on the head of our Shura cavalry, isn't it a bit self-deceiving?"

Seven Star God shrouded his face in a haze, and shouted again: "Fart, besides you Shura cavalry, who else can do it?"

The sharp edge erupted, and it was extremely fierce.

Seeing this scene, Xue Dizi frowned again, with more sullen eyes flashing in his eyes, and gradually clenched his fists.

If he was allowed to find this mysterious cavalry, he would definitely let these guys know what a miserable end it would be to pretend to be an Asura cavalry.

"I have important things to do, so I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. If you want to fight, then fight. If you don't dare to fight, then let me go away."

Xue Dizi spoke coldly, he was following the order of Emperor Shura, and was going to the Qingsheng Clan to bring Huangfu Huayun back, how could he delay here.

Once the 49 days have passed, there is no hope of reshaping the Reincarnation Bead.

After this point, the Shura clan will never have a new emperor.

This situation will definitely turn the entire Emperor Yuan into a mess, and will eventually be swallowed up by the power of other emperors.

How can you accept such a future?

"You think I dare not?"

The Seven Stars God will be angry from the gallbladder, and the terrifying aura fluctuations will be set off on the spot, which is the late stage of Wusheng!
The wanton opening and closing of this force caused the world to storm, and the coercion rolled and spread.

Luo Sha, tens of thousands of seven-star soldiers, also stepped forward again, approaching with murderous intent.

Xue Dizi snorted coldly, and the three thousand Shura cavalry behind him did not have any intention of retreating, and his eyes were filled with cold and ruthless charm.

The two armies confronted each other, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

The terrifying coercive fluctuations made the space stagnate, and the world was dead and deep.

To be honest, if these two forces fight, the consequences will be unimaginable, after all, they are both top-level existences.

Suddenly, behind the seven-star general, came an old man with a hooked back.

He was wearing a white robe and windbreaker, his long eyebrows even covered his eyes, and whispered in the ear of the general: "The regent has something to say, it should not be them."

Hearing this, Seven Star God General glanced at Blood Droplet again, snorted coldly and turned around with a flick of his sleeves.

The ancient auspicious beast pulled the huge chariot and slowly returned to the east.

Xue Dizi narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking a little.

I saw a famous Asura soldier stepping forward, and said in a deep voice, "Do you want to kill him?"

Xue Dizi shook his head, his eyes glowing coldly.

"It's just a bunch of brainless idiots, why bother, but the existence of the iron cavalry pretending to be us, if the general finds out, they will definitely make them regret coming to this world!"

Shura's iron cavalry is famous far and wide, invincible in all battles, and has long become a feared existence of the Eight Desolation forces.

Now there is another iron cavalry force born, but there is no trace of it. The manifestation of its power makes people mistakenly think it is Shura.

How can this be tolerated?
In this world, there will always be only two kinds of cavalry.

One is Shura cavalry, and the other is other cavalry!

(End of this chapter)

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