Chapter 1017 A Salted Fish Clothes
Cheng Guodong spent a lot of money to buy the quarter hour of the education channel, but now the quarter hour of the education channel has become half an hour a day, and the country invites small gluttons, and the education channel strongly supports it.

Cheng Guodong laughed lightly: "It's saving money."

Xiao Taotie waved his small fist more vigorously, "ha", and explained carefully to the camera how to deal with bad guys.

Little Taotie feels that he has great strength, but Little Jinzi and Little Lingzhi are not strong enough, so he needs to teach him how to defeat villains even with little strength, and how to use skillful energy.

Little Taotie takes all kinds of martial arts classes seriously, among which Sanda class is her favorite.

After class, she found Xiao Jinzi and Xiao Lingzhi, forced them to study, and then let them enter the education channel for half an hour, explaining to the audience, how to deal with the small and fat people with weak strength Where are the bad guys?
Xiao Jinzi was very depressed: "I came to China to play! Why did I become a coolie!"

Still have no money!
Little Jinzi is so sad!

Little Taotie patted Little Jinzi's head: "If you want to develop in Huaguo, you must understand the principle of gifts."

"The reason for the gift?" Xiao Jinzi looked bewildered.

Xiao Taotie asked: "Some things that have never been eaten are a bit expensive. Do you think there is a tasting area, or are there small packages of free gifts?"

Xiao Jinzi loves to eat, so he understands it very well, and nodded: "Yes, there are free samples! I like free samples the most!"

Little Taotie followed the temptation: "After the free trial, if you think it's delicious, will you buy it? At this time, the price is a little higher, and you think it's worth it!"

Xiao Jinzi nodded immediately: "Yes, I will definitely buy the delicious ones! There are too few samples to try, so I must not buy too much!"

Xiao Taotie spread his hands: "That's the reason. You just came to Huaguo, and no one knew you. Why did you invite you to shoot TV, participate in variety shows, and shoot commercials? You always have to show your face for free, so that everyone can see you and think you Well, others will come to cooperate with you!"

Xiao Jinzi nodded in a daze: " seems to be the truth."

Little Lingzhi on the side covered her mouth and snickered, and quietly raised her thumbs up to Little Taotie.

Little Taotie has a way of fooling people!


Compared with the previous perfunctory labor, free labor is now working very hard.

Xiao Jinzi believes that she must perform better so that more people will seek her cooperation and give her the opportunity to make money!
In fact, Xiao Taotie did not completely fool her, just as Xiao Taotie said, after Xiao Jinzi showed her face on the education channel, everyone was very interested in this chubby foreign girl. The funny scenes were also edited and appeared on the D sound.

[Hahaha, Little Jinzi is so cute! 】

[I'm dying of laughter, the red koi suit she was wearing, I also had one before, it's obviously a salted fish suit! 】

[Did you buy salted fish and dye it red?LOL! 】

[It's fun, she sings with tone deafness!Her eldest sister sings so well, she didn't inherit the musical ability! 】

[I heard that her eldest sister is like her mother, and she is like her father, with tone deafness! 】

[It's so miserable, so I can only keep going the funny route! 】

An advertiser found Xiao Jinzi, and Xiao Jinzi was very happy, but when he saw the products that the advertiser brought out, Xiao Jinzi froze.

One piece - salted fish suit!

It's the real salted fish suit, not the red version!
Xiao Jinzi took it with trembling hands, and asked, "Is this a gray koi?"

The advertiser smiled politely: "It's salted fish."

(End of this chapter)

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