Chapter 102 You Think About Others

"Please show your health code."

At the moment they were stopped, Cheng Guodong and Qin Xin remembered how incompetent they were, and they didn't even prepare a mobile phone for Xiao Taotie.

Just when they were very annoyed, Tao Mo took out a small watch and mobile phone from the big black bag that looked like a Doraemon pocket.

Turn on the phone, find the health code, a series of actions seem to be performed countless times.

This is indeed Tao Mo's repeated operations at home countless times. Through inquiring about the news, he knows that the two newly appointed foster brothers are unreliable bosses, and they didn't prepare a mobile phone for Xiao Taotie at all, so he and the old woman This phone watch was carefully selected.

This mobile watch not only has all the functions of a mobile phone, but also protects the safety of children. In case of danger, it can call the police with one button, and if it is taken away from the setting range, it can also call relatives in an emergency. It is a must-have for children to travel and a good conscience.

In order to show that he is a fashionable super grandpa who can keep up with the development of the times, he has already figured out this watch at home, and is always ready to personally teach his granddaughter how to use it.

"Okay, let's go."

Passing smoothly, the little Taotie's eyes were shining, and he was jumping with joy, looking at Tao Mo with a little admiration in his eyes.

This grandpa is really amazing, he will take care of things that the eldest brother and the second brother can't do anything about in a while!

If Tao Mo could hear his little granddaughter's heartfelt thoughts, he would be happy to jump three feet high and perform a rumba dance that he liked most when he was young.

"You... came prepared, right? Who are you?" Cheng Guodong narrowed his eyes and became vigilant.

It is not suspicious to prepare a watch and mobile phone, but even Xiao Taotie's information can be bound, and the health code is successfully generated, which has to make people suspicious.

Tao Mo's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Little Taotie worriedly, and found that she was seriously studying her mobile phone watch with her head down, and she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she didn't hear Cheng Guodong's words.

Tao Mo lowered his voice, very softly, with a hint of pleading: "I will tell you in private later, don't let the children hear."

Cheng Guodong and Qin Xin looked at each other. Although the old man was weird and full of doubts, his love for the little Taotie was not a lie. Looking at his loving eyes looking at the little Taotie, it couldn't be faked.

From October to April of the next year, it is very suitable to go to Sanya for vacation. Although there are many people, it is a very comfortable weather. Although it is still very hot, it does not make people feel sticky like in summer. sweating.

Tao Mo's life assistant drove up an RV. Qin Xin looked at his jeep and decisively chose to take Xiao Taotie into the RV. Cheng Guodong was completely expressionless. It seemed that he still overestimated his second brother. Even the car is no match for the old man.

The life assistant forced a medicine box to the old man, and the old man pushed it back angrily, "Come out to play, what medicine do you take! I don't want to take it!"

The life assistant had a bitter face. The old man was most afraid of taking medicine. It was obviously not traditional Chinese medicine, but western medicine. As long as he swallowed it in one gulp, he would not take medicine. It was even harder to coax than a child.

Thinking of children, the life assistant's eyes lit up, looked at the little Taotie who was sitting obediently, and said earnestly: "There are motion sickness medicine, cold medicine, bandages, mosquito bites and other first aid medicines in it. If you are traveling, you still need to be prepared. Yes, even if you don't need it, you still have to think about it for others."

Sure enough, the stubborn old man's eyes softened, he reached for the medicine box, and fell silent.

The life assistant held back her laughter, not daring to make the old man lose face by laughing out loud.

"The ultraviolet radiation on the seaside is very strong, you should bring a parasol." Seeing that the old man was about to push back again, the life assistant hurriedly said, "You have to think about others."

Seeing that the hand that the old man stretched out to push turned into a grasp, he held the umbrella in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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