Chapter 101 The old man is well prepared

When I got off the plane, I saw a big sign saying 'Welcome to Sanya, my lovely sister! ' Qin Xin.

The corner of Cheng Guodong's mouth twitched: "You are so boring!"

Qin Xin smiled and said, "Oh, I forgot to write it down. By the way, welcome my black-skinned brother!"

"You're black!" Cheng Guodong was furious.

Qin Xin smiled, and his eyes fell on Tao Ti, and found that the person holding Tao Ti's little hand was a strange old man.

He knew that Tao Ti had a grandfather who seemed to be ill and was lying in the hospital.

Is it cured?
"Is this my sister's grandfather?"

Hearing this, Cheng Guodong was speechless, and lowered his voice: "The old man who stuck to me for no reason, I guess he is my sister's fan, the kind of hardcore grandpa fan."

In order to get to know her sister better, Qin Xin also learned about some things in the entertainment industry recently, knowing that there are mother fans, grandma fans, father fans, and grandpa fans in this world.

There are too many small stars debuting nowadays, and many hardcore fans are like raising their own children, ranking, voting, cheering for small idols, etc., helping small idols advance all the way and become popular all the way.

"How about...?" Qin Xin narrowed his eyes and looked at the old man. The watch in his hand was a custom-made Patek Philippe, and his worth should not be underestimated.

Compared with Cheng Guodong, Qin Xin has more affairs. He is a well-rounded person, plus he is tall and handsome, with a noble temperament. Most people would not reject his friendliness.

"Hello, old man, my name is Qin Xin, and I'm Little Taotie's foster brother. She calls me Second Brother! Are you her grandfather's fan?"

Tao Mo had already learned about Qin Xin from the materials, and he still admired this investment talent who returned from overseas. After all, there are too many young people who worship foreigners and foreign countries. Already well-known overseas gold touch hands.

"My name is Tao Mo." Tao Mo nodded proudly, "I'm a big fan of Little Taotie! No one likes her more than me!"

The corner of Cheng Guodong's mouth twitched, and he cursed: This old man is not afraid to flash his tongue when he speaks big words, and he is also a huge fan. I don't see him joining the support team!

Qin Xin smiled: "I'm the guide for this trip, do you want the old man to come with you?"

Tao Mo was satisfied, this one was much more sensible than that black coal, and he took the initiative to invite himself to travel together.

"I invited the commissioner, here we come!" Tao Mo pointed in one direction.

I saw a group of people holding flowers in their hands standing in a triangular formation, and the leader held a shiny golden sign in his hand, which read, 'Old Master Tao is here in person, full of splendor! '

Tao Mo lifted his chin triumphantly: "They just like to do some fancy things, just laugh at them."

The corner of Cheng Guodong's mouth twitched.

Tao Mo took Little Taotie's hand and swaggered towards those people.

Qin Xin couldn't help laughing lowly: "He's an interesting old man."

"It's such a weird old man who can cause headaches!" Cheng Guodong held his forehead and hurriedly chased after him.

Tao Mo looked at the young man who took the lead. This person was his life assistant, and he ordered the life assistant to come here early on a private jet and arrange everything.

"Where's the thing I asked you to prepare?" He became angry when he saw the life assistant, and asked with staring eyes.

The life assistant hurriedly took out a big black bag, Tao Mo took it, and lowered his head to show Tao Ti a loving smile, "Little Taotie, let's see what grandpa has prepared for you!"

After leaving the airport, Tao Ti had already changed into the new equipment that Tao Mo had prepared for her.

The sunscreen has been wiped off, the hat with a big brim is put on, and the small white lace sunglasses are coolly placed on the bridge of the nose.

Cheng Guodong, who was following behind, let out a breath: "It seems that the old man is better prepared than us."

Qin Xin nodded, deeply feeling that his second brother was not in place, and blamed himself with lowered eyes: "I need to read more parenting books when I go back."

(End of this chapter)

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