The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 1006 It's over, it's over, it's over

Chapter 1006 It's over, it's over, it's over

All kinds of fights and dances, but the lights are gathered on occasional people, including the three little Taotie.

Teacher Beibei was dragged here by the island owner. She was drinking in the audience at the moment. She glanced casually and paused.

He frowned slightly.

The island owner raised his head and drank a glass of wine, "Hey, I shouldn't have agreed to the marriage back then. Now I want a daughter, but I don't want to give birth. It's so difficult."

He babbled and complained for a while, seeing Teacher Beibei's eyes fixed on one direction, ignoring himself, he was a little puzzled, and looked in Teacher Beibei's direction, "What are you looking at?"

Teacher Beibei frowned: "This windbreaker looks familiar, and so do the shoes."

The island owner disagreed: "You want to say it's yours?"

Teacher Beibei pursed her lips and remained silent.

The island owner laughed: "The same type of clothes leave the factory, let alone thousands of pieces. It's normal to encounter the same ones. The same is true for shoes. They will buy the same style as you. The taste should be similar. Choosing the same shoes is not a problem. It's normal, isn't it?"

Teacher Beibei was persuaded by the island owner, nodded and did not continue to dwell on this matter.

The island owner was interested, took a sip of wine, looked at the dancers on the stage, and said with a smile: "It's not bad for someone with the same taste as you, whose upper body is straight and still, but whose feet are dancing."

"Isn't it good?" Teacher Beibei expressed his appreciation.

The island owner nodded: "You have to keep your upper body still when dancing. In fact, it is a test of real skill. This person dances well."

The island owner waved, and a staff member came.

The island owner pointed casually, "Just that one, let him win."

The staff nodded, and the big boss had spoken, so naturally he had to follow suit.


Xiao Jinzi: "I think I saw my eldest sister."

Little Ganoderma: "I saw it too, and it's dancing too, it's so good, we're done."

Xiao Jinzi: "Hey, if we knew that Elder Sister would participate, we wouldn't have to work so hard. It's wasted work."

Little Ganoderma lucidum: "It's strange, the lights have been dimmed one by one, why are the ones that shine on us still bright?"

Xiao Jinzi: "The one with the light on at the end should be the champion, right? My eldest sister's light seems to be dimmed!"

Little Taotie listened to the conversation between the two sisters, and didn't interrupt, because she was actually quite tired now, she had to bear the weight of the two of them, she had to keep her upper body stable, and she couldn't fall on them, and her lower body had to jump out of spacewalk, which was a bit difficult to control .

Little Lingzhi was surprised: "All the lights... only us are left on!"

Little Jinjin couldn't believe it: "We won? No way?"

The music stopped, and the handsome guy came with a golden crown in both hands, and wanted to crown the little Ganoderma lucidum.

Xiao Lingzhi was afraid that she would reveal her secrets if she took off the hat, but she couldn't reach out to take it, because the hands were fake.

"Put it on the hat." Xiao Lingzhi said in a male voice.

The handsome guy was stunned for a moment, and he did so.

"I really won!" Xiao Jinzi was excited and moved a little.

The zipper broke!
At the most critical moment, the moment of receiving the award, the moment when everyone is paying attention, the moment when the lights illuminate them, a head appeared in the broken zipper... two heads!

The two little faces in the windbreaker showed their faces!Exposure!It's revealed!
Little Jinzi wailed and covered his face.

She let go of the hand holding Xiao Lingzhi's feet, and Xiao Lingzhi fell unsteadily. Xiao Jinzi reacted and rushed to catch her, then leaned forward, and the "Luohan Tower" fell apart!

The three cubs fell to the ground, and the three looked at each other, eyes full of despair!It's over!Dressed up!
The people in the audience reacted, and there were exclamations one after another!

"My God!"

"It's Little Taotie! Little Ganoderma lucidum! Little Jinzi!"

"They actually got in!"

(End of this chapter)

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