Chapter 1009

Jin Yishan ignored her, covered Xiao Jinzi with a quilt, turned off the light, and said coldly, "Sleep."

Jin Yishan closed his eyes and fell asleep, and there was the sound of sobbing in his ears.

She didn't take it seriously, the younger sister was a crybaby.

When I was tired from crying, I fell asleep naturally.

Just like every time she wanted something, but the family didn't buy it for her, she would cry and cry endlessly, and when she was tired, she would naturally fall asleep.

Jin Yishan fell asleep in a daze.

In the dream, it was raining heavily.

Faintly, the crying never stopped.

In the middle of the night, Jin Yishan got up to go to the toilet and turned on the night light, only to find that Xiaotuanzi beside him was still crying!

Jin Yishan frowned tightly, thinking that he just fell asleep for a while, but when he looked at the time, it was past three o'clock in the middle of the night.

"Why are you still crying?"

Jin Yishan stretched out his hand to pull off the quilt, to see if his sister was just being loud.

Xiao Jinzi clutched the quilt tightly, but Jin Yishan couldn't pull it away.

Jin Yishan used a little bit of strength to turn Little Jinzi over a somersault.

Jin Yishan finally saw Xiao Jinzi's face.

Her eyes were red from crying, they were swollen like walnuts, and tears kept streaming down the corners of her eyes.

At this moment, Jin Yishan realized that this was different from any other time in the past.

It wasn't crying about not being able to get a toy, it wasn't about making trouble because there was thunder and no rain, but because I was so sad that I cried for almost a whole night.

Jin Yishan took out a tissue to wipe her tears, but was avoided by Xiao Jinzi.

"Why are you being disliked?" Jin Yishan murmured softly.

Jin Yishan caught Chen Zi's unintentional look.

It's disgust, disgust, and a look of blame.

Obviously, Xiao Taotie's assistant thought that Xiao Jinzi was the culprit, the source of everything, and that it was Xiao Jinzi who led his little Taotie down.

Jin Yishan thought that as long as the other party blamed his sister, he would go up and fight, but the other party just took a look and didn't say anything.

But it's just this kind of glance, without saying anything, that makes people feel even more aggrieved.

So she wanted her younger sister to keep a distance from Xiao Taotie, so that others would not dislike her.

But the younger sister is just a little thing that can't be carried clearly!
"Cry, cry, cry, you know how to cry!"

"Don't cry!"

It was useless, Xiao Jinzi cried even louder.


Originally, she hid in the quilt and sobbed softly, but now she was fine and cried loudly. In the middle of the night, the sound spread quickly.

The one who lives next door is Xiao Lingzhi.

Little Lingzhi was woken up by the manager, a little dissatisfied, and glared at him angrily.

The manager frowned: "Listen."

Little Lingzhi pricked up her ears to listen, blinked her eyes, and wondered: "Who's beating the child in the middle of the night, this crying sounds a bit familiar, who is it?"

The manager was helpless: "The next door is Xiao Jinzi."

Little Lingzhi jumped up: "Is it Little Jinzi who is crying?"

The broker nods.

Xiao Lingzhi put on her slippers and rushed out, but the manager didn't stop her.

"Bang bang bang!" The knock on the door was urgent.

Jin Yishan frowned, put on his coat and went to open the door.

When I opened the door, I didn't see anyone. I lowered my head, only to see a little guy.

Little Lingzhi didn't wait for her to ask to come in, but rushed in through the gap.

Jin Yishan was not angry because of her trespassing, because she saw the concern and worry on Xiao Lingzhi's face.

Xiao Lingzhi rushed to the bed and saw the poor crying baby with eyes swollen into walnuts.

"Xiao Jinzi, have you been spanked?" Xiao Lingzhi checked her arms and legs, and also went to her butt to see if she had been spanked.

"Don't cry, if you are beaten, we will call the police immediately! The law in this area prohibits beating children, and beating children will go to jail! We will send your eldest sister to prison for food!"

Jin Yishan: "..." I heard it all.

(End of this chapter)

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