Chapter 1010 We share the same fragrance
Xiao Jinzi hesitated, and whispered: "She didn't hit me, but I have a wound on my buttocks, and it hasn't healed yet. Can I frame my eldest sister and take her into prison for food."

Kim Yi Sun: "..." I am listening.

Little Lingzhi tilted her head and thought for a while: "The process of your injury has been filmed. It is a bit difficult to operate, but it is not without room for manipulation."

Xiao Jinzi wiped away tears: "How to do it?"

Little Ganoderma thought about it: "Why don't you scratch the scab and say it was your sister who scratched it?"

Xiao Jinzi hesitated: "Why is my sister grabbing my ass?"

Little Lingzhi: "You're in tears. The police will believe everything you say. Maybe your eldest sister just has weird hobbies?"

Xiao Jinzi nodded: "...that makes sense."

Jin Yishan gave a dry cough.

Startled, the two children turned their heads stiffly.

Xiao Jinzi: "My eldest sister... is there?"

Xiao Lingzhi: "It's over, she heard the plan."

Jin Yishan was really speechless, he raised his forehead, looked at his sister helplessly, and sighed: "I was arrested and eaten in prison, are you happy?"

Xiao Jinzi muttered: "No one cares about me..."

"Forget it, I don't bother to care about you."

Hearing this, Xiao Jinzi raised his head in surprise, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Sister, what did you just say?"

"You really don't care about me?"

"I finished taking pictures of the treasure, can I go to Huaguo?"

"Can I continue to play with Xiao Taotie's sister, Xiao Lingzhi?"

"Do you really ignore me?"

Facing Xiao Jinzi who was chattering and questioning with a crying voice, Jin Yishan nodded helplessly.

"You talk, I'll go out for a walk."

Jin Yishan left the room to Xiao Lingzhi and Xiao Jinzi, so as not to hear their two "rebellious" plots again.

The door was closed.

Xiao Lingzhi ran over, opened the door, and looked around to make sure there was no one outside, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm afraid your eldest sister is eavesdropping outside through the door."

Xiao Jinjin washed her face, but her eyes were still swollen, "Eldest sister won't do it."

"What happened, crying so sad?" Xiao Lingzhi touched her eyes, "Rinse with cold water again."

Xiao Jinzi nodded, and washed it with cold water for a while, and it got better.

"My eldest sister refused to let me go to Huaguo, she got angry and thought I was a troublemaker."

"You're not the only one who made a mistake. The three of us have done bad things. Your elder sister thinks that we have spoiled you and won't let you play with us?"

"No, no, my eldest sister thinks that I have led you into trouble."

Xiao Jinzi sighed, like a little old lady: "It is indeed my idea. Whether it is going to the casino or the bar, I suggested it. Originally, sister Xiao Taotie was asleep, so you and I insisted on pulling She went to the bar, she was implicated by us."

Xiao Lingzhi waved her hand: "A good friend has a problem, how can we only blame one person? Besides, you have the right to propose, and we also have the right to object! If we don't object, it means that we share similar tastes, no, we share similar scents!" I can't blame you anyway!"

Xiao Jinjin hugged Xiao Lingzhi and sniffed: "Sister Xiao Lingzhi, we are all Xiangxiang, and we will be good friends for a lifetime."

Little Lingzhi smiled softly: "Be good, call me sister a few more times, sister will definitely love you!"

"I don't know how little sister Taotie is doing now, will she be scolded, will she be beaten?"

"No, my manager didn't scold me or beat me. The assistant who came out with her is even less likely to scold her or beat her!" Xiao Lingzhi suggested, "Let's go and see her?"

(End of this chapter)

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