Chapter 1016 Domestic first-line throne

No matter how much Mingcai cooks, it is useless, because of the little Taotie's move back to China, all the spotlights will return to the little Taotie.

[Little Taotie donated the rabbit's head to the country! 】

[Little Taotie didn't auction off the rabbit's head! 】

Many viewers of Treasure Show made a bet that Little Taotie would go to an overseas auction house for auction because she could get more rewards. A small number of people thought she would bring her back to China, but the country had to pay for it. Never Someone thought she would donate!
This is the rabbit head Hua Guo has been looking for!

Someone will buy even [-] million gold!

In fact, when the rabbit head appeared in the show, many countries have already paid close attention to this matter, and even secretly hoped that the contestants from their own country could be brought back to the country, and then they could buy it at a high price and sell it to Hua at a higher price. country!

Hua Guo is getting stronger and stronger, they don't necessarily ask for money, but exchange some blueprints or resources with rabbit heads, which is more worthwhile than money!

Because there is only one Chinese person participating in the treasure hunt, a six-year-old child, no one thinks that this child can get the rabbit head.

But this smallest chance has hit it!

There were hundreds of contestants, but in the end, the head of the rabbit fell into the hands of a six-year-old cub!

In fact, on the cruise ship, someone approached Chen Zi and Xiao Taotie privately, expressing intentionally or unintentionally that they wanted to buy rabbit heads at a high price, even with a slightly threatening tone.

It seems that if Xiao Taotie hadn't sold the rabbit's head before returning to China, he couldn't return home alive.

These menacing people were all startled by Xiao Taotie's operation of bending the iron spoon with his bare hands.

After Little Taotie frightened some people away, Chen Zi called Cheng Guodong, and Cheng Guodong finally decided to let Little Taotie take a national flight back home. In fact, national flights are safer and more reliable than private jets.

Cheng Guodong contacted the people from the National Museum, and he didn't say that the little Taotie would donate, but told them about the little Taotie's flight, and told them that it's better to do a good job of security, and the little Taotie would give them the rabbit's head on the spot.

The people from the National Museum thought it was sold to them on the spot, but they never expected that it was a donation!

Little Taotie took a group photo with the old people holding the rabbit's head, and the photos appeared in all the newspapers as quickly as possible.

After seeing the news, various overseas countries immediately followed up and put the photos on the front page.

Huaguo's rabbit head is back!
Unlike ever before, this time it's a private donation!

It was donated by a little girl, a six-year-old girl!

More and more people are wondering what kind of little girl this is, who can resist the temptation of hundreds of millions, and some countries even offer even greater temptations, such as changing nationality, such as many conveniences...

All rejected by the little girl!

In private, a video of the little girl bending the iron spoon with her bare hands was also posted!
【shock!It turns out that someone has already threatened Zai Zai on the cruise ship! 】

[I didn't see it at all, Zai Zai was actually threatened!Zai Zai seems to be very happy all the time, he doesn't look like he has been threatened at all! 】

[Zai Zai is not afraid at all, look at her, she even bent the iron spoon with her bare hands, and threatened others in turn! 】

[Cubs are mighty! 】

[In the video, Zai Zai's expression on breaking the iron spoon with his bare hands is so serious and fierce! 】

[The milk is fierce, the milk is fierce, a bit tiger! 】

【so cute! 】

[Zai Zai is mighty, Zai Zai is the best! 】

Under a series of publicity by the state, Little Taotie has become a role model, a little hero!

Under the propaganda of some overseas countries, Little Taotie has become a Hercules, a little angel, a lucky star...

Little Taotie has also stepped into the domestic first-line throne!
(End of this chapter)

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