Chapter 104 Little Taotie Has Many Question Marks
"Yes, yes, we are all old-fashioned, and we are not as good as you. Looking at our age, our mentality is so childish!"

"How dare you call me childish!"

The two started arguing, Tao Mo had a fiery temper, and was about to roll up his sleeves to fight, Qin Xin and the life assistant rushed forward to appease the two.

When they were making a fuss, they didn't notice that Tao Ti was looking at a place full of resentment in the depths of the forest, and stepped forward little by little, approaching it.

"There can be no more problems with this batch of goods! The lair was destroyed by an undercover policeman a few years ago, this time is a good chance to make a comeback!"

"Yes, we will definitely be careful!"

Suddenly, there was the sound of a branch being trampled, they became vigilant, and looked over fiercely, "Who is it!"

Tao Ti stood alone beside a tall tree, blinking her innocent big eyes, and stared at the five fierce men.

From Xiao Taotie's perspective, the fattest and darkest man at the head is covered by a transparent cover with a layer of golden light, and outside the cover there are many resentful spirits rushing in, but they are blocked by the cover every time outer.

Besides these wraiths, she also found a black-gray aura, which was so familiar, it was bad luck!
Or her bad luck ejaculating!
Because of the barrier of the transparent cover, the bad luck did not come to this person, because for a while, the bad luck gradually dissipated and became smaller and smaller.

Her little head is full of question marks:

How could this be?This bad luck was formed by the young lady's resentment, and it automatically shot at those people who killed the young lady back then, and this person was one of them!
But according to Uncle Luo Hanchen, those people have already received their due retribution, and in fact, bad luck is useless.

So what is going on with this bad guy who is standing here now, not in jail, and not punished by law?

Why is bad luck blocked?What is this transparent cover?
The five ferocious and fleshy men didn't know that Tao Ti was full of question marks, that's why he showed an expression of disbelief and bewilderment. He thought that the kid was scared by the five of them, so he stood in the original place. in a daze.

"Are you scared? You don't know how to run. You're so cute and cute!" The fat black man in the lead licked his lips and smiled evilly. "I remember that many years ago, there was also a silly kid who thought his father was left behind by us. In the end, it turned out to be our leverage to threaten her father! But unfortunately, his father gave up on her and didn't come to save her!"

"Is that the child of the undercover policeman?" asked the man beside him.

The fat black man nodded and tsk-tsk: "It's too much torture. I died in two days. Those fingers have become my collection, and they are still soaked in formalin!"

"Then when the business is completed this time, we have to go to the eldest brother's house to enjoy it!" Another person said like a dog.

"Naturally! When this business is completed, we will have made a lot of money. Then we will flee overseas, buy an island, and become the owner of the island!"

"Passing by our island, those boats have to pay tolls!"

"Yes, yes, you can ask for a little more!"

The five laughed, and the laughter was very harsh.

"Boss, what are you going to do with this kid?"

The fat black man narrowed his eyes and laughed viciously: "I'm still short of collectibles. This kid's eyes are so beautiful. They will definitely be even more beautiful if they are soaked in formalin bottles."

"Then I'll catch her here!" The other person walked towards Tao Ti, holding an extra Swiss Army knife in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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