The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 1007 The Little Cubs Forced To Be Separated

Chapter 1007 The Little Cubs Forced To Be Separated

Little Taotie's little milk's voice is broken!
She grabbed Xiao Jinjin's hand with one hand and Xiao Lingzhi's with the other, and ran away with the two sisters.

Seeing the crown falling on the ground, little Jinzi didn't forget to take the crown with him before he left. Little Fatty held the crown tightly, and was led away by Little Taotie.

There are all treasure guests present, some of them did not bring remote control planes, but some came out with remote control planes, and the cameras are still on at the moment!
Throughout the whole process, the audience in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded!

After reacting, someone hurriedly asked: [Did you record the screen?Have you recorded all the screens? 】

[Have you taken a screenshot?Did you take a screenshot of the moment when the little cub went through the gang? 】

[My God, these three little guys really know how to play! 】

[The whole process was recorded, starting from when they danced on stage! 】

[To be honest, I really thought it was a guy, or the kind who dances well and loves to play cool! 】

[The mighty man's shell contains three cubs~]

[The moment the zipper collapsed, I almost burst out laughing!The cute and stunned looks of the three of them are so much fun! 】

[I want to share it with my friends, this scene must be the highlight of this episode of Treasure! 】

When the three cubs were caught, they didn't know it, they were on fire!
It has completely become popular in more than 200 countries, and it is even spreading. In countries without live broadcast treasures, some friends have seen this screen recording on the Internet, and people's joy is synchronized!
[These three cubs are so interesting! 】

[Did they come up with it themselves? 】

[I really know how to play! 】

[Isn't it specially arranged by the program team? 】

[Probably not, Treasure Treasure is a program that is free to play without human programming. 】

[Laughing to death, is the little fat man in the middle too fat, that's why he broke the zipper! 】

[The one at the bottom is so strong, it supports the little fat man and another little girl! 】

[I think the most powerful one is the one below. Not only does she support two people, but she also dances the "devil" dance! 】

[I'm really curious how she did it, carrying two people on her shoulders, and she can still walk, she's a master! 】

【Who is this kid? It's amazing! 】

[Little gluttonous! 】

【He's a native of China! 】

The name of Xiao Taotie has become even more resounding overseas.

If there is a blue star instrument, and the red area is drawn on it, representing the area where Xiao Taotie's fame is exploding, you can see that Xiao Taotie is exploding at a radiant speed, and the red area is constantly expanding.


The three cubs were taken back by the adults and separated forcibly, even though they looked at each other reluctantly, they were still separated by the ruthless adults.

The three cobblers are indeed the best of Zhuge Liang.

The three little boys are a troublemaker.

Jin Yishanti kept her sister's back collar and took her back.

Little Lingzhi was taken back by her manager.

Little Taotie was sitting in the room, facing Chen Zi with a serious face.

Little Taotie felt a little guilty, and had nowhere to put his little hands.

There is a crown on the table, and the golden light at this moment is a bit of an eyesore.

Chen Zi snorted coldly.

Little Taotie's eyes flickered, and he lowered his head, a little scared.

Seeing that she was like a quail, Chen Zi wanted to get angry but couldn't. He was so depressed that he could only snort again.

Little Taotie blinked, but didn't hear the scolding, raised his head cautiously, and secretly looked at Chen Zi with a dark face, the little milk said in a soft voice, "Brother Chen Zi, I won't dare next time."

Chen Zi squinted at her: "Tell me, who came up with the idea?"

(End of this chapter)

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