Chapter 103 The two brothers are old-fashioned

The RV was parked at one of the best resort hotels in the area, and the location here is the best place for viewing.

Tao Ti lived in a sea view room. Open the window and walk onto the balcony to face the sea. The blue sea meets the blue sky at the horizon.

After lunch, the life assistant took them to the pier and headed to the domestic "Maldives".

What you can't miss when you come to Wuzhizhou Island is the water sports here, especially watercraft, gliding, and diving.

Little Taotie opened his big eyes and looked at the person rushing towards the sky with water jets under his feet, full of envy.

She was eager to try it out, and also wanted to experience the feeling of being rushed into the sky by stepping on the watercraft. As soon as she took a small step in that direction, her second brother took her little hand and led her away.

"I want to play!" Tao Ti blinked her big eyes, full of hope.

Cheng Guodong and Qin Xin looked at each other, feeling very helpless.

In fact, they also planned the itinerary. Wuzhizhou Island was removed, because although the water sports here are popular, they are not suitable for children.

"Hey, when you get older, let's play, okay?" Cheng Guodong said patiently.

Tao Mo, who was at the side, eagerly said, "It doesn't matter, as long as Xiao Taotie wants to play, grandpa will take you to play! Come on, let's go play!"

Tao Ti's disappointed little eyes lit up instantly, and her eyes were filled with admiration when she looked at Tao Mo.

Tao Mo was so proud that he held Tao Ti's hand and was about to play various exciting water sports.

In fact, he also wanted to play very much, but was rejected every time, saying that he was too old to play.

Today he must bring his little granddaughter to play all of these!
Imagine looking down on the beautiful scenery of Wuzhizhou Island in the air, it's great and exciting!
But the old and the young only ran out a few steps before being stopped by Cheng Guodong and Qin Xin.

Cheng Guodong forcibly pulled the old man back, while Qin Xin hugged Tao Ti and ran back.

Tao Ti lay on Qin Xin's shoulder and watched the sea getting farther and farther away from her, her little nose was sour, and she felt wronged: "It's really fun!"

Qin Xin reached out and rubbed her little head, covering her eyes, "Don't look, I'll bring you to play again when I grow up."

Tao Mo yelled: "I'm coming to the sea—" His voice broke suddenly, and he was forcibly pulled back by Cheng Guodong, leaving deep stubborn marks on the sand with his feet, "Damn boy, let me go, do you know how to respect the old man?" ..."

The life assistant wiped his sweat and smiled awkwardly: "Let's go to the next attraction, Tropical Paradise Forest Park!"

In Qin Xin's original itinerary, there is also this place, the natural forest oxygen bar - Tropical Paradise Forest Park.

"Okay, let's go there!" Cheng Guodong agreed.

Looking at a piece of green, the old man was very gloomy and kept silent. Occasionally, if he looked at Cheng Guodong, he would immediately snort and turn his face away.

Cheng Guodong: "..."

I'm really speechless, where did this little old man come from? He's just an old urchin!It's too hard to carry!

Tao Ti patted Qin Xin on the shoulder, tilted her head, and said in a childish voice, "Second brother, I want to go by myself!"

Qin Xin put her down, patted her head, and said softly, "Don't run around."

A group of people walked quietly under the shade of the trees, listening to the singing of birds on the branches, and the pleasant sound of waves lapping on the shore outside the mountain.

There are not many people here. People who come to Sanya may yearn for sunshine and beaches, and most of them gather by the sea.

Occasionally, a few people can be seen walking together and disappearing into the forest.

"It's a good place to relax. It's not as crowded as the seaside, which makes you a little overwhelmed." Cheng Guodong said with emotion.

Tao Mo saw that he was not pleasing to the eye, and said: "Whoever comes to Sanya doesn't go to the beach, it's just you two who look young but are old-fashioned and old-fashioned to come to this kind of place!"

(End of this chapter)

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