Chapter 1015 The country is proud of you
Xiao Taotie's fans are the same as Xiao Lingzhi. They are a little bit aggrieved and uncomfortable. They even start to complain about their manager Cheng Guodong. time.

There are even some diehard fans who have come to the door.

【@程国东, why let Zai Zai waste time on the cruise ship!Now Zai Zai's light has been taken away by Ming Cai! 】

[@chengguodong, have you ever been a good agent? Such a good opportunity was wasted by you! 】

[@chengguodong, come out!Please give an explanation to Zai Zai's fans! 】

[@程国东, if you can’t give us a reasonable explanation, please resign! 】

Cheng Guodong always ignored it.

Until the last day of the cruise, when the cruise ship set sail, fans did not wait for an explanation.

[@chengguodong, please resign! 】

[@chengguodong, please resign! 】

[@chengguodong, please resign! 】……

A message appeared on the W blog, I am afraid that Cheng Guodong will not see it, as long as the big V number with more than [-] million fans can see crazy fans posting such messages.

[@chengguodong, please resign! ] Directly on the hot search list NO.1!

But even so, Cheng Guodong was still diving, and he didn't have any intention of coming out of the water for a bubble.

Little Taotie, little Ganoderma lucidum, and little Jinzi have already boarded the plane back to China.

Jin Yishan still didn't go with him, and seemed to be very relieved to hand over the little gold to Xiao Taotie. Jin Yishan chose to go back to Country H to pick up his parents and younger brother.

Little Lingzhi whispered next to Little Taotie's ear, "Why don't you take a private jet?"

Little Taotie grinned, "There is someone waiting for me at the airport!"

"Who is it?" Little Lingzhi was puzzled.

Little Taotie made a booing gesture: "It's a secret! Once you get off the plane, you'll know!"


The senior executives of the National Museum arrived at the airport in person and stood in a row at the pick-up gate. The oldest man with a white beard and white eyebrows was holding a pick-up sign.

His assistant was very worried: "Old Xu, let me lift it."

"No, no need." Xu Lao shook his head and refused.

Every old man is surrounded by assistants and protectors, who seem to be guards.

In the distance, passers-by whispered and asked about the identities of these people.

Little Taotie got off the plane and hugged the rabbit's head in his arms.

Little Lingzhi blinked, made some guesses, and lowered her voice: "The person who picked you up is for..." She looked at the rabbit's head and hesitated: "Do you really want to donate it?"

Little Taotie nodded without hesitation.


The little girl is small, cute and cute, with deep dimples, curved eyebrows and eyes, holding a rabbit head in her arms, walking towards the old people step by step.

The old people seem to have seen the little fairy come.

She came to the leader, Mr. Xu, and looked at the pick-up sign he was holding high, which read: Tao Ti.

"Grandpa, are you here to pick me up?"

"Are you a little glutton?"

"it's me."

In fact, when they saw the rabbit's head, everyone knew that she was the treasure champion Xiao Taotie.

The old man in charge introduced his identity and the identities of his companions. He introduced them very seriously, and did not make excuses just because the other party was a child.

Hearing that they were from the National Museum, Xiao Taotie handed over the rabbit's head with both hands.

Mr. Xu and the old people rushed to meet him, several of them joined hands to hold the rabbit's head.

"We will try our best to satisfy you as much as you want." Elder Xu said.

The high-level meeting has been unable to give a satisfactory price. In the end, the old man Xu asked, no matter how much the little glutton wanted, Mr. Xu would pay some more privately. National currency, and the rest will be shared by the elderly.

Little Taotie's eyes were shining, his eyelashes curled up, his dimples were deep, and his voice was like a voice: "I don't want money, I want to donate it to the country!"

The old people were stunned.

Xu Lao's voice was excited, his eyes were red, "Do you really want to donate to the country?"

"Yes! This originally belonged to the country, I just got it back, this is returning it to its original owner!" Little Taotie said in a childish voice.

"You are a little hero! The country is proud of you!" Mr. Xu shouted.

The old people shouted: "The country is proud of you!"

(End of this chapter)

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